Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 152 It is my virtue not to talk about martial ethics! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Chapter 152 It is my virtue not to talk about martial ethics! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

"too strong!"

Although I didn’t get a perfect experience on my first try, it was precisely because of this that Chihong felt extremely excited!

After all, where they are now is considered the hinterland of the Kingdom of Alabasta!

And his extra-dimensional hole move actually allowed him to teleport outside this superpower at once, which shows how terrifying this teleportation distance is!

"Except for the Red Earth Continent in the pirate world, there are probably few islands larger than the Kingdom of Alabasta!?"

"In this way, even if I am unexpectedly separated from my friends in other places in the future, as long as the spiritual power covers a wide enough area, I can gather everyone together in an instant!"

"Eh!? Wait a minute!?"

"Then I've become a tool again!?"

Chi Hong scratched his head in confusion, feeling that something was wrong.

Why is it that for a god-level move that moves well and attacks well, his first thought is to become a support person! ?

"Isn't it possible that I was immersed in my identity as a tool and never came back?!"

In this way, under the puzzled looks of the agents and Robin, this fulfilling night was quickly passed.

And early the next morning, walking on the ground that had been baked under the scorching sun and burning their feet, the red group finally arrived at the largest entertainment venue in the Kingdom of Alabasta - the Rain Land!

Although the Kingdom of Alabasta is very vast, most of its areas are desert areas without any use value...

In this country, a city that can have the three characteristics of sufficient water sources, a large population and convenient transportation channels at the same time, apart from Arupana, the capital of the kingdom, is the only one that was occupied and transformed by Crocodile [Dream City] It’s raining!

It’s also very ridiculous to say!

It is obviously an important economic city in the entire kingdom, but neither the troops of the king's army nor the consuls who submit to the royal family have any control over this city. They can only watch Crocodile domineering here. blessing.

Coupled with Crocodile's identity and his actions of eradicating pirates in surrounding cities from time to time, Kobra not only had no doubts about him, but was even happy to see such a "heroic figure" appear in his country ".

All I can say is that Kobra is kind and kind to the people.

But as the king of a country, his naive ideas were the fundamental reason why the Kingdom of Alabasta fell into this situation.

If it weren't for the Straw Hats' magical soldiers descending from the sky in the original timeline, this country would have already changed its dynasty.

As for whether the World Government, upon learning of this news, will take any action or support to this member of one of the twenty royal families, there is no way of knowing.

"Is this here?!"

After dismissing all the agents, under the leadership of Robin, Chihong came to the entrance of the huge casino opened by Crocodile - Yuyan.

As the huge glass door opened, a cool breath that was completely different from the outside world rushed in.

Obviously, water resources are scarce enough to start a war, but in the center of the rain feast, there is a huge fountain that is continuously humidifying the dry air.

Among the dealers coming and going, they were also wearing various cool and attractive outfits, holding drink trays, and walking among the gamblers with flushed faces and high spirits.

“Really a beautiful dealer, dealing cards online~”

"As expected of a place where rich people spend their time~"

Although I have seen many big scenes in film and television works, at this moment, seeing such a luxurious scene with my own eyes, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

"Mr. Vice Captain, this way."

At this time, Robin's call appeared in his ears, and Chihong was reluctant to look away from the big, round tender meat.

After all, they have business to do here today!

“Store manager!!!”

Chi Hong and the two came to Yu Yan's staff area.

When all the staff saw Robin's face, they immediately stood up straight in panic, and then greeted him respectfully.

Thanks to Crocodile's character that he doesn't like to appear in public, and he can't figure out the reason for Robin's disappearance...

Therefore, the staff of Yuyan are still very respectful to Robin.

Relying on Robin's facial recognition, the two of them traveled smoothly and soon arrived at the core area of ​​the entire casino...

Crocodile's exclusive office!


Red and Robin stepped on the dim stairs and continued to move downward.

After taking the first few dozen steps, I suddenly became enlightened!

A bright and huge office suddenly appeared in front of Hong Hong's eyes.

The walls on both sides of the office are connected to a vast underground river.

From under the hard window, you can see some large and vicious crocodiles swimming past the window from time to time.

“What a magnificent office!”

Seeing this scene, Chihong immediately praised him from the bottom of his heart, and then looked straight ahead.

"You say so, Your Majesty Shichibukai Crocodile!"

Bang bang... bang bang...

A burst of slow and heavy applause suddenly sounded.

