Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 58 The Son Of Death (Third Update)

Holy place, Mariejois...

A large number of people began to be busy rebuilding the Holy Land.

In the depths of the Holy Land that had not been affected, the Five Elders, who held the highest authority in the world, looked at the information delivered by CP on the table, with a gloomy face and remained silent.

After a long time.

The old star with a crooked beard and a strange stick in his hand raised the wooden crutch in his hand fiercely! He poked hard at the information on the table.

The place where the tip of the stick touched was a young figure wearing a golden crow mask!


The next day.

Many large newspapers, including the News of the World, all published a piece of news that shocked the world!

The holy land Mariejois suffered unprecedented damage! And the initiator of all this is a newly formed pirate group called the Golden Crow Pirates!

‘The captain of the pirate group is named Ryuji! The prince of the evil army Germa 66! It is also the son of death that resounds throughout North Blue! He has caused countless killings in North Blue! It is an extremely cruel and cruel existence! And his performance is worthy of the name of ‘death’! After breaking up with Germa for some reasons, in just a few months, slave riots in Sabaody were launched one after another! Now, a group of lawless pirates, the Golden Crow Pirates, have been formed to deliver a fatal blow to the aloof World Government! ! According to estimates, almost the entire living area of ​​Mariejois, the holy land, was destroyed in the hands of this son of death! ’

Like any world.

The media industry is full of ethics and no limits! In order to gain people's attention and attention, even if the newspaper knew very little about Ryuji's background and life experience, it did not prevent them from pouring hearsay descriptions and some embellished ideas on Ryuji!

According to reports by newspapers, Ryuji is a vicious existence who takes pleasure in spreading death! Some tabloids even described Ryuji as an evil spirit who had killed millions of people! Now even gods are inevitably killed by Ryuji.

Moreover, they also created this image with a nose and eyes, and some guys with great imagination even made up a series of life experiences for Ryuji that even Ryuji himself did not know. Combined with the photo of Ryuji's weird golden crow mask, it was enough The character that brings a deep shadow to anyone was born like this!

Suddenly, the whole world was discussing the 'story' of the Son of Death! And as people spread word of mouth, Ryuji's image becomes more twisted and terrifying! In the end it just became a pure horror story! The kind that makes everyone who hears it tremble.

At the same time, the world government also took corresponding actions!

Perhaps it was Ryuji's miraculous survival that made the World government realize something was wrong.

Or maybe Ryuji destroyed Mariejois too completely.

But no matter what the reason is, the World Government is really angry this time!

‘Child of Death·Ryuji

Identity: Prince Germa 66 of the Original Evil Army, Captain of the Cash Crow Pirates!

Bounty: 350 million Berry!

Note: This person is extremely vicious and likes death! Wanted for Level 1 Threat! ’

With the release of an unprecedented arrest warrant.

There is also a recovery order from Naval Headquarters!

Different from ordinary bounties, the recovery order will issue specific tasks about the recovery object! Naval Headquarters will directly assign Marine to go specifically to recover it. Rather than a normal accidental collision.

Moreover, in order to save the face of the World Government, Naval Headquarters even listed the Golden Crow Pirates and Ryuji as the highest priority criminals! The Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral personally led the warships to eliminate them!

Equally crazy is another profession that emerged on the sea along with the rise of the great pirate era - bounty hunter!

No matter how horrifying Ryuji's story is, in the eyes of these bounty hunters who lick blood on the tip of their knives, Ryuji is just a chicken who committed a major crime and was put on a high bounty by the World Government! This kind of broiler usually gets such a high bounty just because its actions offend the World government, but its real strength is extremely low. It is the ideal hunting target for all bounty hunters on the Grand Line!

Broiler head worth 350 million Berry!

No one can turn a blind eye to this! !


PS: Ask for everything.

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