The damage to your clothes during the Mingming period was not caused by changes in your body, but because during the transformation of your body, your body produced magic for the first time, which was uncontrollable and your body could not adapt to the magic." Limru continued to explain, "After the naming was completed, the body adapted to the magic, and there would be no such problem." "I see." Nokigo nodded. Hearing this reason, Makino blushed, and she felt ashamed of her suspicion of the captain. The captain is an upright and good man. Limru thought Makino was shy, so he said to her considerately, "Makino, I'll name you later, so you can prepare yourself."

Makino took a deep breath, and said with a bit of nervousness and determination: "No, let's start now."

She trusted and liked Limru very much, and didn't mind being naked in front of him.

The blush on her cheeks gradually spread like the morning glow, and she stood in front of everyone and slowly took off her brown dress.

The skirt slid gracefully to the floor, revealing the pure white underwear inside. The white skin was slightly flushed because of shyness, like the most delicate peach petals.

Limru encouraged softly: "Come on!" His eyes flashed with a wolf-like desire.

Makino took a deep breath, blushed and reached for the underwear button behind her.

Then, her snow-white jade rabbits were completely exposed to the air, delicate and tempting.

She quickly covered her chest with one hand, trying to hide the spring light that was leaking out, but how could a pair of huge beautiful breasts be covered by slender arms?

Her arms squeezed the plump and plump breasts, making the pink buds looming, which was even more exciting.

The shame of being naked made Makino's face red like a burning flame, and her other hand reached for the small panties that wrapped her hips.

As the fabric slipped off, she stood defenselessly in front of everyone.

Covering her chest with one hand and her lower body with the other, she lowered her head shyly, like a budding flower, waiting for everyone to appreciate it.

Limru almost couldn't help but pounce on her directly.

"Come here." Limru hooked his finger, motioning Makino to come closer.

Although Makino was a little confused, he slowly walked in front of him and squatted down.

Limru sat on the sofa, leaning forward slightly. He took a deep breath, as if he could smell the virgin scent on her body.

Makino lowered her head, her eyes dodged, shyness made her dare not look at Limru,

"Captain, when do we start naming?"

Limru smiled slightly, revealing a gentle temperament. He reached out, stroked her cheek, and whispered:

"Don't worry, your body is too tense, not in the best condition, it may affect the naming."

After that, he kissed her gently.

Makino was startled at first, but soon responded to him clumsily. As time went on, she gradually relaxed and entered the state.

A few minutes later,

Makino's face was flushed, panting, and it was obvious that she didn't know how to breathe, resulting in some hypoxia.

Nami giggled and joked, "Sister Makino, you were so engrossed in the kiss just now! It was wonderful!"

Nokigo also joined in the teasing, "Yeah, I guess he forgot about us for a while!"

Makino's breathing stagnated. She really didn't notice them just now. She covered her face with her hands, extremely shy.

But at this moment, her body has relaxed a lot.

Suddenly, Limru's voice sounded without warning,

"I give you the name Makino!"

Before the voice fell, Makino's whole body radiated a soft light.

Nami and Nokigo both held their breath and stared at this magical naming process intently. In their hearts, they couldn't help but recall the scene when they named themselves, feeling a little shy.

Suddenly, a light flashed, and Makino's body began to evolve.

Because Makino was squatting, Limru couldn't see all her changes clearly,

But he noticed that her already eye-catching breasts were getting bigger and bigger, directly surpassing Nami.

When the change stopped, Limru looked at the huge water drop in front of him and felt suffocated.

He measured it and found that he couldn't even hold one of them completely with both hands. He turned to look at the two girls who were stunned,

"Did you buy H cups?"

Nami wore a G cup, while Makino's was smaller and could only wear an E cup,

So Limru was not sure if they bought a larger size. Makino wore an H cup, which was a bit small, and a J cup would be best.

Nami responded proudly: "Huh! I've been ready for a long time. Don't underestimate me."

Nokiko whispered in a low voice: "We even bought N-level ones." She remembered that she had objected when Nami suggested buying a larger size yesterday, but she didn't expect that it would actually come in handy now.

After a few minutes, the naming was over,

Maginot slowly opened her eyes. She carefully felt the subtle changes in her body, and an unprecedented sense of relaxation filled her body.

She gently clenched her fist, feeling a significant increase in strength, and felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

However, when she looked up and saw Rimuru's half-smiling expression, her heart tightened. She suddenly realized that she was still naked?

A feeling of shyness suddenly welled up in her heart. She glanced at Nami and Nokigao next to her, and asked in a calm voice as much as possible,

"Nami, Nokigao, can you lend me a set of clothes?"

"What else are you wearing! Let's discuss first, what is a man?" Rimuru could hardly suppress the ancient power in his body.

He directly picked up Maginot, patted his big butt with his big hand, and walked quickly towards the room.

After a while, various sounds came from the room,

Roars, screams, cries of pain, begging for mercy...

Outside the room, Nami and Nokigao looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go practice!"

"Well, we won't be involved in her first time."

"I hope Makino can be stronger. Rimuru-sama looks very excited this time. It will probably take a long time."

"So violent! I actually envy her!"

This battle lasted all morning.

In the bathroom, Rimuru gently wiped Makino's body. As for herself, she had already fainted.

Rimuru looked at the various marks on Sleeping Beauty's snow-white body, including milk, teeth marks, slap marks, kiss marks, and strangulation marks. These marks were intertwined to form an extremely lewd picture.

However, there was no spark of desire in Rimuru's eyes, and instead he entered a state of sage.

He carefully observed the changes in Maginot.

First of all, the skin becomes whiter, tenderer and smoother, which should be the standard feature of the name.

Her breasts and hips have also grown significantly, and her height has grown by a few centimeters.

"Great Sage, can you add their figure data to your personal dashboard?"


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