Pirates’ Thor

Chapter 092

In the house, Monchi D Dragon, Bassolomi Bear, and Ivankov were also looking at Thunder, and Thunder was also looking at them, and between the two sides, there was an invisible momentum colliding.

“Revolutionary army?” The corners of Lei Ming’s mouth turned up slightly.

“We’ve seen it!” Monchi D Dragon looked at Thunder with flat eyes.

Lei Ming nodded and said, “Not bad, in the place where our captain was executed.” ”

“You have such a good memory!” Monchi D Dragon smiled lightly.

“A character like you, as long as you see it once, will remember it for a lifetime.” Lei Ming snorted coldly.

“Huh!” Monchi D Dragon smiled slightly.

Koshiro spoke at this time: “Mr. Lei Ming, I don’t know what happened to your arrival this time?” ”

As he spoke, he waved his hand and asked Guina to take the children back.

However, after the children dispersed, Guina and Solon came running.

Lei Ming glanced at Gu Yina, and said to Koshiro with a smile: “I just wanted to come to you to discuss swordsmanship, but now I think that your daughter has great potential to be a pirate, so let her join me on the great voyage.” ”

“Ah…” Gu Yina was stunned.

“Mr. Lei Ming, you are too much.” When Kenshiro heard this, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his dark eyes even flashed a killing intent.

The Monchi D dragon and the batholome bear on the side had no expression, and the shemale Ivankov snorted coldly: “Thunder, although you are the trainee crew of One Piece, this is not the place for you to go wild.” ”

He bit the four words of the trainee crew very hard.

Lei Ming glanced at him lightly, and snorted coldly: “Shemale, shut up for me, there is no part for you to talk here.” ”

Ivankov’s eyes widened and he said angrily: “Do you want to find death?” ”

“Just you?” Lei Ming sneered.

Ivankov wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Koishiro, who looked at Lei Ming coldly and said: “Mr. Lei Ming, you are not welcome here, please leave, moreover, Guina will not be a pirate.” ”

“Let me get out of here, aren’t you afraid that I will tell the navy about your relationship with the revolutionary army?” Lei Ming said with a smile.

This time, not only Ivankov’s face was full of anger, but even the Bassolomi bear on the side also looked at the thunder with sharp eyes.

Only Monchi D Dragon was still drinking tea smugly, expressionless.

Koshiro snorted coldly, “Notify the navy? The identity of your One Piece crew is more feared by the navy than the revolutionary army. ”

“Hehe, don’t be so nervous, I just came to invite your daughter to join my pirate group.” Lei Ming laughed.

Koishiro snorted coldly, “I have already made it very clear, Gu Yina, she will not become a pirate. ”

“Won’t you ask Gu Yina’s opinion?” After Lei Ming finished speaking, he looked at Gu Yina, who was stunned on the side, and said with a smile: “Your dream is to become the strongest sword master in the world, right?” But do you think that staying in a small place like Seymour Chiki Village will enable you to fulfill your dreams? Only by following me to the Great Voyage, where you will meet countless Kendo powerhouses, and only by defeating them can you become the strongest swordsman in the world. ”

“Great Route!” Gu Yina’s eyes showed longing.

Koshiro clenched his fists and shouted angrily, “Mr. Lei Ming, you are too much. ”

Unexpectedly, in front of him, abducted his daughter, even he, an honest man, was angry.

“Huh, how? Even your daughter’s dream of pursuing kendo, do you want to deprive her? Lei Ming sneered.

Genshiro looked at Gu Yina and shook his head slightly: “Gu Yina is a girl after all, even if her swordsmanship is high, it is difficult to become the strongest swordsman in the world. ”

“Father!” Gu Yina gritted her teeth, her face full of unwillingness.

Lei Ming snorted coldly: “Are you saying that Gu Yina’s strength is not as good as that of men? But have you forgotten that there is a devil fruit? Some powerful devil fruits can completely compensate for this disadvantage, and I have this devil fruit. ”

Koshiro said disdainfully: “After eating the Devil Fruit, can you still be considered a pure swordsman?” ”

“As long as you have a sword in your heart, you are a swordsman. You can’t even see through this, it seems that I overestimate your kendo cultivation. Lei Ming said sarcastically.

Koshiro’s eyes burst with cold light, and a matchless sword intent was released from him.

“Okay, then I’ll see how you have a sword in your heart.” Koshiro said, stretched out his hand, and the word Kazuichi in Guina’s hand fell into his hand.

“Draw your sword!”

Koshiro held the Kazuichi text and looked at Thunder Ming coldly.

Lei Ming raised the branch that had just defeated Gu Yina, and said lightly: “I have a sword in my heart, and everything can be a sword.” ”

“Hmm!” Monchi D Dragon, who was originally sitting there with an expressionless face, suddenly froze his eyes after hearing these words.

“Arrogant!” Koshiro, however, was enraged by Thunder’s arrogance, and he roared and quickly rushed towards Thunder.

“Ding!” Lei Ming raised the branch, and the armed domineering aura spread out along his arm, making this ordinary branch harder than black iron, and collided violently with the Kazuichi word in Koshiro’s hand.

“Snap wipe!”

Where the two exchanged blows, a circle of qi burst out, setting off a storm.

Seeing that the branch in Lei Ming’s hand was extremely hard, Koishiro’s pupils shrank, and then he sneered: “It turns out that it is armed and domineering, and everything with a sword in his heart can be a sword, which is really ridiculous.” A swordsman, if he doesn’t even have a sword, is he still called a swordsman? ”

“Sitting in the well and watching the sky, how can you know the vastness of the sword path!” Lei Ming’s eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he waved the branch in his hand and slashed at Koshiro in front of him.

At this moment, the branch in Lei Ming’s hand seemed to really turn into a peerless divine sword, showing a terrifying sword intent mighty out, and the matchless sword qi condensed into an indestructible sword radiance, cutting the sky in front of him.

“How is it possible!” Koshiro’s eyes widened and he looked shocked. Is such a sword really just a branch that can be cast?

This sword made Koshiro dare not resist, and he quickly dodged away.

However, the room behind Koshiro was split in half by this sword, and the sword marks that fell on the ground formed a long groove that extended into the distance.

“Wow!” On the side, Solon exclaimed.

Gu Yina’s eyes widened and her face was full of shock.

Is that really just an ordinary branch?

Gu Yina’s heart was shocked beyond imagination, she only now knew how ridiculous it was to challenge Thunder Ming earlier.

This is a Jianhao who is even more powerful than her father.

At this time, Gu Yina was a little moved by joining the thunderous pirate group.

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