Chapter 253 MEGA Zoro

In the ruins, the flickering flames cast a weak light on Zoro's body, casting a long and narrow shadow on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a Zoro who was more mature than a 19-year-old appeared in front of Shiryu.

Then the figure suddenly turned.

In an instant, the sharp cold light drew a standard arc in the air and hit Shiryu who was flying towards him.

Boom! ! !

A huge smoke suddenly rose, covering the ruins.

The next second, a figure flew out directly from the smoke, smashed into the wooden house next to it, and penetrated several streets in a row!

And this figure was the top swordsman who attacked Zoro-Shiryu of Rain.

"...How, how is it possible!?"

Shiryu, who was not injured, quickly stood up from the ruins, but showed a shocked expression, looking forward in disbelief.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared from the thick dust curtain.

Sharp dragon horns, huge angular wings and a long tail full of power!

This figure was not unfamiliar to Xiliu.

After all, the giant dragon that Zoro condensed before looked like this!

But compared to the figure of the giant dragon, this dragon-shaped figure was only more than two meters tall, but it was more solid than the previous phantom.


Soon, the figure slowly walked out of the smoke and dust.

It was Zoro who had completed some mysterious evolution!

Although he still had a human body at this time, he had grown many characteristics belonging to the Pokémon dragon family on his body.

On Zoro's head, the black and metallic sharp dragon horns flickered slightly, as if mysterious energy was gathered in it.

From his chest, a piece of extremely hard metal dragon scales grew, spreading all the way to the lower part of his cheek, protecting his fragile neck and helping Zoro eliminate a major weakness.

In addition, a piece of scale armor also grew on Zoro's wrist, which wrapped around his hands and magically extended to the hilts of Sora and the Third Generation of Kitetsu, firmly fixing them.

The Wado Ichimonji, which has a unique meaning to Zoro, has changed with Zoro's evolution.

The sword body, which originally exuded cleanliness and holiness, has been slightly enhanced as Zoro's body has increased.

And on the hilt, there is a crescent-shaped dragon tail hook of the same color as the hilt, which hangs the long sword on Zoro's mouth.

No matter how much he speaks, Wado Ichimonji will not fall off.

But apart from this, there are no other obvious changes on Zoro's body.

"What kind of ability is this!?"

Looking at Zoro's strange figure that is neither a dragon nor a human, the doubt in Xilu's eyes has become more intense.

More importantly...

He actually felt a faint sense of oppression on Zoro at this moment!

This is by no means the influence of the domineering color domineering, nor is it the mental suppression caused by the simple sense of oppression on Xilu.

This feeling is more like the fear from the biological instinct!

It was as if...

At this time, Zoro had completed the species leap and became a higher creature that he could hardly look at directly.

"What on earth is going on!?"

Xilu asked in his heart, but no one could answer his question.

Zoro, who had completed the mysterious evolution, swung his dragon tail at this time, and drew a sharp sound of breaking through the air in the air.

Immediately, he once again took the posture of the three-sword flow, and a brilliant electric current began to bloom on his body.

"Then... the real battle is about to begin!!!"

Zoro, in his evolved form, grinned, and the wings behind him suddenly waved.

In an instant, a swift shadow instantly rushed straight towards Xilu like a beam of light.

Because he had already begun to control the giant dragon phantom to fight a long time ago, so when his body suddenly had some dragon characteristics, he did not feel the slightest bit of strangeness, and instantly controlled it perfectly.

"Dragon Sword Flow·Thunder·Thousands of Powers!!!"


The metal-like dragon scales seemed to be more adapted to the energy of lightning attributes.

In the blink of an eye, Zoro's long sword was covered by a terrifying thunder.

Wherever he passed, the air was still filled with the power of thunder, and a small electric current like a small snake emerged.

"Asshole! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have eaten a powerful devil fruit!!!"

Seeing this scene, although he was still frightened, Xiliu still bravely picked up his weapon, stepped hard on the ground with both feet, stepped out a huge deep pit on the ground, and then swung his sword to make a posture to fight Zoro.

"Blood killing, into a river!!!"


The surging murderous aura gushed out of Xiliu's body again, dyeing the surrounding air blood red.

After all, he was a world-class swordsman. Even though he had many mental discomforts, he instantly took out the posture that a swordsman should have and fought Zoro.

Clang! ! !

The four long swords collided with each other again, and an even more powerful impact broke out than before, instantly sweeping the surroundings and turning them into a foundation with only rock layers.

At this moment, the earth began to split from under the feet of Zoro and Shiryu.

The huge crack continued to spread to both sides as the two wrestled.


