Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 71: Massacre, Establishing The Battle Of The Top Pirate Groups!

Having truly mastered Observation Haki and Armament Haki, Ryuji's strength has improved to an extremely terrifying level.

With fighting talent.

Even facing Marine Six Styles, Ryuji has the means to compete.

After seeing Ryuji's strength, the two Marine Vice Admirals immediately distanced themselves, used Moonwalk to move to the air, and tried to attack from the air. However, they soon discovered that Ryuji threw a series of blazing white boomerangs. At this time, even in the air, it seems that it is not so safe.

Especially, the speed of this boomerang is getting faster and faster.

Not only that, the rotation range of this boomerang is getting smaller and smaller, and it is even possible to judge their avoidance route.

Then, when the boomerangs fell on themselves one by one and the terrifying explosions were heard, the two Marine Vice Admirals already had the idea of ​​​​escape.

Run away, run away, call in more troops, they have already driven away the ships.

However, when they wanted to escape, they found that it was too late.

The densely packed Holy Light Flame Slash has blocked all their escape routes.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A fierce explosion sounded, and the two Marine Vice Admirals fell from the sky at the same time, and Ryuji seized this last opportunity and stretched out his hands.

Breaking the flames to kill!


The terrifying holy fire, accompanied by Ryuji's full attack, blasted into the bodies of the two Marine Vice Admirals.

Instantly, their bodies began to burn.

Ryuji took a long breath and faced three Marine Vice Admirals in one breath. Even he felt tired and his Haki was almost exhausted.

If it still cannot be resolved quickly, we will have to rely on the Holy Fire's powerful vitality to fight a protracted battle. However, if that is the case, the loss to the pirate group will be extremely huge.

Fortunately, a quick fix!

With the death of the two Marine Vice Admirals, everything ended.

The holy fire burns.

The recovery of physical strength was okay, but Haki's recovery was not so easy. Several Marines rushed up and were instantly killed by Ryuji. They were bathed in the holy fire and fought to the death.

The war is still going on.

However, without the three Marine Vice Admirals to block him, Ryuji was like a tiger out of the cage, without any checks and balances.

The battlefield began to turn into a one-sided massacre, and Boa Hancock also began to participate in the battle for the first time.

Coupled with the cadres of the Golden Crow Pirates such as Tezoro, Bonis, and Aladdin, even if the number of Marines was several times that of the Golden Crow Pirates, they were completely unable to resist at this moment, and countless Marines were slaughtered crazily. Killing, the situation that was originally deadlocked suddenly turned into a one-sided situation.

Marine wanted to escape, but under the leadership of Aladdin, the fishmen quickly landed on the battleship.

Although Marine, who had no intention of fighting, still retained a certain number of people, when the fishmen landed, they still had no ability to stop them, and instead fell into chaos.

Soldiers without a command are just a mob.

When Ryuji jumped aboard the Marine battleship, it was all over.

Marine was simply unable to resist. They could not withstand the horrific killings of the Golden Crow Pirates' officers and collapsed across the board.

"I surrender, I surrender~々!" A Marine Rear Admiral trembled all over and knelt in front of Ryuji with a thud. He had completely lost his fighting spirit, and there was only strong fear in the depths of his eyes.

Such a war was beyond his imagination.

Of the five thousand Marines, the death toll has exceeded more than four thousand, with less than five hundred remaining, and the others either disappeared or escaped.

At this time, the remaining Marines of less than 500 people had no idea of ​​fighting, put down their weapons, and surrendered.

"Don't let anyone go!"

The red-eyed Tezzoro roared, raised his hand, and turned into a spear to kill the Marine Rear Admiral.


Ryuji gently held down the spear with one hand, and then said calmly: "I accept your surrender!"

The Marine Rear Admiral was immediately ecstatic.

Then, I heard Ryuji say calmly: "Do you know what a certificate of surrender is?"

Having said this, Ryuji pointed at the Marine behind the Marine Rear Admiral: "Kill them all!"

Marine Rear Admiral's breathing became heavier. He looked at Ryuji nervously: "Please, please give us a chance. They can join you. Don't you want to grow stronger?"

Ryuji stretched out five fingers and said calmly: "Fifty people, only fifty of you can survive!"

It is simply impossible to digest 500 people in one go.

Now the entire Golden Crow Pirates only have about 500 people. The newly joined Marines have 500 people. Once they join, it will destroy the balance that should be there.

"々I count to three, if you still don't show anything, then all of you will die!" Then, Ryuji glanced at Tezoro, who had a ferocious smile on his face.

With a wave of one hand, countless golden spears were immediately aimed at the group of Marines in front of them and fired.

Slaughtering these opponents who had no intention of resisting was simply effortless for Tezoro who had swallowed the Golden Fruit.


Ryuji spoke calmly.

Marine Rear Admiral, who was kneeling on the ground, felt that his mind went blank. Could it be that he was about to start attacking his former robe?


Ryuji's voice came through again.

Marine Rear Admiral's mind went blank.


When someone's attack fell on him, Marine Rear Admiral woke up like an enlightenment. He understood that he had no way out (money).


The Marine Rear Admiral turned around and Finger Pistol pierced a Marine's throat.

Massacre, start the pool!

Tezzolo's face showed an extremely excited expression. Watching these Marines kill each other was more interesting than doing it himself.

"The fifty people who survived, collect them!" Ryuji turned and left.

The fifty people who survived will become the most cruel pirates in the future. They betrayed their beliefs and killed their own bosses. There is no way back.

These fifty people will also become the sharpest knives in their hands.

They, who were born in the Marine Corps, will train their pirates well. In the future, this will also be the most powerful foundation of power in their hands.

The Golden Crow Pirates' foundation is still not enough.

"Collect the loot and let's go!" Ryuji ordered Bowness and Aladdin. .

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