Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 250: Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins (Please read later)

Chapter 250: Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins (Please read on~)

"Have you lost your mind!?"

Looking at Usopp's sudden show of coolness, a look of vigilance flashed across the eyes of the King of Evil Government.

After all, he was a pirate with a bounty of 1.8 billion berries offered by the Navy, so he would not take Usopp lightly.

Moreover, Usopp had already shown his powerful strength at the very beginning!

A bomb that could easily destroy a castle, and the ammunition was so light...

This kind of attack method was enough to match Usopp's bounty of more than 1 billion berries.

What surprised the King of Evil Government was that...

Except for the first ammunition, Usopp had not launched any more attacks on him!

But it was also understandable that ammunition of that level was not simple at first glance, so how could it be used as an ordinary means of attacking.

With a flash of thought, the King of Evil Government no longer hesitated and prepared to take down the head of Usopp, the "big pirate".

However, at this moment, a sudden itching sensation appeared from all parts of his body.

Before he could react, Usopp in the sky grinned at him again:

"It should be almost done!"

"Big guy, you don't really think I'm afraid of you, so I played hide-and-seek with you for so long, right!?"


Usopp suddenly pressed a button on the Green Goblin device on his wrist, and a green gem full of life suddenly appeared, emitting a rich halo.

Leaf Stone!

This magical gem contains a lot of grass-attribute energy and can allow some grass-attribute Pokémon to complete their evolution. Now, under Usopp's research, it has completely become a source of energy!

A halo of the same color as the Leaf Stone suddenly bloomed on his body, and the whole person turned into a green appearance.

And the next second, the sunlight in the sky seemed to be guided by something and suddenly gathered in the direction of Usopp.

Grass-attribute trick - Sunbeam!

This is a grass-attribute trick that Red had just found in the Champion Road not long ago!

The power value is 120 points, which can be said to be a rare offensive trick in the grass attribute.

The characteristic of this move is that it must first absorb a large amount of sunlight and combine it with grass-attribute energy, and then release a beam attack with strong light and heat energy.

A bright white light suddenly flashed at the muzzle of the Green Goblin device. Usopp had already absorbed enough sunlight during the escape process just now.

Now this attack is just waiting to be released! ! !

Boom! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation, under the doubtful eyes of the King of Evil Government, a strong beam of light suddenly burst out, blasting directly onto the ground in front, and moving forward at high speed.

In a blink of an eye, a charred gully emitting blazing heat was plowed out on the island body of the King of Evil Government.


"It hurts so much!!!"


The crack whistled, and a huge mountain palm fanned towards Usopp's position again.

However, facing the incoming attack, Usopp easily dodged it again, and then confidently opened his arms to hug.

"Red, is this what you want to tell me!?"

"Then... another power that belongs to me, let it bloom at this moment!"

"Seven Deadly Sins·Greed·Blue Blood Thorn Grass!!!"

Puff puff puff puff...

Under the sunlight beam carrying the energy of the sun, the face of the evil king on the mountain changed instantly.

"What, what's going on!?"

He suddenly let out an incomprehensible roar, but his huge empty eyes revealed a strange look of fear.

The next second, a blue ocean suddenly gushed out of his island body and spread rapidly.

From the sky, it was like a strange bloodstain flowing from the wound of a giant, and soon it covered the whole body of the evil king's island body.

In the sky, Usopp, who was watching the scene in front of him, suddenly showed a wicked smile on his face:

"Feel the pain! King of Evil Government!"

"This is a special plant that once made Red show pain!"

"Sacrifice your body to its greed!!!"


Usopp, standing on the king rhinoceros beetle, laughed arrogantly like a villain.

Blue Blood Thorn Grass, this is a special plant that Usopp accidentally cultivated when conducting plant diversity research.

Because its leaves are bright light blue, and it has sharp thorns and leaf edges that will make people bleed when touched, it got this name.

Compared to the plants that Usopp had used in battle, Blue Blood Thorn Grass does not have such a strong attack characteristic.

