"Well, that's up to you!" Ryuji stood up and walked out. I'm going to walk around and see if anyone can join me.

Xia Qi walked further and further away, looked at Ryuji and said: "He is so interesting!"

Riley's eyes changed from serious to dignified: "This man is very capable. He is not afraid of pirates or dragons. Such people are often prone to big disasters. I feel very uneasy!"

Ryuji walked leisurely and slowly on the street. He didn't know that his image in Riley's heart had become troublesome. He was still walking leisurely, hoping that he could encounter a powerful force like the protagonist in the novel, and that he could enter the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" through a little action.

Unfortunately, Ryuji's luck in this world apparently isn't very good. As he walked along the street, many people pointed at him and avoided him for fear of getting out of his way.

Huh? Ryuji didn't go far enough to feel the difference around him: "Do they recognize the fuss I made about Malindo? So you don't dare to come near me?"

"Almost!" A voice sounded behind you: "For people like you who shine in Marine headquarters and then leave their bodies, their backgrounds are mysterious and they are always easy to be suspected."

Ryuji looked back at the middle-aged man behind him who loved you, and asked: "General Yellow Man?" What can I do for you?

Kizaru shrugged: "You are always so low-key, and I work hard too!" Dragon Man ordered ~ I'll catch you!

Ryuji smiled and said, "Are you confident you can catch me? Me! Kizaru put his hand in his pocket -, by God it's in his pocket."

"If your afterlife is so horrific, whether it's the Marshal or Garp's predecessor, how can I catch you?"

Ryuji glanced at the empty block behind the love-you ape and didn't bring a single soldier. You didn’t bring your people here, do you want to let go and fight me?”

Kizaru's expression was rarely serious: "You eliminated the CPO force, sunk three sky ships, and destroyed the palace on the Shampoo Islands. Such crimes have stained the sky." This is a mandatory order, and you must be brought to justice. By law.

We are also helpless! If I can't catch you, Marine won't be able to raise his head in front of the people of Heaven.

Ryuji believes that what he has done recently is really "really bad" and that most of what he has done is directed at the people of Heaven. No wonder he sent Kizaru to catch him.

"Before I do this, I want to ask you something."

Ryuji suddenly whispered to Kizaru in a mysterious voice.

"What's wrong?"

Ryuji glanced left and right to make sure there was no one, then deliberately lowered his voice and asked: "What is the blank history?"

With only these words, at the top of the war, facing Whitebeard, he was indifferent to the apes who love you, and his face suddenly turned white.

Ryuji smiled inwardly when he saw the change in the Kizaru. It seems like everyone is trying to hide those hundred years of blank history, huh?"

You said they really want to kill me, I'm sure I will resist, don't you think? What is the most effective resistance?

Now, Kizaru's appearance finally changed completely: "Young man, what do you want to do?"

Ryuji is as gentle as jade, with a sweet smile: "I want to dig out the truth of history and make it public." This is the heaviest blow to the face, isn't it?

Revenge is not about killing each other, but about making the other person's life worse than death. Are you right?

"You're terrible!"

Kizaru shrugged, took his hands out of his pockets, and began to glow. It turns out I wanted to do a few moves with you, so I went back to work, but now I can't let you go. "

Ah, ah! Ryuji looked up and smiled, and the harder he laughed, he said, "Do you know what will happen if you fight me in this place?"

"It could destroy the whole island!" the ape who loves you estimates.

"No, maybe! But definitely!" Ryuji stopped laughing and said in a stern voice: "Even so, do you want to duel me here?"

"Command in Hand" Kizaru's entire body turned into a ball of golden light, rustling, and moving behind the ruler.

"To hell with Special Justice!" Ryuji roared, fully armed and domineering, with a clenched fist in his left hand, knocking him down behind the "buzzing" of golden light.


The golden light of the apes reunited and rushed into the sky. In mid-air, a huge round mirror shone, and countless golden lights shot out from the mirror.

"Eight on hand!"

Ryuji is a loose body and mind, surrounding the body imperiously, while feeling the surrounding air flowing in a gentle direction. In front of the golden light, Ryuji sways from side to side, with a gentle posture, accompanied by every gentle swing, success Earth avoided every attack of golden light!

"Bang!" Countless golden rays bombarded the earth, and countless smoke and dust were blown into the sky.

"Yo! I've learned the six forms!" As soon as Kizaru attacked, he knew it didn't hit Ryuji, because Ryuji's "Six Paper Paintings" Kizaru was very familiar with it.

The "Sword of the Clouds" opened its hands, and the golden light of the "Love You Ape" showed its true face, holding a golden sword in its hand.

Well! Ryuji, who jumped down from the smoke, turned around and closed his hands tightly. Countless whirlwinds gathered together, and the huge pressure shrunk sharply between his hands. The ape who loves you can even feel the dominance of the whirlwinds.


"Turtle shock wave!" Ryuji roared, struggling with his hands. A terrifying white shock wave suddenly blasted out between his two hands, and the arrogant pressure directly tore the air.


Before the ape who loves you could react, the white shock wave pierced directly through his body. The powerful force directly dispersed his real body, and even the form of light collapsed in all directions.

Under Ryuji's fierce blow, the ape who loved you was beaten to pieces.

"Wow!" Ryuji gasped uncontrollably and was suddenly punched. Combining Roluchi's "Six Styles Six King Spear" and Garp's Domineering Siege is the most powerful offense Domination has developed since entering the world.

I just can't think of a few good candidates at the moment, so I can only make fun of these seven beads for the time being.

The waves hit, and the hurricane surrounding it spread out with Ryuji as the center. Buildings, plants and surface materials within 200 meters were directly knocked down and blown away by the strong wind. The power of this strike can be seen in Madara.

"Wow! Luckily, this is a battle in the air. If you crawled to the ground, I wonder if you would have breached the island." Ryuji glanced sadly and looked around at what he had done A messy environment.

"Buzzing about!".

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