The rain was so heavy that the sky was full of rain.

When Cobra saw the "Rain Prayer Master" getting off the ship, he immediately went forward.

His eyes were full of eagerness and expectation:

"Master, can Alabasta really have a heavy rain?"

"Of course, how heavy a rain do you want?" Nami smiled and nodded.

"The bigger the better!" Cobra's voice revealed great desire.

Nami nodded, walked slowly to the edge of the Kingdom Highlands, and faced the people who were looking forward to it in the square.

She took a deep breath and opened her arms, as if to embrace the whole sky.

She shouted to the horizon:

"Come on, my friends!

Come here and have a carnival!"

The people were stunned. This was different from the scene they imagined!

Shouldn't they chant mysterious spells and pray devoutly?

However, before they could come to their senses, a black line appeared on the horizon.

The black line expanded rapidly, accompanied by the howling wind.

In an instant,

Heavy rain poured down, as if a carnival party was really being held.

The people cheered and jumped for joy, knowing that this rain meant that they would no longer lack water!

The minister ran to Cobra excitedly:

"Your Majesty, good news! It's raining heavily all over the country!"

Cobra laughed after hearing this, with a face full of relief:

"Great! The national crisis is over!"

The rainstorm lasted for three days and three nights, as if to completely wash away the three years of drought.

At Cobra's pleading, Nami finally repatriated her friends and avoided possible floods.

The residents in the desert never thought that one day they would almost die because of too much rain.


That night,

Cobra's banquet was in full swing.

His face was flushed, and he raised his glass enthusiastically to each member of the cute king's travel group, showing his gratitude.

When Princess Vivi was mentioned.

"What! Vivi is going to travel with you!" Cobra said in surprise.

Limru smiled lightly and nodded, indicating that Princess Vivi would indeed go with them.

Xiao Lixiang clenched his fists and said confidently:

"Don't worry! I will beat all the bad guys and protect Sister Vivi!"

Cobra was stunned. These words coming from a little girl were not very convincing.

But on second thought, Limru easily defeated Crocodile and was strong enough to protect Vivi.

He turned to look at Weiwei, and noticed that she looked strange, so he asked:

"Weiwei, what do you think?"

Weiwei met her father's gaze and said firmly:

"I want to travel with my companions for a while. Please take care of the affairs of the country."

After saying that, she lowered her head, feeling guilty.

The country has just recovered, but as a princess, she has abandoned her people and traveled around.

Cobra saw his daughter's thoughts, but he did not blame her. Instead, he smiled and said:

"I have the country, you don't have to worry. Go and have fun!"

Cobra supported Weiwei's approach. It's right to make friends with a strong man like Limru!

After hearing her father's words, Weiwei felt better!


After the banquet,

Limru stayed alone in the room arranged by Cobra. He stared at the heavy rain outside the window, thinking about how to invite Tina to join the cute king travel group.

At this time, the door was gently pushed open, and a maid came in with a plate of exquisite cakes.

She put the cakes on the table gently and said softly:

"Master Limru, please enjoy!"

"Well, put it there!" Limru nodded and turned his eyes to the maid.

She was dressed in a neat maid outfit, with short golden hair shining under the light,

Her eyes were big and bright, like two crystal clear gems, very cute.

Limru's heart moved, and he felt that this face seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

Could it be that she appeared in the original book, the maid who dressed up Weiwei?

After putting down the cakes, the maid did not leave immediately. She stood aside and seemed to have something to say.

The maid bit her lip and finally mustered up the courage to ask:

"Master Limru, can I ask you a question?"

Limru raised his eyebrows and said softly:

"What question? Ask!"

The maid asked curiously,

"Hawkeye and Crocodile, they are both Shichibukai, who is stronger?"

Limru chuckled and replied:

"Of course it's Hawkeye! Crocodile is stronger than Crocodile.

With Rockdale's strength today, Hawkeye can beat ten of him!"

After saying that, he looked at the maid curiously,

"Why are you asking this?"

The maid's eyes lit up immediately, as if she had found her idol,

"Just curious. However, both of them were defeated by Lord Limru, you are so awesome!" Her words were full of admiration and respect.

Then, constant flattery followed!

After a long time,

Limru blushed a little because of the praise, and sighed in his heart that he also had a little fan girl!

He suddenly realized that he didn't know her name yet, so he asked:

"By the way, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Kerla!" The maid answered excitedly, as if it was an extremely honorable thing to be asked by her idol.

"Kerla?" Limru repeated it, thinking in his heart,

"Is it the Kerla I know? "


[She is a member of the Revolutionary Army!]

[The analysis of micro-expressions shows that her previous conversations have obvious traces of "performance".]

Limru's heart twitched slightly. The first little fangirl in his life,


Kerla is indeed an excellent spy. She noticed the slight abnormality of Limru.

She asked carefully:

"Is there anything wrong with this name?"

Her mission is to have in-depth contact with Limru, and it would be best if she could pull him into the Revolutionary Army.

Even if it fails, she must maintain a friendly relationship.

Limru came back to his senses and said with a smile:

"No problem, this name is very nice. It's just that I seem to have heard of it somewhere, maybe it's the same name. "

Kerla breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that since she was not famous yet, Remuru should have just heard of the same name.

She felt relieved and continued to talk with Remuru, trying to get closer to each other.

At the same time,

Marine Colonel Tina was also talking to Marshal Sengoku, reporting the major events that happened today.

Sengoku frowned, with a bit of doubt in his tone:

"Is there really no sword wound on Crocodile?"

Tina nodded,

"Tina is sure that Crocodile was beaten to death by fists. Remuru also admitted this!"

Hearing this, Sengoku slammed the table and said angrily:

"What a waste! As a Shichibukai, he was beaten to death by a great swordsman with his fists.

If this gets out, how can our navy and the world government save their face!"

"Then what should we do next?" Tina asked.

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