Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 128 The omniscient Merry (the third day)

Chapter 128 The omniscient Merry (the third day...)

The fiery breath instantly evaporated all the seawater along the way, carrying destruction and death as it ferociously moved toward the depths of the sea.

at the same time.

In a huge diving raider sailing under the sea.

Wapol and his gangsters, who had escaped from the Drum Kingdom, were feasting unscrupulously in a palace-like cabin.

"Meat, meat, meat...I'm really tired of eating these things every day!!!"

After a while, Wapol, who had eaten and drank enough, leaned on the huge king's chair and picked the gap between his teeth with a metal toothpick, with a look of disdain and irritation on his face.

"You haven't returned to the Drum Kingdom yet? Didn't you say yesterday that you would arrive today?"

"I can't wait to live in my castle!"

"Please be patient a little longer, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, Wapol's henchman No. 1 Jace immediately bowed and answered.

"According to the navigators, we can return to our territory in three hours at the latest."

"At that time, we can restore the Drum Kingdom, build up military strength, and wipe out all those hateful guys!"

Jace clenched his fists firmly to show his loyalty and strength to Wapol.

His move immediately received approving glances from Wapol.

But what Wapol didn't notice was that deep in Jace's eyes, there was a flash of fear.

And in his mind, he couldn't help but flash the terrifying figure of the group calling themselves the "Blackbeard Pirates".

Fortunately, according to the latest news they got, the pirates had already left the Drum Kingdom.

In other words, they can abandon their identity as pirates at any time and return to the Drum Kingdom to become their own royal ministers!

Although when they fled, they took away almost all the resources and treasures of the Drum Kingdom, so even on the sea, they could still have fun and waste time unscrupulously.

But how could the pirates who were wandering outside be as comfortable as the king and nobles who were just common people? ?

At this moment, Wapol and others are eager to return home!


Just as Wapol and others were planning to return to the throne and what policies to issue to continue to squeeze the people, a soldier wearing a fur coat ran over quickly and knelt in front of Wapol.

"Your Majesty Wapol! A light sailing ship was discovered not far ahead of us."

"According to our observations, that should be a pirate ship?"

"Pirate ship!?"

After hearing this, Wapol became interested instantly.

He was lazily lying on the chair and raised his eyebrows: "I have been bored for so long, and finally I have something to do."

"I don't know why those fools want to become pirate kings even if they have their heads smashed!?"

"You obviously have that kind of strength, but you still dream about it all day long."

"Is it true that there are too few smart people like me in this world?"

Wapol groped his greasy, fat chin narcissistically, and then pointed at his subordinates:

"Come on! Move the boat over to me!"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ——

Sometimes, no one really knows which one will come first, accident or tomorrow.

Before Wapol could finish his words, a blast of fiery energy penetrated the submarine pirate group's hull very quickly and landed just on Wapol's body.

A burning sensation suddenly occupied his entire brain, burning his skin and flesh.

But before he could react to what happened, Wapol, who was knocked out by the impact, fell directly into the sea.

Under the influence of the weakness of the sea water, he immediately rolled his eyes, stuck out his weak tongue, and fell deeper into the sea under the stimulation of the two heavens of ice and fire.

Huge bubbles began to continuously fly out of the broken holes in the hull, taking precious oxygen away from the cabin.

Although they still haven't figured out what happened, the violent shaking of the ship's hull and the rapid influx of seawater shocked everyone.

As the leaking ship tilted severely, countless soldiers rushed out of the cabin.

In front of precious life, at this moment they have forgotten everything they usually pay attention to!

What a king! ? What a powerful person! ?

At this time, survival is the most important thing!

In the blink of an eye, the originally orderly submarine ship became chaotic.

And just then...

However, a huge current suddenly emerged from the deep sea, magically enveloping the entire battleship and pushing them towards the surface of the sea.

Gulu gulu gulu ~ boom! ! !

Bubbles like boiling suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface.

A moment later, under the control of Red's surfing moves, the battleship belonging to the White Iron Pirates was instantly lifted high out of the deep sea by the terrifying huge waves.

The next second, several huge waves suddenly emerged from the sea surface and quickly gathered together to form two huge palms like gods.

The palms grasped both ends of the huge cabin, and then...


As a deafening cracking sound sounded, at this moment, the whole world seemed to become quiet.

