Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 20 Treasure Gathering Skill (please read)

Chapter 20 Treasure Gathering Skill (please read~)

"You...your world?"

Zoro looked at Chihong in confusion: "Are you kidding, Chihong!?"

No matter how you think about it, this statement is too outrageous! ?

However, in the face of Sauron's doubts, Chihong just smiled softly:

"What do you mean?"

"This..." Zoro was speechless for a moment, "This is really incredible."

"Haha, nothing incredible."

Chihong laughed loudly: "Do you remember the trainer's ability I mentioned before?"

"Actually, compared to letting you gain strength through exercise in the real world, this is my greatest role as a trainer!"

“In this wonderful world, as long as you defeat enough enemies, your strength can be improved immediately.

"You can even master new abilities and powers!"

"Time is limited, I'll leave other information on the road and tell you later!"

Chihong glanced at the three long knives on Zoro's waist with a smile.

Although I don’t know what the principle and mechanism is, now that Sauron can bring the knife into the game world, things will be much easier to handle.


The confused Zoro scratched his head. Although he still didn't understand what Chi Hong said, he felt like he had met someone very powerful.

"It seems that I really made the right addition to this pirate group!"

Zoro murmured secretly in his heart, and then followed Red's footsteps and walked out of the gym.

Just as they walked out of the gym door, before Zoro's mind had time to think, a spiky-headed boy suddenly stopped them.

"Hey! I said, that guy over there!"

Zoro turned his head subconsciously and saw a guy wearing a purple gown and a confident smile walking over.

As soon as this guy came up, he said to Chi Hong in an arrogant tone: "I said you, could it be that guy named Chi Hong?"

"Are you here to provoke me?"

Zoro subconsciously regarded this place as the real world.

But just when he was about to unsheath the blade and give the opponent a blow, Chihong stopped him and said softly:

"Don't worry about him."


Sauron was stunned for a moment, but he still put away the blade obediently.

At this time, no one was paying attention, but the prickly head opposite started talking to himself:

"It's true! As expected of me!..."

What followed was a conversation that Zoro couldn't understand at all, and then he was seen taking out something and giving it to Red.

what's the situation?

It turned out to be a gift giver! ?

Zoro's face was full of curiosity.

At this moment, Chihong turned to him and explained:

"In this world, all creatures have no intelligence except fighting, so you don't have to pay too much attention to their words."

"...Oh." Zoro nodded half-knowingly. Although he was surprised, he quickly accepted this setting.

Chihong, on the other hand, turned her attention to the brand new prop in her hand.

[Props: Super Ball]

[Effect: After successfully catching Pokémon, you can gain more experience points than ordinary Pokémon balls, and have a higher chance of dropping props. 】

"I didn't expect that I would meet a gift-giver as soon as I went out. This is really a good sign."

He happily put the five super balls given by the game NPC Qinglu into his backpack.

It's a pity that they are still in the novice zone. There is really no need to waste these Poke Balls and Super Balls for such a little experience. They can only save them for later use.

"Let's go." Chi Hong patted Sauron and said with a smile: "The magic of this world is just about to open to you!"

Taking Zoro with them, the two of them walked directly to Highway 3 on the right side of Dark Gray City.

Although Chihong remembers that there should be a hidden small task in each city, and you can get some small rewards...

But now that time is limited, he doesn't have enough energy to do this.

What's more, in his impression, there was really nothing worth exploring in the first few cities.

In this way, the two of them spent more than twenty minutes quickly walking through the city.

Soon, a path along the mountain with a flat road but clearly defined levels appeared in front of them.

While on the way, Chihong had already briefly introduced the rules of the game world to Sauron.

Compared to Luffy's brain, which couldn't make sense despite repeated explanations, Zoro understood it instantly.

Then he fell into a deep shock!

Create a world where people can become stronger through fighting! ?

Is this really possible! ?

Zoro was puzzled.

In the end, it was just attributed to the devil fruit with magical powers.

Because he realized that his knowledge was shallow, Zoro didn't ask any more questions and just followed Chi Hong silently.

He wanted to see if this world was as magical as Chi Hong said!

It didn't take long for the two to encounter the first battle in the game world!

It was a ranger blocking the road entrance. When he saw Chihong and the others approaching, he immediately stepped forward and stopped them.

"Let me tell you what a real Pokémon battle is!"

The ranger yelled unreasonably, and then directly threw a level 11 Bulbasaur.

