The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is full of clouds.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight penetrates the mist, like the golden paint carefully applied by the painter, decorating the sea with sparkling waves.

On this vast sea, a boat as light as a green leaf breaks through the waves, like an arrow cutting through the calm blue waves.

Limru on the bow has a deep gaze, looking at the sea calmly, as if exploring unknown treasures.

At this moment, the voice of the great sage suddenly sounded in Limru's mind.

[Information, a sunken ship was found on the seabed 3 kilometers ahead. 】

A glimmer of anticipation flashed in Limru's eyes: "Shipwreck? This is my first treasure hunt, it's worth a try."

With a thought, the Shenguangzhou sped towards the location of the shipwreck.

Arriving at the designated location, Limru took a deep breath, changed his body shape, turned into a ball of blue jelly, and jumped down.

Underwater, he flexibly controlled the water flow, like a flexible fish swimming in the water, and flew quickly towards the location of the shipwreck.

"Ropes, fishing rods, take them."

"Wow, there is a treasure chest here, so many jewels."

"Dead man, uh... excuse me!"

"This... this is..."

Limru swallowed all the useful items into his stomach like a devil entering a village.

After some exploration, Limru reaped a lot of rewards.

Not only did he harvest a large number of useful items and gold and silver treasures (about 10 million Baileys), but more importantly, he found a devil fruit.

The fruit is blue all over, the shape and size of a cantaloupe, with irregular ripples on it, quite mysterious.

"Great Sage, analyze the devil fruit. Remember, don't digest it."

[Understood, it will take some time to fully analyze it. ]

The voice of the Great Sage echoed in Limru's mind.

Satisfied with the rich harvest, Limru continued his sea journey.

"Wow! What a big fish, why do you have a cat face?"

[Analysis completed, get the skills of swimming and underwater breathing. ]

[Can simulate the form of sea beasts cat fish, increase the amount of magic. ]

[Development increased, get the skill-poisonous breath. ]

"Wow, you passed by me without saying hello to me?"

[Analysis completed...]

[Development increased...]

"Another shipwreck?"


Two days later in the evening.

When the arrow of the character search card overlapped with the point, a medium-sized sailing ship with a skull flag appeared in Limru's vision.

[Information, Nami detected! ]

"Finally found!" Limru showed an expectant expression on his face.

After this period of sea travel, Limru has long lost the novelty of the beginning.

Except for encountering a few large sea beasts, Limru kindly invited them to enter his stomach as guests, it was almost a monotonous voyage.

"Huh?" Limru detected the information on the ship, which seemed to be a bit lively.

A few minutes ago...

The stars were sparse at night.

An orange-haired girl, wearing a black headscarf and a capable sailor suit, was sneaking into the captain's room while the pirates had just finished a banquet, looking for hidden treasures.

She carefully opened the wooden box, and the glittering gold coins and jewelry came into view.

She quickly put the treasure into the package and prepared to evacuate.

However, just when she was about to succeed, the pirates discovered something unusual and rushed to the cabin.

"Catch her! Don't let her run away!" A pirate shouted.

Hearing the sound, she secretly cried out in her heart that something was wrong, and she picked up the treasure and ran to the side of the ship.

Unfortunately, the pirates had already surrounded her and cut off her way.

Other pirates found that the thief was the intern Nami who had joined for 2 and a half days.

"Nami, what are you doing?"

"Why do you do this?"

"Dare to betray us! You intern!"

Boom... Boom... Boom...

With a series of dull sounds, the pirates scattered on both sides, and a fat body was walking towards Nami.

She was eight feet tall and had a waist of eight feet. She was the captain of this pirate group.

The captain of the Big Eater Pirate Group, who was always eating, was nicknamed "Big Eater" and had a bounty of 8 million Baileys.

"Nami~" The Big Eater showed an angry expression on his face and roared at Nami,

"Why did you betray us!"

Juice overflowed.

Facing the pirates' questioning, Nami wiped the saliva from her face and said calmly:

"I am a thief who specializes in stealing pirates' treasures. I have never been your companion."

After a pause, Nami took a deep breath and thought about how to get out.


"A few days ago, I joined you just to make it easier to steal treasure. I never considered you as my companions, and there is no such thing as betrayal."

Before Nami started stealing, she had already put down a rowing boat in advance. As long as she found an opportunity, she could jump on the boat...

"Oh, so you didn't betray me!" The big glutton showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"Of course, can I leave now?"

"Go ahead."

The pirates on the side saw that their captain's idiocy had recurred, and hurriedly reminded him:

"Boss, she stole our treasure, we can't let her go!"

"She's lying to you!"

"You idiot! Idiot!" A little idiot whispered.


After being reminded by his brothers, the big glutton captain reacted, "Damn Nami! How dare you lie to me!"

While the big glutton said, he waved the big iron spoon in his hand and hit Nami.

"Wait a minute." Nami dodged the attack with a flash.

"I, I am a cadre of the Dragon Pirates. You can't attack me."

As she spoke, Nami lifted the sleeve of her left arm, revealing the tattoo of the Dragon Pirates.

Although Nami hated the pattern on her left shoulder, she had to admit that the identity of the Dragon Pirates had saved her several times.

When she was caught several times before, she relied on the identity of the Dragon Pirates to successfully escape.

"The Dragon Pirates? The most vicious pirate group in the East China Sea?"

"The Dragon is not easy to mess with! Let's let it go!"