Two palms grabbed the broken hull and shook it wildly.

"What...what's going on!?"

Chromamon, who used the power of the static hair ball to stick to the deck, immediately let out a helpless roar with an extremely sad tone.

But looking around the world, no one can save him from the sea of ​​suffering.

Suddenly, countless soldiers who did not hold on fell from the ship one after another, falling into the sea like dumplings.

Such a shocking scene can be said to have frightened Robin beside Chi Hong.

Her deep eyes flashed with shock, her moist lips were slightly open, but she couldn't say a word.

On the contrary, Chihong, looking at the figure of the White Iron Pirates who was thrown out, slowly appeared a little confused.

"Huh? How come there isn't?"

He manipulated the waves and played with the ship like a toy, but did not find any figure of Valpo.

At this moment, Xiao Meili's figure suddenly appeared in front of Chihong.

As a ship spirit composed of pure energy, Little Meili's control over energy is even far superior to that of Luffy and others.

So even after using the destructive death ray, she was not so weak that she couldn't stand up like Luffy and the others.

Of course, there is no comparison between Merry, who just penetrated a ship, and Luffy, who could easily destroy a fleet.

At this moment, Meili's face, which was covered by her cloak, showed some apology.

She scratched her temples sheepishly, and then said to Chi Hong:

"I'm sorry, Chihong, I just destroyed the death light, it seems that I accidentally knocked Wapol... into the depths of the sea!"


"Is it really such a coincidence?"

"Uh..." Xiao Meili smiled coyly, "Sorry, Chihong."

boom! ! !

Red immediately removed his surfing move to save energy.

And the huge wave without the red energy to maintain it also fell instantly.

Along with it, there was also the White Iron King that was raised high.

Looking at the chaos on the sea, Chihong shook her head helplessly:

"Forget it, it seems we have to ask Rab for help!"

The deep sea is a mysterious realm that even Red doesn't dare to try easily.

Perhaps when they become planet-level powerhouses one day, they will be able to set foot in every corner of the world.

Chihong slowly took out a small phone bug from the pocket of her clothes. After dialing, Usopp's tired voice soon rang over there.

"Hey~ Chi Hong, what's the matter?"

It looked like he had been up all night again.

After Red's explanation, Usopp quickly understood his thoughts and conveyed them to Rab.

With Usopp's intelligence, he has already developed a way to talk to Rab in the past few days.

The principle is actually very simple, it is phonograph technology plus speaker amplification technology, and a little bit of cool operation.

After recording what he wanted to forward to Rab, Usopp could use the device he made to amplify the huge sound caused by the explosion according to special fluctuations, forming a sound that Rab could hear.

that's all……

A few minutes later, a huge island whale suddenly appeared from the deep sea. Then it opened its abyss-like mouth and sucked in suddenly!

At this moment, the members of the White Iron Pirates, including their ships, who had not yet recovered from the shock, were all swallowed up by Rab along with the wildly surging sea currents.

No matter how hard they struggled, it was all in vain.

After just a few minutes, the entire sea surface became calm again, and the White Iron Pirates were completely gone.

After Usopp's second relay, Rab also turned around and dived into the sea, looking for Valbo deep under the sea.

Before leaving, it did not forget to let out a cheerful ear-splitting chirp at Chihong to express its feeling of being needed by its partner.

It's a pity that Chihong, who doesn't understand Labu's language yet, still can't understand the detailed meaning of this tweet.

"What happened!?"

The noise of the commotion soon attracted the attention of everyone on the Mellie and woke them up from their sleep.

Except for Luffy and Zoro, who were still sleeping soundly, the others walked out of the cabin one after another.

Looking at the rough waves left by Rab when he left, everyone asked in confusion.

And when he learned from the phone bug that Rab had seen Wapol's red face, he was relieved.

After hearing everyone's inquiries, he turned around and smiled slightly: "Nothing happened."

Everyone: "???"

Are you treating us as fools, or are you treating us as blind men? ?

A group of people suddenly looked at Chihong with unkind eyes.

But Chi Hong still looked relaxed and said with a smile:

"But everyone came out at the right time."


With a crisp finger snap, Little Meili's figure suddenly appeared next to him.

Stand obediently with your hands crossed behind your back.

Chi Hong said: "Let me introduce to you, this is a veteran member of our Straw Hats."

