The two of them were very happy.

"Hello, Master. Nice to meet you." The little girl bowed, "I am the ship spirit of this ship."

Since the God Light Boat is closely connected with Limru's soul, the ship spirit naturally calls Limru the master.

Limru pointed to Nami and Nokigo who were still in shock next to him, "They are Nami and Nokigo. Nami will be our navigator, you two should get along well in the future!"

"Hello, please take care of me!" The little girl greeted happily.

Although she was just born, she already has intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans.

Nami widened her eyes and asked curiously, "Hello! Uh, what's your name?"

Nami had also heard the story of the ship elves, but she always thought that "ship elves" were just legends. She didn't expect that there would really be ship elves in the world.

The little girl lowered her head, "I don't have a name." The little girl showed a miserable expression, which made Limru's heart soften.

"It won't work without a name." Limru pondered for a moment, "This ship should also have a new name. It's too stiff to always call it Shenguangzhou Shenguangzhou. Do you have any suggestions?"

Nami suggested: "Little Thief Cat Cat, the ship elf will be called Cat Cat"

Noqi Gao said: "Coco Orange, Little Orange, this combination sounds good"

What the hell are these? Limru complained in his heart.

Got it! Limru hammered with both hands and thought of a good idea,"

"Goddess of Light, you will be called Xiaoguang from now on!" Limru officially named Xiaoguang.

"Thank you for the name, master. "

A bright smile immediately appeared on Xiaoguang's face, and his tone was full of joy:

"Nami, Nokigo, I have a name now, my name is Xiaoguang! Please call me Xiaoguang from now on."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaoguang's body suddenly burst into a dazzling light, dazzling and warm.

Seeing this, Nami couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah, Xiaoguang, why is your body glowing?"

Nokigo's face was also a little anxious, not understanding what happened to Xiaoguang, "Xiaoguang, are you okay? "

Limru felt his own magic being consumed, and had some guesses in his mind.

[Notice: Naming successful]

It was named? Limru frowned slightly, still a little puzzled.

The Great Sage noticed Limru's doubts and began to explain the reasons.

[Explanation: Because the Divine Light Boat is bound to the host's soul, you have the power to name her.]

Limru nodded to show his understanding.

He gently patted Nami and Nokigo's shoulders and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon of naming."

Normal phenomenon? Nami and Nokigo looked at each other. Although their worries were not completely eliminated, since Limru said so, they were a little relieved.

Ship elves, some strange phenomena are normal and understandable.

Although they were relieved in part, they still had a trace of worry on their faces.

"How long will she last in this state?"

"It should be over soon, let's wait a moment! ”

After comforting the two girls, Limru asked the Great Sage a new question.

“Great Sage, can I name the humans in the Pirate World?”

[Notice: Generally, only monsters can be named, and ordinary humans cannot be named]

[However, Nami and Nokiko have become your partners. Under the function of the system, a connection similar to ‘followers’ has been established between you in the soul]

[Therefore, you can try to name them, and you may succeed]

“Maybe? What is the success rate?”



“So low? Does that mean only one out of every two people can be named successfully?”

[No, it means that they can either be named or not]

“Uh, can I understand that you don’t know whether it will succeed or not. ”

[It is recommended to try to name it directly to get the answer]

[Notice: After completing the task, the system reward will be automatically sent to the system space, please go and check]

Don't change the subject!

Limru opened the system space, and there were indeed two items in the space: Life Return Skill Card × 2, Devil Fruit Weakness Elimination Card × 2.

Opened it again to check the task list.

[Summoning Task (2/50)]: Recruit partners

Task description: Recruit characters in the plot of "One Piece", including the protagonist and supporting roles.

Completion conditions: The other party agrees to become the host's companion.

Task reward: Life Return Skill Card × 1, Devil Fruit Weakness Elimination Card

Real Weakness Elimination Card × 1.


1. Successfully recruited characters cannot betray the host.

2. The recruited characters will receive system blessings, status blessings: cultivation speed increased tenfold, comprehension increased tenfold, favorability increased tenfold.

3. This task is incomplete, only female characters can be recruited, and the task can be completed up to 50 times.

Limru carefully read the detailed description of the task,

Cannot betray the host!

Provide status blessing again!

The host and the companion are indeed similar to "followers".

Other monsters become the followers of the namer after being named, and establish a soul connection.

Nami and Nokigo have established a soul connection first, and they have never been named, so it is indeed worth a try.

[It is recommended that you use the Life Return skill card]

"I have a predator, and life return should not be of much use to me! Nami and Nokigo should need them more!"

[Description: The named person may inherit some of the namer's abilities. 】

After hearing what the great sage said, Limru realized that the more skills he had, the better.

At this time, the light on Xiaoguang's body gradually dissipated.

Limru looked carefully and found that Xiaoguang still looked like a seven or eight-year-old girl, and there was no obvious change.

Magical weapon: Divine Light Boat (intermediate form)

Ship name: Goddess of Light

Ship spirit: Xiaoguang

Master: Limru

Upgrade conditions: Absorb enough world power

Skills: Flying, diving, automatic driving, light energy conversion, magic element conversion, energy storage, space compression, absolute defense, super speed, double stealth, light judgment, bombardment

Energy: 150/200,000

Flying and diving are as the name suggests.

Automatic driving: can automatically drive according to the master's command, consuming 10 basic energy points per hour

Light energy conversion: can convert light energy into basic energy

Magic element conversion: can convert magic element into basic energy

Energy storage: can store basic energy, with a maximum storage of 200,000

Space compression: compress the space of the hull

Absolute defense: evoke the light shield that wraps the hull. Before the energy is consumed, the light shield cannot be broken. It consumes 1,000 energy points per minute. If there is an overpowered attack, the energy consumption will increase.

Speed: evoke absolute defense, the ship flies at the speed of light, consuming 1,000 energy points per second

Double stealth: invisible to radar and naked eyes, consuming 20 basic energy points per hour

Judgment of light: consumes 10,000 energy points, and the main gun launches a devastating attack on the enemy

Bombardment: secondary gun attack, each gun consumes 1 energy point, and can penetrate boulders within 10 nautical miles. Conventional ammunition can also be used instead.

Xiaoguang explained to Limru that before she was named, she did not have the ability to convert magic elements, and the maximum energy storage was only 50,000.

Limuru nodded, as long as the strength is enhanced.

Limuru told Nami and Nokiko the reason for Xiaoguang's change, and also told them the benefits of naming.

After speaking, Limuru looked at them and asked seriously:

"I can also name you, do you want to be named?"

What nice names can you think of?

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