"What are you afraid of? We are all our people here. As long as we unite and don't tell others, who will know?"

The pirates obviously had differences. Some pirates thought that it was better to have less trouble than more, while some pirates supported killing Nami.

"Quiet!" Captain Big Glutton was still angry that Nami had deceived her, so he decided to kill Nami.

"I am a big glutton, and sooner or later I will become the woman of the King of the East Sea. I am not afraid of a mere evil dragon!"

"Little ones~ Kill her for me!"

Hearing the captain's order, all the pirates no longer hesitated, and drew their weapons one by one, laughing and walking towards Nami.

"Nami, hand over the treasure, and we can leave you a whole body."

Looking at the group of pirates slowly approaching her, Nami's mind flashed the figures of Koko Ya Xicun and her sister.

"Am I going to die..."

Nami gritted her teeth and tightened the stick in her hand. She must not give up until the last moment.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky, blocked in front of Nami, and kicked a pirate away.

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, the pirates were shocked: "Who are you?"

Limuru ignored the pirates, turned his head and smiled at Nami, and asked with concern:

"Are you not injured?"

Nami looked at the man who suddenly appeared, and seemed to have not reacted yet.

Seeing this, Limuru turned around and faced the pirates, saying in a calm tone:

"Please give me some face, let's just forget about this!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience laughed.


"Little white face, your face is worth a few Baileys."

"Don't you see where this is? This is the 'Big Eater' Pirate Group"

"Our boss is a big pirate with a bounty of 8 million, and he can eat two buckets of rice in one meal!"

The pirates laughed while holding their stomachs, and some even knelt on the deck.

As expected, Limru's words made Captain Glutton laugh. "Haha, the handsome boy is quite funny. As long as you join the Big Glutton Pirates and become my man, I can consider letting Nami go."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you, a fat woman." Limru refused without hesitation.

The scene was quiet immediately.

The pirates dropped their jaws and stared at Limru with wide eyes.

He's done! These two words are the captain's taboo and must not be said.

"Fat woman?"

As expected, Limru's words angered Captain Glutton.

"Who do you think I am? Guys, chop him up for me!"

All the pirates of the Glutton Pirates drew their weapons and rushed towards Limru with a roar.

"A bunch of ants!" Limru narrowed his eyes slightly, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

The air around him seemed to solidify, and an invisible pressure enveloped the whole scene.

Overlord color domineering!

Under the precise control of the Great Sage, Remuru's Conqueror's Haki bypassed Nami and spread evenly over all the pirates.

The surrounding pirates seemed to be hit by an invisible force and fell one after another.

"What happened?" Nami looked at this strange scene and asked in amazement.

"This is Conqueror's Haki, a power that only one person in millions can awaken."

Remuru responded, "We'll talk about the details later.

There is a minion that has not been dealt with yet? "

Because Limru's current Conqueror Haki is still in its early stages, and he has just left his otaku status and does not have the bearing of a king, Captain Big Eater did not faint.

Captain Big Eater was trembling all over, with fear written all over his face. Although he did not faint, he also lost his fighting power.

"What kind of sorcery is this!"

"Water Blade! "

Limru waved his right hand, and a water blade flew out, successfully cutting off the head of the big-mouthed captain. Red sticky tomatoes gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

This was the first time in Limru's life that he killed someone.

Although Limru knew that killing was a matter of time in the pirate world, and he was also prepared to kill.

But when he really experienced it, Limru still felt an indescribable nausea in his heart, and his face turned slightly blue.

This is still a little different from killing fish.

Limru suppressed the discomfort in his heart and turned to look at Nami:

"Formally introduce, I am Limru, a traveler who adventures around the world! You are the little thief Nami, right? I came here just for you!"

Nami looked at this handsome man, her heart full of doubts and curiosity:

"I am Nami, thank you for saving me, this should be our first meeting!"

"Yes, I plan to travel and adventure on the Grand Line, and I am recruiting friends. "

Limru smiled and invited, "I have heard a lot about your deeds before. You have excellent navigation skills. Can you travel with me as my navigator?"

"This, I..." Nami blushed when she heard some ambiguous words and was about to refuse.

But Limru seemed to see through her thoughts and interrupted her: "Don't make a decision in a hurry. Think about it first."

The dragon issue has not been resolved, and the village is still under the rule of the dragon. It is impossible for Nami to agree to this now.

"By the way, I seem to have heard someone say the Dragon Pirates? "Limru shifted his gaze to Nami's left shoulder.

There was a tattoo of the Arlong Pirates on her left shoulder.

Nami lowered her head and grabbed the tattoo with her right hand, with a gloomy look in her eyes.

After a moment, Nami slowly raised her head, looked into Limru's eyes and said:

"As you can see, I am a cadre of the Arlong Pirates. Sorry, I can't..."

"The Arlong is your enemy!"

Limru's voice sounded gently, interrupting what Nami was about to say next.

Nami looked at him in surprise, not knowing how to answer.

"Don't be surprised."

Limru explained, "The Arlong Pirates are famous for discriminating against humans. How could they casually accept humans as partners? Unless you are of great value to them. But even so, they will not regard you as a real companion."


Limru stared at Nami's eyes and said slowly, "When you talk about the Arlong, your eyes are full of hatred. You can't hide the look of wanting to kill someone. "

"You guessed right." Nami was silent for a moment and agreed with Limru's inference.

"Nami, I can help you kill the dragon!"

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