The circular battle field suddenly opened up and enveloped everyone present.

The battle is about to break out!

"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!"

The ranger, who had gained wisdom in the field of combat, gave the order instantly.

On this side, Chihong is also not to be outdone:

"Zoro, use Ghost Slash directly to kill the opponent!!!"


Looking at the garlic toad opposite, Zoro did not hesitate at all and instantly drew out three long knives.

The ghostly aura suddenly surged out of his body, and then quickly settled on the long knife.

"Three-sword style-demon slaying!!!"

Uh-huh! ! !

Before Bulbasaur's vine whip could be swung, Zoro had already taken action.

A terrifying aura rose up from his body, causing Bulbasaur opposite him to freeze in place instantly, daring not to move!

Surprisingly, Sauron's unique sense of oppression came into play!

As a dark purple cold light passed by, Bulbasaur, who was only level 11, suddenly let out a scream.


[Roronoa Zoro defeated the ranger Bulbasaur and gained: experience value +68. 】

[Completed command, evaluation: average. 】

[Get additional rewards: experience +14]

"The experience value has indeed increased!"

Seeing the experience tips Sauron had gained, Chi Hong suddenly smiled in surprise.

Just a level 11 Pokémon contributed a small 100 points of experience points...

At this rate, it won't be long before Zoro and Luffy's strength grows by leaps and bounds!

"Well done! Zoro!"

Red praised Sauron for his resolute actions.

In this way, the two of them entered Route 3 from Deep Gray City.

Kill everyone you see along the way, kill gods if you stand in the way of gods, kill Buddhas if you stand in the way of Buddha, you are invincible!

From the beginning of the road to the end of the road, he didn't even blink.

After more than an hour, Zoro's experience reached an astonishing level of over a thousand!

If this speed continues, almost 4 hours will be enough for Zoro to advance to the next level!

This upgrade speed is not even a little bit higher than that of Evergreen Forest.

"This is even true for Route 3. If we enter Mount Tsukimi, Zoro won't be able to level up today, right?"

Chihong clicked her tongue in wonder, but showed no sign of stopping.

When they reached the end of Highway 3, a rugged climbing road instantly appeared in front of them.

Chihong put her hand on her brow, blocking the sunlight and looking upward.

At the end of the climbing road, there is a large elf center and a passage leading to the interior of Yuejian Mountain.

"I didn't expect that the Yuejia Mountain would be so huge after being restored by the camera!"

"Okay! In that case, let's take advantage of the victory today and try to get Sauron to a higher level."

Chihong thought to herself.

However, the moment they embarked on the climb, a middle-aged ranger who appeared out of nowhere suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Hey! Ahead is the extremely dangerous Mount Tsukimi! No one is allowed to enter without a certain level of strength!"

"Let me test your strength!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged ranger suddenly threw a Poke Ball and released a small level 13 fist stone.

The battle field begins again.

But for Zoro and Red, who had killed countless Pokémon along the way, they had already formed muscle memory.

Without even waiting for the realm to be fully opened, Chi Hong took the lead and gave the order without any moral ethics:

"Zoro, use Demon Slash!!!"


A dark silhouette flashed momentarily.

In the blink of an eye, three obvious slash marks appeared on Xiao Fist Stone's hard rock body.


With a painful scream, Xiaoquanshi instantly lost his ability to fight.

However, just as Chihong and Sauron were about to cross the little Karami and move on, the middle-aged ranger unexpectedly stopped them again.

"I didn't expect you to have such strength!"

"Very good, you have passed the test and can enter Yuejian Mountain for adventure."

"By the way, I'll leave this to you too!"

The middle-aged ranger took out a CD from somewhere and put it into his red hand.

"Move learner!?"

Seeing this, Chihong's eyes suddenly flashed.

Fighting an ordinary NPC actually gives you such a reward! ?

This is something he really didn't expect.

He immediately clicked on the [Bao Bao] interface and began to check the information on the move learner.

He used to sneer at these common moves, but now he treats them like treasures and analyzes them word for word!

[Move: Treasure Gathering Skill]

[Attribute: General]

[Category: Physics]

[Power: 40]

[Introduction: Concentrate energy and throw small coins at the opponent. After successfully defeating the opponent, the coins will not disappear. 】

Thanks to Naihe Bridge Oath, Cage Bird, Book Friends 20170627134706382, War Palace \u0026 Wukong for their recommendation votes! ! !

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