The new companions looked at the pile of strange fruits with their eyes wide open and faces full of astonishment.

The capital is so strong?

Then, Limru introduced the name and function of each fruit in detail.

After listening to Limru's introduction, the girls immediately fell into a heated discussion.

"The Swallow Swallow Fruit is so ugly, I don't want to eat it at all!" said Tashigi.

"The Sand-Sand Fruit is like a cactus puppet, so cute!" said Nami.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Robin's face, and she blurted out:

"Quick cut? Imitation? Shasha? Wax? Can the captain take the devil fruit?"

Tina was so shocked that she couldn't speak, and she was just thinking:

"The Cute King Travel Group not only has the technology to compress space, but can also take the devil fruit?"


And Limru was also communicating with the Great Sage in his heart.

"Great Sage, now that there is so much data on devil fruits, can you divide the quality of devil fruits more finely?"

Limru has always understood that the quality of devil fruits is proportional to the willpower contained,

but he is not very clear about what level a specific value is among all devil fruits.

It is worth mentioning that,

The initial willpower of the new devil fruits is:

Sand-Sand Fruit, 520,000

Quick Cut Fruit, 100,000

Imitation Fruit, 150,000

Wax-Wax Fruit, 110,000

Scythe Fruit, 50,000

Swallow-Swallow Fruit, 300,000

[Notice: The quality of devil fruits will be significantly improved every time the willpower of devil fruits exceeds 50,000, 150,000, and 500,000. ]

[Therefore, devil fruits can be divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, top-grade, and spiritual-grade. ]

[Low-grade: less than 50,000 willpower. ]

[Middle-grade: 50,000 to 150,000 willpower. ]

[Top-grade: 150,000 to 500,000 willpower. ]

[Top-grade: 500,000 willpower~unknown. ]

[Spiritual-grade, only one case has been encountered so far, with about 2.5 million willpower! ]

As the great sage explained, Limru gradually fell into contemplation.

The inferior ones are trash devil fruits, the middle ones are ordinary devil fruits, and most of the common ones in the animal series should belong to these two categories.

The superior ones are powerful devil fruits, which are probably ancient ones, powerful superhuman ones, and some weaker natural ones.

As for the best ones, they should be the mythical beasts, the top natural ones, and the superhuman ones.

As for the spiritual ones, Limru's heart moved,

"2.5 million willpower? Is it the one that King Luffy has?"

[Yes! But it is still unknown how much willpower a devil fruit needs to be upgraded to spiritual grade. ]

[It is recommended to upgrade the quality of a devil fruit to spiritual grade first! ]

"This is possible. How many ordinary willpower have we collected so far?"

[5.2 million willpower has been collected, and this number is still growing. 】

"Big profit! Tonight I will upgrade Nami's Talking Fruit to a spiritual grade!"

"However, Nami has gained so many benefits, so we have to let her unlock some new postures!"

At this time,

A little loli's voice suddenly sounded beside Limru.

"Captain, can I also eat devil fruits?"

Limru came back to his senses from his contemplation, and saw Golden Week looking at him with expectant eyes.

Limru smiled, and his eyes revealed his pampering and tenderness for the little loli.

"Okay, which one do you like?" He reached out and gently touched Golden Week's head.

Golden Week pointed to a devil fruit and said calmly:

"Well, I want the wax-wax fruit!"

Although Golden Week looks like a loli with no desires, she actually cherishes her partners very much.

In the original comics,

When she learned that her partner was arrested, she sneaked into the Navy detention center without hesitation to rescue her companions.

Afterwards, she and her rescued companions jointly opened a new Spider Cafe.

Golden Week was also sad for a while about the death of her partner Mr.3.

She chose to eat the Wax-Wax Fruit, not only because her ability could be matched with the Wax-Wax Fruit, but also because she wanted to commemorate her companions.

Limru pondered for a moment and replied:

"I don't recommend you to eat this one. I know a more suitable one for you, called the Pen-Wax Fruit."

The Pen-Wax Fruit user can turn his or her paintings into conscious entities, and can even fly if it has wings.

However, in order to develop the Pen-Wax Fruit well, the user's painting skills must be strong.

For example, if the painting is very ugly, the entity's ability will be weak and it will dissolve in water.

However, realistic paintings will not be able to be realized.

There are these weaknesses.

In the original work, after Kanjuro's identity as a spy was exposed, his paintings could even stand and fight in the pouring rain.

Golden Week's dream is to become a painter, and the Pen-Pen Fruit is very suitable for her.

After hearing Limru's detailed explanation of the "Pen-Pen Fruit", Golden Week's eyes became brighter and brighter,

"Well, I want the Pen-Pen Fruit!" She jumped up excitedly,

After hearing the devil fruit that suits her, her face could not maintain the three-no state.

As for Mr. 3, it's enough to pay tribute to him occasionally.

After seeing Limru deal with Golden Week,

Vivi looked up at Limru and slowly said:

"I want to eat the Sand-Sand Fruit!" She wants to be the Queen of the Desert.

Limru nodded slightly,


He knew that Vivi knew the habits of the desert very well and would be able to fully develop the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit.

A hint of approval flashed in his eyes, and then he turned to the others:

"What about you? Do you have any fruit you want to eat? The Sand-Sand Fruit and the Talking Fruit can also be considered."

Limru can consume his willpower to copy the same devil fruit.

Kerla thought for a while and asked:

"Can I eat the Imitation Fruit?" She thought to herself that if she had the Imitation Fruit, she would be able to perform infiltration missions like a fish in water.

Limru's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was secretly happy.

Finally someone thought of the Imitation Fruit.

The Imitation Fruit can not only change your appearance, but also your body shape.

He imagined the scene of being happy with two identical women, and his blood was boiling!

In the future, there will be fun!

Those lecherous women should not have thought of this, and they will regret it in the future.

After agreeing to Kerla's request, the others did not plan to continue speaking.

Limru couldn't help but wonder, why is no one interested in the Swallowing Fruit?

He couldn't help but ask:

"No one wants to eat the Swallow-Swallow Fruit?"

The Swallow-Swallow Fruit has a wide range of abilities and great potential. After the quality is improved, the future is promising!

After a moment, Kaya raised her hand,

"I'll eat it!"

Kaya has sage skills. Her fighting method is to analyze various herbs and make poisons and drugs to fight.

But if she encounters a high poison resistance or a robot, the battle will be very passive.

Therefore, Kaya wants to add a new fighting method!

Limru nodded in approval.

After this banquet, there are still six girls who have not eaten the devil fruit.

Among them, Nokiko, Makino and the three Golden Weeks all have the expected devil fruits.

Only Lilixiang, Tashigi and Carmen have not made a decision yet!

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