Great waterways.

The G-4 naval branch sits halfway between Sagueni and Vion, and the islands on both sides are prosperous, but still far away.

Probably, two islands arrived at the G-4 branch, which, according to normal conditions, required a two-hour voyage to reach the naval branch fortress.

Each branch fortress is guarded by a vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

And the G-4 naval branch, a vice admiral who guarded here, named Lonz.

He has the blood of the giant race, is tall and extremely powerful.

At this time, inside the fortress of the G-4 naval branch.

One by one, the navy is leisurely picking their feet on the playground, looking like they don’t care.

Under normal circumstances, the Navy is in training at such times.

But the navy in the fortress of the G-4 branch is very different.

They are lazy, do not need training, and no one blames them.

In the end, it was because Lieutenant General Lunz was too relaxed and did not manage them.

“What are you going to eat at noon?” It is said that we have a beautiful nurse here, after eating, go to get to know each other? ”

“That feeling is good, in this branch where birds don’t lay eggs, even a woman can’t see it, it’s just too uncomfortable.”

“No, but fortunately, we are peaceful here, there is no pirate attack.”

“Yes, I just saw that the G-4 branch was too comfortable, and I didn’t need to go out to perform tasks on weekdays, so I applied for a transfer here, which is really easy here.”


A group of navies are playing cards in a pile.

That’s right!

They have eased to the point where they can use their training time to play cards.

If there were no people from the Navy headquarters to patrol, they would repeat such leisurely days every day.

Lying down and taking the Berry given by the headquarters of the Navy is simply beautiful.

And Lieutenant General Longzi did not care about these people under him, but he was lazy and sleeping.

The huge G-4 branch did not even hear a single sound of training.

There was silence, the silence was outrageous.

“Come on, play the cards, you don’t mother-in-law.”

A navy man said with impatience on his face.

“I said, shall we go down with such a salted fish? Is it symbolic training? ”

A navy man asked a little suspiciously.

“To train, you go by yourself. Anyway, for so many years here, no pirates have come to attack, we just need to live happily. As for the so-called training, even if it is trained, what can it do. ”

“Trained, can you find the pirates to fight? No, it still has to be the same as we have been playing cards here in the branch. So ah, training, there is no point. ”

“Hurry up and play your cards, stop talking.”

A group of navies with a leisurely face.

The huge naval branch revealed a lazy atmosphere.

G-4 branch, known for laziness.

This is what many people know, here, also called, the concentration of lazy people.

The old fritters who don’t want to make progress want to enter here, in order to ensure a comfortable and easy job, and can also take Berry from the headquarters of the Navy for nothing, why not?

Of course.

In the G-4 branch, there are also many evil navies, and on weekdays, they are too bored, so they pretend to be some pirates and go to the nearby islands to grab some supplies.

This is something that many people know well.

It can be seen that the entire naval branch, in fact, did not do anything that the navy should do, except for the naval uniform they wore.

Even training is not trained.

On the contrary, under the banner of pirates, to plunder the materials is simply shameful.

But these things, as a lieutenant general, Longz also turned a blind eye, anyway, it does not concern him, and there is no need for him to deal with it.

What’s more, after these navies who went out to plunder materials come back, they will still give him a lot of wealth, which is enough to make him shut up and avoid talking about it.

“Let’s go, let’s go eat.”

A navy stretched and said slowly.

The sun rose to the center, and the sun shone down, and the G-4 branch still looked lifeless and completely lifeless.

There is also a bit of black miasma, gambling, talking about women’s exposure topics, and so on.

Like a ruffian on the side of the road, there is nothing they dare not say.

Anyway, there is no one here to govern their speech, and they are even more brazen.

“Let’s go, today’s harvest, I’m going to find a woman to play.”

“Do you have a treat?”

“I’m treating, you guys, you don’t even have a woman’s Berry, it’s just too sad.”

“My Berry, all won for you, you are kind to say.”


This is the moment.

In the sea next to the fortress of the G-4 naval branch.

On a raft, a young man gradually approached.

This person is none other than Li Ang!

After sailing from the Magic Triangle for less than half a day, Li Ang successfully found the nearest G-4 naval branch fortress to him.

For convenience, he targeted this branch fortress and advanced.


The goal is already at hand!

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