After the sword was stagnant, the owner was very happy.

Feeling that the demon sword had calmed down, Limru smiled and turned to the boss and said:

"Do you have any other good swords? I plan to buy another one."

In the end, Limru bought "Xuezou" and "Sandai Kitetsu".

The boss wanted to give him the sword, but Limru declined.

The boss's business was not doing well, so he didn't want to add to his burden!

After leaving the weapon shop,

Limru asked Tashigi, "What is your dream?"

Tashigi blurted out without hesitation, "I want to work hard to practice and take back the famous swords that have fallen into the hands of evil people all over the world."

Limru nodded slightly, with a hint of approval on his face,

"It's a very good dream, but what is your definition of evil?"

Tashigi frowned, with indignation in his voice:

"Pirates, of course they are pirates! They burn, kill, rob, and do all kinds of evil. It's a waste of precious swords in their hands!"

Limru hehe He smiled, "Then do you think you are righteous?"

Tashigi was stunned by this question, and she responded almost instinctively:

"I am a navy, so I am naturally righteous."

The smile on Limuru's face disappeared, replaced by a serious expression:

"Does the navy represent justice? Don't forget that there are also scums in the navy who oppress the people and are greedy for life and afraid of death."

A trace of shock flashed in Dashigi's eyes: "How can such people exist in the navy!"

After joining the navy, she has been working under Smoker, and she doesn't know the navy of other branches at all.

"Of course there are, and they are not a minority." Limuru's voice is low and powerful,

"Colonel Mouse of the 16th branch colluded with pirates, and Colonel Monka of the 153rd branch oppressed the people, etc.

However, these things damage the image of "justice" that the navy has always promoted, so the navy and the world government will not make them public!

If you want to know these things, you can only see them with your own eyes."

Tashigi fell into silence, and a huge wave was set off in her heart.

Limru took advantage of the situation and pursued: "Besides, what is justice? What is evil?"

He stared at Tashigi and continued:

"For a swordsman, a famous sword is a partner in battle and a spiritual sustenance. The same is true for a famous sword.

When you take the famous sword back from the hands of the evil, do you also deprive the sword of the bond between the sword and the owner?

Is this considered evil?"

"Why, how could it be?"

Tashigi's body trembled. She couldn't believe that her faith could be shaken so easily.

She fell to the ground, her eyes blank:

"I... what I insist on, is it evil?"

Limru looked at her and suddenly laughed, his laughter echoing in the street.

Dashiki looked at him in astonishment, not understanding what he meant.

"What are you laughing at?"

Limru stopped laughing and his expression became gentle:

"Don't doubt your own justice easily!

After you catch or kill the criminal, do you have to return the knife to him?

As for whether your dream is just, don't just listen to others, you need to think and see for yourself.

Wisdom is sometimes more important than strength.

Otherwise, you will only become a knife in the hands of others.

If you want to have enough wisdom, I suggest you walk around more and broaden your horizons."

Dashiki was thoughtful.

Limru stretched out his hand and invited Dashiki:

"I am a traveler, exploring this world.

Would you like to go with me?"

Dashiki was stunned. She didn't expect Limru to invite her.

She lowered her head in thought, then slowly raised her head,

"I... I need time to think about it."

"Well, there is progress!" Limru nodded,

"But are you sure you want to continue sitting here to think about it?"

Only then did Tashigi realize that she was still sitting on the ground, and someone was looking at her not far away.

Her face flushed, and she hurriedly stood up with the help of Limru's hand and patted the dust off her body.

Limru smiled, untied a knife from his waist, and handed it to her:

"If you decide to join us, this Sandai Kitetsu will be given to you."

Tashigi's eyes widened:

"You... you don't need it?"

Limru pulled out another knife, Xuezou.

Its blade is made of black lacquer katana, and the blade is a small Ding-shaped blade.

"It's enough for me to have this one, I like this knife very much, and it seems to like me too."

Limru looked at Tashigi,

"Let me tell you one more thing! It's not the sword that makes the man, but the man that makes the sword! I will make Xuezou the strongest black sword in the world."

After saying that, a stream of black air spread upward from the handle to the tip of the sword.

The entire blade was completely rendered black, becoming a black sword.

Naval base,

In the smoky room, a naked upper body man stood quietly.

He is the naval colonel of Rogue Town - Smoker.

The short silver hair flashed coldly under the dim light, and two cigarettes burned leisurely in his mouth.

Smoker looked through the window and cast his eyes on the playground below.

The marines were practicing swordsmanship hard, and sweat splashed.

He took a deep breath of smoke and frowned slightly:

"Where did Dashiqi go again?"


Just when Smoker was unhappy, Dashiqi appeared at the door of the office with a stranger.

Turning his eyes, Smoker looked at the door:

"Come in!"

Tashigi saluted Smoker and said:

"Colonel Smoker, there is something you need to handle!"

Tashigi was shocked when she learned that the person who wanted to claim the bounty was a pirate who had been determined dead three years ago. She knew that this matter was not something that ordinary navy could handle,

so she brought Limru to the navy captain Smoker.

She introduced Smoker: "This is Mr. Limru, he brought the head of 'Hundred Stratagems' Clo, and wanted to claim the bounty..."

After that, Tashigi slowly told everything.

Limru added from time to time.

Smoker took a deep puff of smoke, stared at Limru with a sharp gaze, and slowly said:

"I will confirm this with my superiors, you may need to wait two or three days."

Limru shrugged: "No problem, I can still wait for two or three days."

He thought to himself, "Luffy hasn't set out to sea yet, it's still early. Rogue Town is prosperous and lively, just take the opportunity to play for a while."

Travel should be relaxed.

Smoker continued to ask:

"Do you have Clo's body?"

Limru nodded, his right hand instantly liquefied, and spit out a headless corpse,

"This is Clo's body."

Smoker walked forward and carefully examined the headless corpse. He pinched his fingers on the corpse, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

The muscle strength and density of this corpse far exceeded that of ordinary people, and it was obviously not something that ordinary people could have.

Smoker nodded secretly in his heart, and believed Limru's words a little.


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