Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 84 Bounty Changes, Upgraded Again

Ryuji was stunned, why had he just unlocked the current mission at this level?

"Host, this system is a learning system. Only when specific events are unlocked can the corresponding panel be unlocked. Host defeated the senior cadre and unlocked the mission panel and weapon panel."

[Task Panel:

(1): Killing a high-level pirate will reward you with 50 gold coins and 500 experience points.

(2): Kill ordinary cadres, reward 100 gold coins and 1000 experience points

(3): Killing a senior cadre will reward you with 300 gold coins and 1,500 experience points. 】

"The current task is available for selection. Whenever the current task is completed, the number will be +1, and the current task amount will be +1."

Ryuji was helpless. If he had been a little busier, he might have unlocked other functions. But isn’t the weapon panel already unlocked during the battle? Why do you know it’s only unlocked now?

[Current weapon panel: Thunder Knife LV1 (can be derived) "Two Seven Zero" 1500

Thunder Sword LV1 (can be derived) 1500

Great Sword of Destruction LV1 (can be derived) 2000

Anti-hit shield LV1 (can be derived) 1000]

Staring at the gaudy weapon panel in front of me, I almost understood that this panel allowed me to create my own weapons. With the current level, it seemed that these were the only types of weapons that could be created.

"What are these things?" Ryuji asked, he still didn't quite understand what the next thing was for.

"Host, you need to spend your current gold coins to build your own weapons, which can be used in battle, improve your level, and make more powerful weapons."

"What about derivation?"

"The weapon level can be improved and upgraded. There are many derivation routes for a weapon for the Host to choose from."

Only then did Ryuji understand that he could choose weapons. The Sword of Light was a skill type and a throwable weapon. It seemed that he could now have his own weapon.

But now I really should think carefully about where to spend my gold coins.

Ryuji slowly closed his eyes. He was feeling the breath around him, so he might as well practice properly now.

"Concentrate your energy and absorb twice as much."

"Thousand times absorption is turned on...gain 0.001 experience points, and currently gain 10 experience points."

"Gained 0.001 experience points, currently gained 10 experience points"

At this moment, Ryuji could clearly feel that the wound on his body was slowly absorbing the surrounding air, accelerating the healing of the wound. After using a thousand times of absorption, his wound could heal very quickly.

"It seems that this thing still has a lot of development value. It's a bit interesting. If you understand this system, you can live comfortably.

Ryuji took a slow breath.

"It's not the same thing to buy a weapon and just use skills all the time.

So, Ryuji directly spent 1,500 gold coins to buy a thunder knife.

[Current weapon panel: (already owned): Thunder Knife LV1]

Weapon name: Thunder Knife (can be derived)

Current level: 1

Attack level;50(50/90/110/190/210)

Hardness grade;30(10/30/50/70/90)

Speed ​​(100/150/200/300/500) can be exceeded

[Current characteristics: The damage caused to users with fruit abilities related to earth and stone will be doubled according to the weapon level. 】

【Accelerate your own speed and accelerate your evolution. Comes with thunder attribute attack and paralysis effect]

Derived types: 1: Thunder Knife·True Strike (required materials: beast skin*1 beast tooth*1 gold coin: 1500)

Grade 1

Hardness 30(30/50/70/90/95)



2: Zanpakutō (required materials: sea animal skin*2 gold coins: 1500)

Grade 1




Staring at the weapon panel in front of him, Ryuji almost understood the truth. This weapon requires materials to build, and the hardness, speed and damage are different. Some weapons sacrifice hardness to gain higher attack power, and vice versa for some weapons.

But now that I bought this weapon, it can be said that it is of no use at all in the early stage. It can't even kill pirates. It is inevitable to regret buying it. Sure enough, this thing is useless.

"Host, the weapon can be derived to a higher level, thereby obtaining a completely different panel from this data." The sound of the system always sounds mechanically. Ryuji no longer wanted to hear those random words. Anyway, the most important thing now is to recuperate, and now that my wound has almost healed, all that's left is to improve my strength.

You should still use your own gold coins to buy power points to improve your skill damage and combat strength.

After much thought, Ryuji decided that he should improve the strength of the Six Styles and the Sword of Light. What can be useful in battle is his close combat ability.

Half of the gold coins were spent to buy power points to increase the damage.

Prepared for everything

Self-created: Holy Fire Flame Slash (3500/5000), a long-range attack move that combines Holy Fire and Haki.

The Ultimate Flame Kill (2500/5000) is a melee move that combines holy fire and Haki [Secret Ultimate Fist].

Marine Six Styles: Finger Pistol (2500/5000) Step (2500/5000) Tempest Kick (2500/5000) Iron Body (2500/5000) Shave (2500/5000) Paper Arts (2500/5000).

Finally, at the end, Ryuji is ready for everything, and the only thing left is to lead the other pirates in training. Haki needs to use it by himself to slowly find the trick. The weapon does not have enough materials so far.

big big big

In the Holy Land Mariejois, Akainu received a call from the Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral and was furious after learning that Ryuji rejected Shichibukai's invitation.

"Damn it! This guy doesn't know how to show appreciation. If he doesn't drink a toast, he will be punished with a drink." Because this time has completely destroyed the original advantage of thinking on his own. Now Akainu is boiling. Since he is planning to break the pot, don't blame yourself. Show mercy.

"In this case, if the bounty is increased, more bounty hunters will definitely look for him. What now? Is there any news about him?"

Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, frowned and froze, "Not yet. After that battle, the Golden Crow Pirates seemed to have disappeared. There was no trace at all. I have sent out the Marine patrol, but they are all gone." It’s all in vain.”

"This guy did not agree to join the Shichibukai, which means that they are the most influential threat to us now. Now send out the army to find their whereabouts, be sure to find them, and kill them." Akainu Akainu was furious, wishing he could do it now Just tear up Ryuji, a guy who doesn't know how to appreciate others.

"I understand. If I find any information about them, I will notify Marine headquarters immediately."

"Okay, print a new wanted order immediately. This guy's ship is full of slaves, which will be very difficult. The slaves in Mariejois have rioted. The most effective way to suppress it now is to suppress the Golden Crow Pirates."

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