The reason is that the growth of this plant is not controlled by Usopp.

If you are not careful, it can easily backfire on itself.

But it can be listed as the [Seven Deadly Sins] series by Usopp because it has powerful characteristics that other plants do not have.

In Usopp's evaluation, the blue-blooded thorn grass is like a well-disguised mental patient.

Under normal circumstances, its seeds will only grow slowly like other plants.

But as long as it is illuminated by strong light or nourished by grass-attribute energy, it is like a special switch is turned on,

and then it will enter into almost endless infinite proliferation and resource absorption!

Whether it is minerals or metals, energy or flesh and blood...

As long as it is touched by the blue-blooded thorn grass, which has more than thirty times more roots than the main body, it will be instantly absorbed and transformed into nutrients for its own growth.

Looking at the suspicious King of Evil, Usopp raised his thumb, rubbed his nose proudly, and then explained arrogantly:

"Do you think I have no choice but to run around when you chase me!?"


"That's all just a means to confuse you!"

"While you were chasing me, I left a lot of blue blood thorn seeds wherever I passed!"

"And under the power of your fruit, these seeds were evenly distributed to various parts of the island with your movements..."

"In other words... your body has long been fully covered and parasitized by blue blood thorns!"

"When the ability of the island fruit is islanding, the user will also suffer corresponding injuries as the island is damaged, right!?"


"I seem to have seen the scene of your body being sucked into a mummy by the blue blood thorns!"

Usopp laughed loudly, but raised the Green Demon Device in his hand again.

The sunlight from the sun continued to gather on it, bursting out a strong beam of light, and was once again shot by Usopp to an open space on the island.

In an instant...

Another large area of ​​blue blood thorn grass flowing like blood spread on the ground.

Recalling the first time the blue blood thorn grass was cultivated, Usopp, without knowing it, even asked Red to use the tillage technique to promote its growth rate.

Then that day...

He watched a small island in the abdominal world covered by blue blood thorn grass, and was eventually swallowed up by it, leaving a strange blue island!

If it weren't for little Aisha discovering the abnormality in time and reporting it... maybe even Lab would be persecuted by this vegetation.


"Damn bug! Do you think such a small trick can hurt me?!"

Although he had already felt that his body was constantly losing something, the abominable Zheng Wang still roared with a stubborn mouth.

Then another mountain palm that Usopp was familiar with slapped his head.

But before the giant palm got close, a piece of blue thorn grass had already spread on it and quickly covered it.

Countless cracks suddenly appeared on the giant palm.

In a blink of an eye, the palm that lost its support began to turn into countless gravels and fell down.


The King of Evil finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a painful wail.

In an instant, the island that seemed to be alive suddenly lost its spirituality.

The big face on the ridge also slowly dissipated.


The King of Evil, who couldn't bear the pain of the greed of the blue blood thorn grass, chose to give up the fruit ability and return to normal human state.

From this moment on, the most powerful ability of the King of Evil has been completely blocked by Usopp.

At the same time, behind a huge rock on the ridge.

The King of Evil, hiding in the shadows, looked at the blue blood thorn grass that was still spreading under the mountain, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Is this the guy who was rewarded 1.8 billion Baileys by the Navy!"

At this moment, the King of Evil, who had been imprisoned for decades, finally felt the change and transformation of the times.

His trembling heart was already warning him...

Don't fight with that young man again.

Otherwise, he won't have a good harvest!

However, the King of Evil Government wanted to avoid him, but Usopp didn't necessarily want to let him go!

Just as he was about to use the covert action when leaving the island to find a safe hiding place...

Usopp in the sky suddenly turned his eyes, raised the huge slingshot in his hand, and smiled:

"Do you think my locking move is a decoration!?"


As soon as the voice fell, a firm look flashed in Usopp's eyes.

"Sure move·Exploding Pine Cone!!!"


Above the island where blue blood continued to flow, a sky-high fire suddenly bloomed in the sky like fireworks.

And the nightmare of the King of Evil Government has just begun...

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