After hanging up the phone, Garp slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, "I hope that child will not fall into darkness and can take the right path!" After saying that, he shook his head in self-mockery and asked himself, "What is the right path? The navy?" Bogart stood quietly aside, expressionless. Garp came back to his senses from his contemplation, stood up, and took off the cloak that symbolized "justice". He walked out of the cabin and stepped onto the deck of the warship, letting the sea breeze gently brush his cheeks and blow away his white hair. He looked in the direction of the East China Sea and sighed,

"Luffy, you are almost 17 years old."

On the other end of the phone,

Partys Bar, Windmill Village.

"Village Chief, thank you for your help." Limru expressed his gratitude sincerely, "We will hand over the mouse to the Navy, and the matter will be resolved."

Limru turned to look at Nami and Nokigo, "Do you want to go together?"

Nami gently pulled the tight clothes on her body, and felt a little stuffy in her chest. This was the largest size of clothes Nokigo had. She shook her head,

"We won't go. We plan to go to the Kingdom of Goa and buy some new clothes."

"I'll lead you. The 150th Navy Branch is on the small island in the east, not far away." The village chief is a warm-hearted person.

The 150th Navy Branch is responsible for the affairs of the Kingdom of Goa. Its top leader, Commodore Kamon, was once Garp's subordinate.

Garp trusted him very much and assured Limru that he was a righteous navy.

Limru looked at the village chief's cane and shook his head.

"We appreciate your kindness. Just tell me the general direction. Don't bother you to go there in person."

The village chief is already old and has difficulty walking. It is not suitable for long distances.

Just then, Makino's gentle voice sounded. "I will lead the way for you!"

"Hmm?" Limru turned his head in surprise, his face full of confusion. Sister, it's only the afternoon now. Are you going to take care of the tavern business?

He had been dealing with the rats before, and hadn't communicated with Makino much. Why did he suddenly attack himself?

Could it be that the great sage drugged her too much!

[No, it just slightly increased her trust and favorability. 】

As if sensing my doubts, Makino started to explain:

"At this time until the sun sets, there are usually not many customers in the tavern, so it's okay to close it temporarily."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, sister!" Limru didn't want to think about it, anyway, the opportunity to be alone with Makino was not to be missed.

In fact, Makino's choice was normal. Limru's face and voice can easily give strangers a sense of closeness, and with the help of skills, Makino's initial goodwill and trust in Limru were not low.

When Limru talked to Garp, he did not deliberately avoid Makino. Although she did not interrupt, she listened to the story silently.

She knew the whole story, and because of Limru's heroic behavior of defeating the dragon and saving the village, her admiration and goodwill for him increased a little.

Although this goodwill did not sublimate to love, it was enough to make her curious about Limru and eager to get to know him more deeply.

So she took the initiative to speak and lead Limru.

The seaside.

Limru turned his head and smiled at Makino:

"Wait a moment, I'll go get the boat out."

The 150th Navy Branch is not far away, so the Goddess of Light is not needed.

Limru walked into the dock of the Goddess of Light, where a green boat was stored.

Name: Shenguangzhou No. 0

Skills: flying, diving, automatic driving, energy storage, body shape change

Durability: 500/500

Energy: 100/100 points

In terms of appearance, Shenguangzhou No. 0 is exactly the same as Shenguangzhou. When Limru first saw it, he even joked that the remains of Shenguangzhou were still there after the evolution.

In terms of function, Shenguangzhou No. 0 has lost the ability of photosynthesis and automatic evolution, and its energy storage is only 100 points at most, but it has added a skill of "body shape change", which can freely change its appearance within a certain range, and is flexible and changeable.

Limru changed the entire Shenguangzhou No. 0 to aqua blue and added a slime pattern. He nodded with satisfaction,

"Well, you will be my exclusive vehicle from now on."

It is worth mentioning that it only takes 10,000 basic energy points to generate a new ship. Limru decided to equip each crew member with one in the future.

Soon after

, Shenguangzhou No. 0 was slowly sailing on the rippling sea, with a slightly salty sea breeze gently caressing the hull and lifting Makino's hair.

Limru sat beside her, and his eyes fell on her involuntarily.

Her face was delicate, her skin was white like jade, revealing a natural luster, her nose was high and elegant, her lips were rosy and full, and the slightly upturned corners of her mouth revealed her gentleness and kindness.

Remuru's eyes showed appreciation. He stretched out his hand and gently pointed at Makino's skirt.

"Sister, your dress is so beautiful, especially the little white flowers on the skirt, which fits your elegant temperament very well."

"Thank you for the compliment, you look good too." Makino responded with a smile,

"I heard you say that you are a traveler. What interesting places have you been to?"

"My journey has just begun? I believe it will be an interesting journey." Remuru looked at Makino expectantly,

"Miss Makino, are you willing to travel with me?"

Remuru used the seducer to increase Makino's willingness to go to sea and guide Makino to agree to go to sea with him.

Unfortunately, it failed.

"Sorry, thank you for your invitation, but I still have a tavern to run." Although Makino was somewhat tempted for some reason, he still rejected Limru.

"I like to see my guests drinking my wine and smiling every day. What do you think of my wine?"

"It tastes very good, and the taste is very mellow." Limru praised sincerely, "Did you brew this?"

"Yes, brewing rum is my specialty." Makino said proudly, "But other types of wine are not so good."

Hearing this, Limru's heart moved, "I also know a little about brewing. In addition to the brewing method, the taste of the wine is also related to the type and origin of the raw materials.

Maybe you can try to walk around , taste all kinds of wine, so that you can brew better wine. "

He looked at Makino who was thinking, and continued: "What is your dream? For example, the world's number one brewer?"

Makino was amused by this idea, "The world's number one brewer? I only fantasized about it when I was a child, but I don't have this idea now."

Limru also smiled, "There is a famous saying in my hometown, you still have to have dreams, what if they come true?"

"That makes sense." Makino thought for a while, "Well, the first is too far away, I will work hard to become the world's top brewer!"

Limru was delighted, "Are you willing to join us?" He looked at Makino expectantly.

Makino was stunned, obviously didn't understand what Limru meant!

"You can't become a world-famous brewer if you stay in Windmill Village all the time." Limru explained, "Are you willing to go out to sea with us to pursue your dream?"

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