Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 79: Head-To-Head Confrontation! Bigmom Pirates!

After saying that, the brothers all prepared for battle. After all, this battle was not a trivial matter. The senior cadres were already prepared, but the little pirates below were frightened.

"Hey, when do you think those guys will arrive?"

"It's probably going to take a while."

"The other party is the Emperor of the Sea. How can we be rivals?"

"Idiot, what are you afraid of when the captain is here?"

The pirates below were whispering. Ryuji knew that they were very nervous about this battle and they probably hadn't realized it yet. But now, even if they haven't realized it, they still have to recognize the reality. After all, this is what war is like. You have to be prepared.

"For you, saving your lives is the most important thing." Ryuji walked up to them.

All the pirates looked at Liu "950" Ji, staring at their captain in surprise.

"Yes! Captain!"

"Captain!" A fishman scouting pirates quickly came to the center of the island. It seemed that he must have something important to say.

"What's going on? You're in a panic." Fisher Tiger asked.

The fishman calmed down for a while. After calming down for a long time, he swallowed and gasped, "Here we come, not far ahead, a huge fleet is speeding towards this direction!"

Everyone was surprised. They thought that a powerful enemy would attack, but they didn't expect that it would come so quickly.

"What to do? Captain." Gilder Tesoro said. This guy's bellicose personality made him extremely excited, but he was also a little nervous. After all, no one expected that the enemy fleet would come so quickly.

"It is impossible for BigMom to find our traces in a short period of time, and now that they have arrived so quickly, it means..." Ryuji said calmly, but she was not panicked at all.

"The dragon rebelled..." Fischer Tiger said coldly. He slowly lowered his head with a cold expression.

"Captain, the dragon incident was caused by me. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation." After a long time, Fisher Tiger slowly raised his head and walked to Ryuji.

Ryuji put his Golden Crow mask on his face and said nothing. "Get ready to fight."

And now, the BigMom Pirate Ship Crusade Team has approached the coast. Staring at such a huge battleship team in front of them, the soldiers below were so frightened that they could not speak.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the eldest son of the Charlotte family [Candy Minister] Perospero, your opponent."

"Brother Perospero, why don't you talk nonsense to them? Why don't you just kill them?" Mondor said from behind, always holding a book in his hand, and he looked like he must be an insidious person. .

"You are the captain, right?" Perospero looked at Ryuji. Ryuji did not speak. He turned his attention to another figure on the deck, which slowly appeared.

Fischer Tiger's eyes were focused, and he stared at the figure who gradually appeared, stunned.

This man is indeed a dragon.

"Hehehe, you didn't expect it!" The evil dragon shouted, glaring at Fisher Tiger below.

All the pirates were also surprised. Their eyes widened and they were speechless, followed by curses from below.

"I didn't expect this guy to actually rebel."

"Really, he betrayed the honor of the fish-men tribe!" The fish-men below began to whisper. And the evil dragon above listened to their cynicism and was finally indispensable!

"It's all because of you, because you cowards, you abandoned the belief of the fish people first, and now you put all the shit basins on my head?"

Fischer Tiger slowly walked forward: "Evil dragon! I didn't expect you to actually rebel. Have you forgotten our previous oath? The fish-men tribe has returned to its former glory."

Fischer Tiger shouted, but now the evil dragon couldn't listen to this at all.

"Shut up! What bullshit oath? How dare a coward like you with your elbows turned out have the nerve to mention the beliefs of the fishmen?"

Hearing the dragon's roar, Fisher Tiger was stunned. He frowned and glared at the dragon on the deck.

"You have given up on the glory of the fish people. The fish people are a noble race. They are not superior. You broke the rules. You should be punished because you took action for your own selfish desires. Now you are still talking about your faith without shame?"

The evil dragon laughed arrogantly. He didn't care about the consequences at all. "Ah hahaha! So what? It's because you are incompetent and can't lead the fishmen brothers, but I can because you followed a selfish captain." , this guy has never cared about your life or death!"

"Boss, boss! Look, it's that guy who killed Veint! If you want revenge, go to him. All of them have a share. Kill them all. That red idiot fishman Tiger down there, and Jinbei ! They are all accomplices!" I'm afraid that the evil dragon is going crazy now and will catch and bite anyone like a mad dog...

"Evil dragon, are you so stubborn? Have you forgotten our friendship?"

"Fuck your bullshit friendship, you betrayed me first, I will kill you all, and then I will lead the fish people to victory.

With incorrect outlook and inability to communicate, Fischer Tiger was now gnashing his teeth angrily and staring at the faces of the enemies around him. They were clearly snickering secretly, acting as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

In the Charlotte family, everyone who is not from other races is an alien!

"Now that you know the murderer, shouldn't you pay the price for the murder?"

"That's right. You should pay the price." The evil dragon clenched his hands and stood on the deck arrogantly, scorning all the brothers below.

Ryuji's face under the mask was always expressionless, standing there staring up at the guy's ugly face. But the deputy captain Fisher Tiger on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the fishmen brothers below were even more angry!

"Brothers, rush for me! Kill the traitors who betrayed the murlocs, kill the scum!" Fisher Tiger roared, first leading the brothers to jump into the shout, and then the murloc brothers below jumped in one after another. Into the sea.

Perospero sneered and ordered his brothers to fight.

But at this moment, the pirates roared, and the war was about to break out. The fuse and root of everything was the evil dragon, and Ryuji would not let him go. Fischer Tiger even less!.

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