I saw the desk facing away from the red chair and slowly turned around, revealing an embarrassed face with a cigar in his mouth and a gloomy expression.

"I didn't expect that you would choose to betray at this time!"

Crocodile, who turned around, did not look at Chi Hong immediately, but instead stared at Robin fiercely.

Although he had been prepared long before Robin lost contact.

But when Robin led a strange man directly into this office through a secret passage that only the two of them knew, Crocodile couldn't help but feel a ball of angry flames instantly rising in his heart!

It's obviously just a little bit...

They are about to complete their plan and explore the core secret of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

How could Crocodile still be able to swallow this breath of peace?

But in the face of his anger, Robin, who had already decided to join the Straw Hats, showed a formula-like smile:

"Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position."

"I think as the former boss, you will bless us, right!?"

"Blessings!?" Crocodile smiled coldly, his eyes gloomy.

"You really dare to say that!"

"As expected of a devil's son who is famous in the underground world for his betrayal."

"You're right, I should have expected this day to happen."

"It's just that I don't understand..."


Crocodile suddenly photographed three bounty orders on the table.

It's a reward for the three powerful forces of the Straw Hats!

Crocodile continued to sneer:

"You shouldn't be so naive as to think that the other party has more prospects than me just because the bounty is higher than mine!?"

"I'm really curious...what are the conditions that would make you choose to betray at this time!?"

Crocodile turned and looked at Chihong:

"If my information is correct, you should be Red, the vice-captain of the Straw Hats, right?!"

"How dare you break into this place alone? You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!"

"So...can you answer my question!?"


Chi Hong, who smiled and said nothing, stepped forward, looked directly at the King Shichibukai, and then suddenly waved his hand:

"This is...the answer you want!!!"


boom! ! !

Under Crocodile's confused and shocked gaze, a violent trembling sound suddenly came from the thick glass window of the luxurious office.

The next moment, countless cracks popped up on the glass wall like spider webs.

Click... click...

The broken glass fragments fell to the ground, and two mighty waves suddenly broke through the glass wall under the control of Hong Hong, and directly hit Crocodile under his horrified eyes!

"You!!! What are you doing!?"

The panicked Crocodile shouted quickly, his body immediately transformed into elements, and flew towards the secret passage.


How could Chihong, who already knew the layout of the office from Robin, give him this opportunity! ?

Before the surfing moves on both sides could completely enter the room, he stretched out his arms again and shouted in the direction of the entrance to the secret passage:

"Alternate Dimension Cave!!!"


A mysterious light spot suddenly bloomed.

Just when Crocodile was confused, endless sea water instantly spurted out from the extra-dimensional cave like a high-pressure water gun.



The unprepared Crocodile crashed into the waves and immediately choked on a large amount of water.

And his Shasha Fruit ability was blocked instantly, and his true body was revealed and washed back to the red feet with the waves.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shichibukai, you seem to be..."

"There's no way to escape!"

Looking at Crocodile, who was wet and soaked by the sea water, a smile of success suddenly appeared on his red face.

To be honest, even though he had rehearsed it countless times in his mind, it was indeed beyond his expectation that Crocodile's fruit ability could be disabled so smoothly.

As for answering Crocodile's question! ?

Are you kidding me?

He is not a character in any film or television animation!

Is it possible that we have to exchange trash talk with each other before the war begins? !

After finally blocking the ability user Crocodile in this confined space, of course he would seize the opportunity to directly destroy his fruit ability! ! !

boom! ! !

At this moment, the waves on both sides suddenly broke through the relatively hard glass window and surged into the office like a devouring beast.

Seeing this scene, Chihong stretched out her arm directly towards Robin who was not far away, and took her tender palm.

Then the other hand pressed on Crocodile's body.

All of a sudden!

A huge different-dimensional hole suddenly appeared under Chihong and others.

A second before the waves reached their location, the three of them suddenly disappeared into the office.

The turbulent water quickly filled Crocodile's office, and then continued to rush rapidly toward the upper floors of the building.

The entire Yuyan Casino suddenly shook violently.

For a moment, all the staff and gamblers stopped what they were doing and looked curiously at the trembling ground beneath their feet.

"What happened!?"

"Is the earthquake coming?"

Everyone's faces immediately showed a look of unknown fear.

And the next moment...

The terrifying wave hit directly from the employee passage and swept through the entire first floor of the casino in an instant, rushing all the gamblers and their wealth onto the street outside the rain banquet.

At the same time, it also brings a little coolness to this hot and dry climate...

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