Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 0073 The Return Of Fisher Tiger!

【Host: Vinsmoke·Ryuji

Age: 9 years old

Physical level: Level 35

Skills: Germa Fighting (Shocking), Germa Swordsmanship (Great Perfection), War Science (Great Perfection~Full)...

Observation Haki (entry level 1200/5000), Armament Haki (entry level 1200/5000), Conqueror's Haki (entry level 1200/100000-)....

Self-created: Holy Fire Flame Slash (800/1000 for beginners), a one-range attack move that integrates the Holy Fire Haki.

Poji Flame Kill (800/1000 for entry) is a melee move that combines Holy Fire, Haki, and Secret Poji Fist.

Marine Six Styles: Finger Pistol (entry 300/1000) Moonwalk (entry 300/1000) Tempest Kick (entry 300/1000) Iron Body (entry 300/1000) Shave (entry 300/1000) Paper Arts (entry 300/1000) .

Physical Upgrade: Divine Life

Physical upper limit: level 50

Physical characteristics: Cleansing (immune to mental control, immune to curses, strong resistance to negative effects.), sacred element (reduced any damage taken by 30%, physical recovery speed increased by 300%, upper limit of physical strength increased by 300%, physical consumption halved), precognition (The range of perception is increased by 1000%, and the intensity of all perception skills is doubled.), Holy Fire (Effect ① can directly burn the opponent's vitality or soul's flame. The darker the opponent's soul, the longer the Holy Fire burns, and the damage will follow. Increased and cannot be extinguished by any artificial means. But it is ineffective for pure people. PS: Through this ability, even if the opponent is not killed, the opponent's knowledge and skills can be obtained by burning the fire.

Effect ②: Use on yourself or a pure person to restore 0.1% of your vitality per second. )】

Learning coins: 12580

Power value: 1860

Maximum power value: 5500

Damage value: 2000 (from Armament Haki, note: damage value and power value are not superimposed effects.)

Damage range: 4000/2000/yard]

Marine Six Styles is not that difficult to learn for Ryuji who has opened up his understanding. In just one morning, Ryuji has mastered Marine Six Styles to the introductory stage.

After the battle with Marine, Ryuji fought against pirates again and again, and occasionally against Marine. The Golden Crow Pirates became stronger again and again.

The number of people on the ship has not increased much, but even so, this is considered a top pirate group in the New World. After experiencing life and death battles again and again, killing one person seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes. The strength has been qualitatively improved.

Although Marine repeatedly suppressed the news, the news that the Golden Crow Pirates destroyed five thousand Marines still came out.

At this point, no one dares to underestimate the Golden Crow Pirates.

This is the top pirate group.

Even facing the pirate group under the New World Four Emperors, he has the power to fight.

No, however, for Ryuji, he still has a problem that he has to face.

That is, the problem of numbers.

The problem now is that there are not many people on board.

In this war, almost all of Marine's seventy-two warships were recruited by Ryuji. If they want to continue to grow and develop, they need a stable source of troops.

But it's a pity.

This is not an easy task. Ryuji does not want to recruit some good and bad pirates, which will only cause the combat effectiveness of his fleet to decline rapidly.

The best way is to free the slaves, or have a stable place to recruit soldiers.

Just like World government or Four Emperors.

Not to mention that the World Government can recruit troops from all over the world, the Four Emperors also have their own territory and can recruit troops. If there are losses in the war, they can recruit troops and recruit troops from all over.

Although the Four Emperors are called pirates by the World Government, if possible, Ryuji believes that the Four Emperors are a separatist force.

The Four Emperors have their own taxes and their own sources of troops.

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with pirates.

Fighting is not uncommon in the world of pirates.

In addition, there are also management issues. After fighting again and again, Ryuji clearly realizes that the Golden Crow Pirates now start to rush forward with a rush of blood when fighting, but as time goes by, , this enthusiasm will gradually subside.

I spent a whole morning alone to re-formulate the rules of the Golden Crow Pirates.

First of all, after having fifty Marines, Ryuji began to adopt formal training methods. Daily drills were essential, and the entire ship began to teach Haki and Marine Six Styles. Marine Six Styles and Haki served as a basis. The project has also been rapidly promoted. If you learn Haki, or master one of the Marine Six Styles, you can become a mini-boss.


The little boss commands ten people.

You can be promoted to a mid-level boss after you have achieved military exploits.

The mid-level leader commands hundreds of people.

Further up are senior cadres.

At present, in addition to Ryuji as the captain, Tezoro, Daz Bonis, Aladdin, Charles, Julius, and Pavalon have also been appointed as senior cadres respectively.

None of the senior officials took control of a warship and followed the Jormungandr.

The three sisters Boa and Hancock were placed in the reserve because they were still in their infancy and did not have the ability to fight.

As for Rayleigh.

Well, Ryuji has already guessed his identity. If possible, Ryuji wouldn't mind letting Rayleigh be the vice-captain. However, he also saw that Rayleigh's ambition was not here.

Simply, arrange a teaching position for Rayleigh to train new people.

In addition to these, Ryuji also arranged a role similar to a political commissar, mainly doing ideological work. The original intention of the establishment of the Golden Crow Pirates was to overthrow the slavery system! It is a revolution regardless of race or group of people!

We are fighters with lofty ideals, not pirates.

No matter what others call us, we should clearly understand ourselves.

Ryuji had to lament that his political lessons in his previous life were really useless. After successfully deceiving a large group of people, he ruled over ten islands while resting.

Fisher Tiger finally returned with many fish men from The fish men island.

In addition to Tiger, there are also Jinbei and the evil dragon!

After a simple welcome ceremony, Fisher Tiger came to Ryuji: "I know very well that you are not a simple guy, you have very terrible ambitions, and you are definitely not as righteous as you say. !But in this world, if there is anyone who has the most hope of changing all this, then apart from you, there is probably no one else!"

Ryuji took off his beak mask, took a sip of beer, and said: "The process is not important, the result is the most important, isn't it?"

Fisher Tiger said calmly: "You are right!"

"Seek peace through struggle and the village will be peaceful; seek peace through compromise and perish in peace!" Ryuji looked at Fisher Tiger: "Welcome back, Vice Captain Five!".

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