Dazzling lights flashed, and Ryuji flew down from the sky. In this new world, freedom and ease were available.

"Is this it?"

Looking at the vast sea beneath his feet, Ryuji felt a sense of joyful anticipation.

There is blue sea everywhere. This is not the world of pirates, is it?

Then Ryuji glanced at the empty body and felt a little overwhelmed: "Oh, what a pity, you can't open the border gate at will and bring the person you like!"

But he quickly recovered his mood, took control of his body, and soon slid towards the sea level.

Suddenly there was an uncomfortable feeling, and Ryuji suddenly felt that his body was gradually enveloped by a strange force.

Then, Ryuji's eyes suddenly flashed out, and new powers resonated with his Chakra power system, creating a symbiotic state.

The discomfort of receiving new powers soon faded away, after all, Ryuji's powers wouldn't be affected by the situation for a long time.


Ryuji attempts to use Chakra to change the power, then exits, finding a circle of Ripple 790 on his body, with the power being split into several forms.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this world, it's the world of pirates! Now Ryuji can finally be sure, because the new power system he just acquired was inspired by his original massive chakra, which directly awakened the Overlord and possessed the ocean The most cutting-edge power in the world - the awakening of the world of thieves.

"Okay! The power system in the game I built seems to have been activated and awakened by what I brought to the world." Ryuji is very satisfied with this.

After all, it took so many years to practice crazy results in the Hokage world and finally save enough characters. Now, after putting it on again, there is no need to start from scratch, which is very good news for him.

"Hello?" At this time, Ryuji had just woken up and saw that Domination had already played a strong role. He found someone appearing on the sea.

A huge creature lurked in the sea, and Ryuji fully felt all the life on it. He was sure it was a ship, a coated ship.

It is believed that the ship on the sea rises slowly from the sea, and if its rising position reaches sea level, it will be under Ryuji.

Have you noticed? Ryuji thought to himself, then looked up at the vast sea. Between the sea and the sky, he stood alone in the void and suddenly couldn't help laughing. If all of this goes undiscovered, then those on the ship below will have to choose their feet.


A huge warship rushed out of the sea with the crashing sound of the waves, swaying gently on the sea. After the boat surfaced, the coating on the boat spread.

A huge pirate flag hung on the huge mast of the ship, and dozens of fierce sailors and soldiers with various weapons shamelessly cheered Ryuji.

"Pirate Thief" Ryuji became interested and carefully recognized the flag. The memory of the world of sea thieves flashed in his mind.

But before he could take a closer look, the sailor below had already shouted arrogantly: "Who is over there?" I wonder if this is your captain Ryuji's waterway? When it floats in the sky, will it look down at us? ?

Captain Ryuji? Ryuji suddenly remembered that idiot who dared to attack Fujitora. During the Sengoku period, the three major marines of Tsuru were fighting at the same time. He couldn't help but say that he was stupid!

It seems that not only is he an idiot, but his men are also idiots. Ryuji smiled and gestured with his hands, and the two Chakra vortexes were spinning. This group of people saw that they could fly in the sky. No matter how blindly they guessed that their power was extraordinary, right? They thought they came out to use it. Ryuji's name scares yourself?

Well! Ryuji shot contemptuously, only to use chakra to surprisingly solid attack, the terrible pressure (bdae) from the heights into the sea and the thief's boat went down.

"Ah! Stop!" said the thief who finally yelled at Ryuji: "Do you know who Captain Ryuji is?"

Of course not Ryuji, even if his old Kaido comes, Ryuji is not afraid of him, even Ryuji wants to see if Kaldo is really immortal!


With the continuous explosion, the Chakra swooped down towards the ship. As soon as the very hard hull hit the Ryuji Chakra, it fell into pieces and violently broke apart at sea.

Scene after scene, the sea rose into the sky, and in just a moment, the Dominion directly destroyed ten naval battle-level pirate ships.

Huh? Ryuji suddenly saw with his eyes countless people thrown out of the bombed sea pirate ship, one of them was holding a box in his hand, and he was holding a more special person in his hand.


Ryuji urged the man, turned into a phantom, swam back and forth in the rolling waves, and flew to the man's side in a while.

"You!" The man was surprised, holding the box in one hand and pointing a knife at Ryuji in the other.

Hmm! Ryuji hummed coldly, and a circle of dark gray ripples suddenly spread out, covering the entire sea area in an instant.

It turned out that the pirate who was still struggling looked at the saliva bubbles one after another. His eyes were so white that he fainted and fell into the sea, unconscious.

After Ryuji fainted the man, he reached out and pulled the box aside, and fell down.

"Well, it seems that my overlord is still very powerful!" Ryuji opened the box with his hand while putting gold on his face.

There is a fruit carved with countless strange lines quietly placed in the box.

Ryuji's eyes were shining, but he took a deep breath and closed the box gently. I can't believe I got the devil fruit so easily!

But now we can't eat it casually. We have to look at what this fruit is. We can eat it casually but not drop it.

Then Ryuji picked up a person from the water and hit him more than ten times in a row before the person finally woke up.

"Where are you going?" Ryuji asked.

The man looked at the man, he was scarier than Captain Ryuji and did not resist at all. "We have to meet at the judicial gate, and we are ordered to stop the red hair from going to the Marine headquarters," the man said immediately: "We have to meet at the judicial gate, and we are ordered to stop the red hair from going to the Marine headquarters." "Marine headquarters? Ryuji frowned, crossing the age of the pirate? The redhead is going to Marine headquarters, no. Top?

"Yes, yes!" The nameless pirate could not withstand Ryuji's strong pressure, and his mouth began to bubble: "The Ace of Huoquan was arrested by Blackbeard, imprisoned in Impez Prison, and will soon be escorted to Malinfando for execution. Death penalty. Whitebeard was destined to rescue people, and Captain Quito ordered the three disasters to go to the gate of justice to intercept possible red-haired support operations.

Before Top War?.

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