He faced the doubt calmly, hugged the leopard, and slowly walked out of the water: "What crisis?"

"The Fishman Island in the book has formed an alliance with humans, and the fishmen of the future will go out to sea in a boat, Noah."

Ryuji calmly stretched out two fingers: "In the face of a big crisis, neither of these two big things will reach the ground, ally with humans, and live freely on the ground."

Jiping's color changed: "Princess Yi Ji's last wish was handed down from a signed book. It is not unknown to the locals. Where did you hear it?" ~ What crisis do they have?

Ryuji stretched out his hand, pointed at the leopard in his hand and said, "You don't know, do you?" He joined Hody Jones' men and collaborated with some members of "Fish Street" to plan a coup to capture Nip The occupation of Dragon Palace by King Don. Then burn the signed book, destroy Noah, and completely cut off the chance of a peaceful alliance between fish and humans.

In a few words, the turbulent waves are shaking that very flat heart crazily. If Ryuji does not frame Leopard Skin, if these plots are implemented, The Fish Men Island will suffer immeasurable losses and even lose the opportunity to form an alliance with humans on the ground.

It is very likely that from then on, for fish people, shining under the real sun will be a luxury.

If you choose to become the enemy of mankind, you will be in an immortal situation once exposed to the water.

"It's terrible. People love each other and help each other. They all want a better tomorrow."

He said in a very calm tone as gently as possible: "As you said, this kind of pervert behavior is impossible for a fish-man to appear."

"I knew you didn't believe it!"

Ryuji clapped his hands and said, "So, after going through such a big crisis, after I helped you solve the crisis, you must become my partner?"

After all, it was almost a devastating disaster.

Looking at Ryuji with suspicion, "How can I trust you?" What evidence do you have that you didn't lie to me?

Ryuji laughs and says, "It's so easy!" If you wake him up and ask him to take you to Hody Jones, you'll discover that Hody Jones is secretly taking illegal drugs to force him to increase his physical strength. Those drugs were stolen from Dragon Palace.

"Stealing drugs to enhance his strength, I can understand his misunderstanding of promoting strength, but destroying Yudao [then must be too much of a joke?"] Wenping still won't believe in the rule.

Impossible, Ryuji had to sacrifice the murderer: "Ten years ago, the murderer of Princess Yiji was not a pirate. The murderer behind the scenes was actually Hody Jones, who did have witnesses at the time."

"What?" What was very plain was how shocked he was by the death of Princess Yi Ji. The thief dragged the fish to the land. Now it sounds like it was the poisonous hand of a fishman himself. How ridiculous would that be? ?!?

"The witness at the time was, be careful!" Ryuji was about to tell the witness who the witness was, but his eyes suddenly saw the leopard suddenly hiding in his hand, he raised his hand, picked up a knife, and stabbed of his very flat throat.

"Fish Karate"

When the sword light was about to stab, the palms of both hands were round and flat, and the blade and the leopard skin were very flat. The thrust immediately deviated from the direction, and there was no stab and it was very flat.

"Drink!" After Jiping, in order to avoid a fatal blow, Jiping's hands were dangling on his shoulders. The leopard threw the whole person out, and then the spiral stream rushed out of a water column, and suddenly a burst of water burst out. A powerful impact directly hit the leopard in the air!

…Please give me flowers…

"Shh!" The leopard hid a mouthful of blood in the air, and then the countless small wounds on its body were also filled with blood, flattening the heavy blow and making the entire leopard's body invisible.

Well! After watching Baozang faint again, he gently fell to the far shore and snorted a few times coldly.

Ryuji's heart skipped a beat, then calmed down and said, "Why did he want to kill you?"

"If this is the case, once the old man intervenes, he can immediately dismantle their conspiracy. From then on, there will no longer be a place for them on Fish Island." It was a very dull performance. I didn't expect that Leopard Zang would attack me. At this time, I have more or less trust in Ryuji.

"It's no use." Ryuji shook his head, shaking his head. They have been catching pirates on Fish Island for many years. When the time is right, they will launch an attack and occupy the entire Fish Island. You can't always be wary of them. "

A few years later, Hody Jones led 100,000 sea pirates in the square to mutiny, and Ryuji caught the historical trend in his personal speculation.

Hearing very plain surprise and anger, I didn't expect Hody Jones to be crazy to this point. If Ryuji's words are true, then the consequences of Yuman Island are unimaginable. The light will hurt a lot of energy, and the heavy will be... ?Not even the future.

"That's outrageous!" He was very angry, pacing back and forth, thinking about what to do next.

"Actually, there is a more pressing matter." At this time, Ryuji threw out another thing that might make him even more worried.

"What is this?" Wei Ping asked.

"Whitebeard died at the Marine headquarters. The island he sheltered will lose his umbrella, and then they will encounter a bloody change of rulers." Ryuji said slowly: "I believe that in the near future, Yuman Island will also face the same problem." .

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