The author begs for flowers, rewards and recommendation tickets


Noah kept repeating the name, his eyes gradually becoming icy cold.

Noah has always kept this name in mind, and in the near future, this name will have a resounding code name - Akainu!"

What would it be like if Sakaski could be killed here?

Noah thought seriously about this constructive proposal.

He is just a colonel, but before that, Noah needs to deal with the matters at hand first, such as the pirate at the table next to him who has been shouting since noon and claims to have a bounty of 300 million berries.

"Uncle, what's your name?"

Noah sat in front of the pirate, shaking a glass of wine.

"I am the great pirate Shanniruo Chimera! Ah~ You are a little brat with barely all your hair grown."

The great pirate Shanniruo opened his hazy eyes and looked at Noah carefully; when he saw Noah's young face clearly, Shanniruo laughed and said disdainfully

"The tavern is not for a small���"Here you are, your uncle Shan Niruo will teach you a lesson today!" Shan Niruo roared, pulled out a long sword, and split a table in half.

"Boss, kill this kid!"

"That's right, boss. Let's have fun after we kill this little devil!"

Shan Niruo's crew burst into laughter, staring at Noah with malicious eyes.

Noah didn't care about these minions. His eyes were fixed on Shan Niruo's sword. He had lived for thirteen years. Was the big gift package actually here?

"Uncle Shan Niruo, your sword should be a good and sharp sword, right?"

Shan Niruo was stunned, then burst into laughter.

"That's right, this is the Liang Kuai Dao Liu Jian that I slaughtered 20 villages to get! It's your honor to die under the Liang Kuai Dao, kid!"

Shan Niruo looked at Noah jokingly. Such an interesting little brat, of course, must be played with enough before killing.

Seeing Shan Niruo laughing, Noah also laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"So, this great pirate Shan Niruo, would you mind borrowing something from me?"

Noah smiled brightly and said kindly.

"I am Edward Noah, I will lend you my head for a use.

As soon as Noah finished speaking, the tavern fell silent.

"You are courting death, kid!" Shan Niruo was furious, and chopped down the stream in his hand.

"Ah, Ah, you really don't give me face."

At some point, Noah had already left the original place. Shan Niruo chopped the air with a knife, but he was not panicked. One arm turned into a giant python and bit Noah behind him fiercely.

Snake Snake Fruit·Cobra Form

"Interesting, huh?"Noah raised his eyebrows and looked at the crew members of Shan Niruo who were surrounding him. His eyes were fixed and his domineering aura was radiating out.

After a while, Noah and Shan Niruo were the only ones left in the tavern.

"Okay, let's make it quick."

Noah didn't want to drag it out any longer, and his Armament Haki spread and covered his hands, and he punched Shan Niruo.

The fist and the sword intersected, and Noah pulled out his leg and kicked the snake head that Shan Niruo had bitten on.

"So, I hate you animal-type fruit users the most."Noah shook his leg. The kick just now was quite painful.

"Since physical skills don't work, what about this?"Noah leaned over and picked up a knife from the ground.

Iai-ryu Swallow Return

Noah swung his knife, the blade pointing directly at the mud.

""Little brat, don't underestimate me!" Shan Niruo yelled and slashed at him with his knife.

The door of the tavern creaked and slowly opened.

A young boy in a white shirt, carrying a package and a famous knife in his waist, walked out slowly.

"Ah, uncle, can I buy a coat on credit?"

Noah raised his hand and called the street vendor.

Looking at the coat that the vendor handed over tremblingly, Noah smiled and put on the clothes casually:"I'll give you the money in a while." Looking at the vendor who was shaking all over and dared not make a sound, Noah laughed at himself and turned to walk towards the Navy Branch.

Seeing Noah walking further and further away, the vendor finally couldn't hold on and sat down on the ground.

"That... that's a pirate with a bounty of 300 million berries!"

Looking at the Marine Branch from afar, Noah stopped.

He suddenly thought of a question he had never thought about before.

"I... maybe... maybe... there shouldn't be a bounty order, right?"

For the Whitebeard Pirates, the bounty amount is meaningless. After all, unless Sengoku and Garp come together, no one would have the courage to go to the Moby Dick to earn the bounty. But now Noah is different. Let's not talk about whether the Navy Branch has the combat power to capture him. This kind of door-to-door delivery and buy one get one free is a complete insult to intelligence.

Noah thought about it carefully. The last time he met the Navy was a few years ago when Whitebeard and Garp fought a big battle on Fishman Island. Children grow up fast. After three or four years, he should be very different from what he was before... right?

"No matter what, I can just run away again."Noah made up his mind to go and try the Navy branch. After all, having no money is a big problem. Compared to this, Red Dog is just a mere Red Dog. How strong can a lieutenant colonel be?

After walking to the bounty department of the Navy branch and successfully exchanging 300 million Baileys, Noah breathed a sigh of relief. Although the captain looked at him with a strange look, he had to say that these navy officers were still conscientious in their duties. After checking Shan Niruo's head, Noah still received the 300 million Baileys smoothly.

"Uncle, can I ask if Colonel Sakaski from your branch is here now?"Noah looked at the soldier who was counting money and asked casually.

"You mean Colonel Sakaski? He has returned to Malinjoa to report on his duties. He should be back soon, right?"The middle-aged soldier did not realize that he was being tricked, and he told Sakaski's whereabouts without any precautions.

"So, thank you, uncle!"Noah thought for a moment, then smiled innocently and took the bounty from the middle-aged soldier.

"You're welcome, you're really amazing, young man, you can kill a big pirate like Shan Niruo at such a young age. Are you interested in joining the navy?"This middle-aged uncle has a low official position but a good attitude. When he saw Noah's strength, he wanted to recruit him as soon as possible... No, join the army

"Forget it, uncle. The navy is not for me. Noah refused casually and planned to leave.

""Squeak!" Just as Noah stretched out his hand to push the door, it opened. A wave of heat rushed in as the door opened. A square-faced man wearing a navy justice coat and a navy cap happened to meet Noah face to face.

"Akainu... huh?" Noah suppressed the shock and murderous intent in his heart and passed by Sakaski. At the moment when the two passed each other, Noah's eyes were as sharp as ice.

It seems that the best time is better than the best day. Akainu, since you have eaten the fruit, you should enjoy the scenery under the sea.

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