"At the same time, he is also the real sixth person to officially join the Straw Hat crew after Usopp..."

"Sorry, Sanji."

"It seems that Zoro can only call you as [No. 7] from now on."

"Wait, Red!"

Nami, who had joined the Straw Hats very early, immediately showed doubts and asked:

"You said this kid is the sixth person, but..."

"Why have I never seen her?"

As she said that, Nami took a few steps closer and looked at Little Meili curiously.

With Chihong as her endorsement, she naturally wouldn't worry about Meili becoming a dangerous person.

In addition, Meili is so well-behaved and cute that people will not be wary at all.

However, the next second, Nami realized that her judgment was completely wrong!

Under Nami's scrutiny, Little Meili suddenly showed a sly smile, raised her head and said hello familiarly:

"Hello, Nami!"

"Nice to meet you."

"Besides, it's not a good idea to hide personal money in the mezzanine of the food warehouse. Be careful, one day Luffy will find out~!"

"I advise you to change places quickly."

"Actually, the more difficult-to-enter sundries warehouse you chose the second time is a good choice."

"You...what are you talking about!?"

Listening to Xiao Meili's words, Nami's expression instantly changed from stunned to surprised, and finally she laughed.

At the same time, a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

The corners of Nami's mouth couldn't stop twitching, and she showed a flattering smile:

"It's strange, little friend. My eldest sister can't understand what you are saying."

"Really? Then forget it!"

Little Meili suddenly showed an innocent and ignorant look, and smiled indifferently.

But in Nami's eyes, the cute and cute little Meili has turned into a little devil with two horns!

Although she is responsible for the financial power of the Straw Hats, after all, the money is legitimately "earned" by everyone in the Straw Hats and does not belong to Nami.

She only has the right to distribute it, but not the right to use it.

So sometimes, when Nami allocates herself a quota, she will allocate it according to the market price, and then rely on her superb bargaining skills to save a lot of money.

The money saved naturally became Nami's "legal private money".

What just makes Nami confused and horrified is...

Not even Chihong knew about this matter, so why would this child-like "partner" in front of him know this! ?

For a moment, Nami had many thoughts and her brain was in chaos.

But the next second, little Meili continued to show that cute expression, and then her eyes swept over everyone one by one and gave them advice.

"Sanji, the magazines you bought in Rogue Town are almost torn through. If that doesn't work, let's find a newspaper delivery guy and order a copy of the latest edition!"

"Nami will not be stingy with this little money."

"Colonel Smoker, actually you don't have to keep up with Sauron's training intensity."

"Everyone's physique is different. Sometimes you use too much force, but be careful as it may backfire!"

"Weiwei, if you really want to venture into the Pokémon world with Chihong again, you could just tell him directly instead of hiding under the quilt and mumbling...

I think Chi Hong would not refuse. "

"And Robin..."

At the last moment, Merry suddenly turned around, looked at the stunned Robin, and smiled softly:

"If you feel lonely, you might as well try to express your feelings to everyone~"

"Trust me, your arduous journey is over."

"This is your last stop!"

Little Meili turned around and said something, which also made everyone on the deck stunned.

Sanji, whose face turned red when his embarrassing little secret was revealed, immediately asked Chihong:

"Chihong! Who is this young lady?"


"I really didn't buy any unhealthy magazines! You all must believe me!!!"

"Hahaha~" Chihong grinned, "Don't worry, I won't tell Sauron about this!"

"That's not what I meant..." Sanji stretched out his palm to ask for help, but all he got in return was a red disregard.

Smoker and Weiwei on the side also showed angry and ashamed expressions respectively.

Only Robin, who has not yet completely recognized the Straw Hats, is still thinking about what Merry just said.

"Okay, let's stop beating around the bush with everyone!"

At this time, Chihong put her hand on Xiao Meili's head.

"Meili, why don't you introduce yourself in person~"

"Okay!" Xiao Meili smiled softly, then looked at everyone again, and then bowed seriously:

"Hello everyone, I am the ship spirit of the Meili, Meili~!"

"With Chihong's help, I can finally meet and communicate with everyone normally."

"This feeling is really great!"

"Thank you all for taking care of Meili during this period!"

"From now on, leave the fight against this sea to me!!!"

Xiao Meili patted her chest and assured everyone.

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