Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 64 Just Started (Second Update)

Finally, Ryuji got the food he wanted in Xiangguo Town.

It’s not much, but it’s enough so that the Golden Crow Pirates don’t have to worry about food for the next half month.

Of course, these foods were not bought. In other words, the food merchants in Xiangguo Town had already fled the moment they learned that Marine was defeated by the pirates. From that moment on, the food became ownerless, even if Ryuji I want to give money, but I can't find anyone.

In addition to the main food, Ryuji also foraged a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

After all, this is Xiangguo Town, and the crew's diet also needs to be supplemented with diverse elements, otherwise they will easily get scurvy.

No one dared to stop the Golden Crow Pirates from looting.

The bodies of the Marines that had not yet drained completely shocked the residents of Xiangguo Town! Let them understand that the person standing in front of them is a terrifying pirate who kills without blinking an eye! Naturally, there will be no blind people who dare to jump out and hit the stone with an egg.


He glanced at the hiding residents in the small town behind him.

Ryuji sneered, waved his hand, and left the town with the Golden Crow Pirates...

For a long time in the future, they will not have any interaction with Xiangguo Town.

Of course, for the Golden Crow Pirates, the impact of everything Xiangguo Town has experienced has just begun...


The next day.

The Marine soldier who luckily escaped with his life reported everything that happened in Xiangguo Town to Naval Headquarters in detail.

When he heard that out of thousands of Marines, less than fifty survived, and even the commander of the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral died in the hands of the opponent, Marine Marshal Sengoku's expression suddenly turned ugly.

He originally thought that the Golden Crow Pirates were just fledgling calves who didn’t know the heights of the sky, but he never expected that this pirate group was also so evil! He would actually kill so many Marines.

You know, as a rule, very few pirates will kill Marine! Even if they are stronger than Marine, in order to avoid being noticed by Naval Headquarters, most of them will choose to defeat Marine. Even if there are some fierce people who don't care about this, they have never slaughtered and defeated them after the battle. The precedent of the Marine soldiers who escaped.

But the Golden Crow Pirates did this...

More than just done! Also killed a Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters! Thousands of Marine soldiers! !

"We must not let them go!"

The hands holding the information clenched suddenly.

Sengoku said silently in his heart.


Soon, a news report once again appeared on the pages of major media around the world!

The news headlines above are written in horror, about the atrocities committed by the Golden Crow Pirates!

This news was obviously carefully framed, and the words completely slandered the Golden Crow Pirates as a group of lawless and cruel thugs, but it did not mention anything about what the members of the Golden Crow Pirates had suffered! Completely portraying Marine as a brilliant and righteous image.

The world's fishing boats are fascinated by it, especially with the increased bounty amount in the bounty order and Ryuji's weird beak mask! Almost everyone believed Marine's words and regarded the Golden Crow Pirates as a group of demonic existences!

‘Child of Death’ Ryuji!

Identity: Captain of the Golden Crow Pirates [Picture]

Bounty: 400 million Berry!

‘Quick Kill’ Daz Bonis

Identity: Leader of the Golden Crow Pirates [Picture], [Picture]

Bounty: 100.5 million Berry!

Gilder ‘Gold’ Tezzolo

Identity: Accountant of the Golden Crow Pirates

Bounty: 130 million Berry!

And ‘Flocsman’ Aladdin! 【picture】

Bounty: 91 million Berry! !

Note: The above prisoners are extremely scary! It is not recommended to face it alone.

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