The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Muye Village,

Nami and the other girls also went ashore and witnessed the hellish scene.

Houses collapsed, smoke filled the air, and blood and debris were everywhere.

There were few complete bodies, some had their eyes dug out, and some had their internal organs emptied.

And the female bodies were in even more miserable conditions,

They were piled up naked, covered in filth, and their breasts were cut off and strung together.


This scene made the girls vomit, unwilling to continue to control their stomachs.

On the other side,

Smoker, Tashigi and Limru sat around, listening attentively to the narration of a little boy.

Fear and sadness flashed in the little boy's eyes. He recalled that horrible night and his body trembled unconsciously.

He clenched his fists and choked his voice:

"Those demons came last night and started killing crazily as soon as they landed on the island...

Countless ships surrounded the island and we had nowhere to escape..."

He lowered his head and tears rolled in his eyes:

"My mother hid me in a cave and told me not to make a sound...

The demons left until dawn."

Although the boy was frightened and exhausted all night, he still cheered up and told everything he knew, hoping that the pirates would be punished.

He looked at Smoker expectantly:

"Will the navy seek justice for us?"

Smoker took a deep breath, squatted down, gently touched the boy's head, and looked firm:

"Yes, they will all get the punishment they deserve."

Tashigi clenched her fists angrily, and a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes:

"What an evil pirate!" She turned to Smoker,

"Colonel Smoker, let's go after them!"

Smoker was silent.

He frowned and thought, then slowly said: "I will report this to the headquarters. They have entered the jurisdiction of Admiral Nelson! Other navy will deal with it!"

Muye Village is already on the edge of Smoker's jurisdiction. If you can see the pirate ship, you can still chase it.

But the Click Pirates set off a few hours ago and have long disappeared in the vast ocean.

"I can't see that you are still a rule-abiding master?" Limru raised a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Smoker was speechless, but seeing the boy's disappointed expression, he still defended himself,

"No rules, no order. The garrisoned navy cannot leave the jurisdiction at will, otherwise more pirates will escape!"

Lemuru secretly complained in his heart, why did you chase King Luffy all over the world in the original book?

Was he fascinated by King Luffy's smile?

But on second thought, it was understandable.

In Smoker's eyes, how could Crick be compared with King Luffy?

He saw the shadow of Roger in King Luffy, and believed that if it was not dealt with, it would become a big problem in the future.

Although it is rare for pirates to massacre villages, to be cruel, there are still many examples every year.

People have become accustomed to this, and except for the parties involved, they will not take it too seriously!

However, Limuru does not think so.

Pirates like King Luffy, who are adventurers, are not harmful at all!

At most, they disobey the discipline of the World Government and make the World Government unhappy. But what does this have to do with Limru?

Limru said calmly:

"No need to report to the headquarters, I will deal with them!"

The boy raised his head in surprise,


Limru smiled and touched his head:

"Of course it's true. They won't survive tonight."

Limru suppressed his anger, and the hellish scene also shocked him, and he was more determined to overthrow the World Government.

Smoker took a deep breath of smoke and stared at Limru:

"Are you sure?"

"I don't take him seriously!" Limru stretched out his hand to Tashigi and invited,

"Does Tashigi want to come with us?"

The air seemed to freeze, waiting for Tashigi's decision.

In a moment, Tashigi held Limru's hand and smiled sweetly,

"Well, Captain! Please take care of me in the future!"

Looking at this scene, Smoker knew that it was irreversible.

He wanted to say something but in the end he only said one sentence:

"Dashiki, you have worked hard these years."

Dashiki's eyes were slightly moist,

"Well, thank you Colonel Smoker for taking care of me."


The Goddess of Light set off again,

It unfolded its outer wheels, consumed the stored energy, and sailed quickly into the distance.

Before, the Goddess of Light

Like other sailboats, the Goddess relies on wind power to save energy.

Only the ship spirit Xiaoguang consumes a small amount of energy when fine-tuning the course or firing at the pirate ship.

On the lawn,

The women were all in a heavy mood.

Nami was the first to break the dullness. She enthusiastically held Dashiqi's hand tightly,

"You are our new partner, Dashiqi! I am Nami, the navigator of this ship, welcome to join us!"

"Hello, Miss Nami, do you know me?" Dashiqi was a little flattered.

"Of course, after all, you are very famous in Rogue Town, and Limru also praised you to us!" Nami nodded.

Hearing this, Limru was stunned for a moment, wondering, "When did I praise her?"

A blush appeared on Dashiki's cheeks, with a little shyness,

"Captain, did he really praise me? What did he praise?"

Nami's lips curled up slightly, and she uttered four words:

"A cute swordsman!"

"Hey... Hey!" Dashiki didn't react for a moment and was stunned.

The girls also gathered around and expressed their warm welcome to Dashiki:

"Yes, that's the expression!"

"Sure enough, Limru is right!"

"Cute, cute, very cute!"


Two and a half hours later,

A group of ships gradually emerged on the distant horizon, which was the fleet of the Klick Pirates.

On the pirate ship,

the pirates' wild laughter came one after another, and they were immersed in the memories of last night's evil deeds.

"Haha, the massacre last night was really enjoyable!"

"When I dragged that woman out, her desperate eyes were so funny!"

"And those kids, crying for mercy, they were such weak and pathetic creatures, I smashed their heads open like watermelons!"

"You can't do it, I tied a couple together, and then watched them struggle and scream in the sea of ​​fire, that feeling, tut tut tut."

"I just don't know when this kind of event will be held next time!"

"It shouldn't be possible normally! Yesterday, Captain Crick suddenly ordered a "village massacre party" to celebrate our entry into the Grand Line."


On the Goddess of Light,

Limru received the information detected by the Great Sage and understood the reason for the village massacre,


Just to celebrate the upcoming entry into the Grand Line, these pirates carried out a village massacre.

Limru had a cold face, he didn't know how to express his anger!

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