Upon discovering this, a flash of thought flashed through Sauron's eyes, and then he flapped his wings, actively dissipating the power on his body, and suddenly flew into the sky.

In any case, they are here to help Nine Snake Island defeat the invaders.

If they accidentally cause irreparable scars to Nine Snake Island due to their power...

That would be very embarrassing!

"Hiryu of the Rain, do you want my fruit power!?"

"If you want, come and find me in the air!!!"

Sauron, who already knew what Shiliu was thinking, stopped explaining and instead followed his thoughts to seduce him.

"Damn you kid!"

After hearing this, Shiliu's face suddenly showed an angry look.

But at this moment, he had to admit...

After seeing the effect of Sauron's transformation, he had gone from being very interested in this fruit at the beginning to becoming determined to get it!


A perfect circular wave of air suddenly spurted out from Shiliu's feet.

As a naval officer, he naturally learned the techniques of the Six Styles.

As a swordsman, he more often uses agile moves such as shaving and paper painting among the six moves, and has already integrated them into his daily battles.

But this does not mean that he will be unfamiliar with the other six moves.

Shiliu, who was walking on the moon steps, quickly caught up with Zoro soaring in the air.

Under the mysterious operation of Sauron's repeated horizontal jumps, they finally stopped at the top of a dense forest.

"The cat and mouse game is finally over?!"

Shiliu, who had followed Sauron around several inexplicable turns on Nine Snakes Island, was stuck in the air and questioned Sauron.

But upon hearing this, Zoro said with deep emotion:

"I didn't expect the airspace on Nine Snake Island to be so complicated...even a quiet area is so hard to find."


There was a flash of doubt in Shiliu's eyes.

He set his sights on the clearing where they were before, several kilometers away.

With their current strength, a distance of several kilometers would not be considered a distance at all when they exploded with all their strength.

But for some reason, Xiliu actually had a magical guess in her heart at this moment...

"Isn't this guy opposite him the ultimate road idiot?!"

"If the purpose is to find a quiet area...why do you have to take yourself around the inner diameter of the Amazon Lily Kingdom several times before coming out?"

Although this question has nothing to do with the battle at hand, Shiliu's forehead still couldn't help but reveal three black lines.

An inexplicable sense of humiliation suddenly emerged in his heart.

This guy shouldn't be such an idiot! ?

But Zoro on the opposite side seemed not to feel Shiliu's thoughts at all. His aura condensed again, and he instantly entered a fighting posture.

And Shiliu on the opposite side also put all the messy thoughts behind and began to take the battle in front of him seriously.

In an instant, the battle between the killing maniac and the dragon swordsman began in the sky above Nine Snake Island.

Terrifying slashes continued to fly out, and with the two people dodging, they were blasted towards the sea in the distance or the forest below.

The massive battle impact instantly attracted the attention of other powerful men on Nine Snakes Island.

But soon, they turned their attention to their own battle again.

After all, Zoro is not the only one of the Straw Hats who shines on this battlefield!

"Franky Iron Fist of Evil!!!"


Near the city gate of Nine Snake Island, Franky, a metal cyborg, suddenly turned around and at the same time triggered his mechanism and fired his fist like a bullet.

But at this moment, a wave of evil and weird energy suddenly appeared on his body.

Following the chain connecting the Iron Fist, the energy instantly spread like a surging river, and driven by the Iron Fist, it smashed hard at the pirates in the distance!


All of a sudden!

The metal iron fist, which was originally just slightly larger than an ordinary fist, instantly turned into a giant fist shadow condensed with evil energy, and then directly knocked away all the pirates in the street.

After many pirates landed on the ground, their faces showed extremely frightened expressions.

Even when his body was injured and broken, he still stood up regardless.

Then he let out a miserable roar and ran away in panic.

Obviously, these unlucky guys were triggered by the special effects of the evil wave - and fell into a state of cowering.

Otherwise, how could they, the powerful pirates who could dominate one side after all, be so scared because of such a blow.

In this way, Franky gave full play to his nature as a street runner, hammering all the way from the city gate to the center of the city without blinking an eye.


A middle-aged man dressed like a hunter appeared in front of him.


Franky suddenly stopped and looked at the figure in front of him with a look of surprise on his face.

He grinned and said:

"I thought little Aisha's perception was wrong!"

"So you are hiding here!"

"Captain Cana Wolfe, the former captain of the Furious Pirates and with a bounty of 480 million beli!"


"You should be called Cadre Cana Wolf of the Black Lion Alliance now, right!?"

"I never expected that after nearly ten years, someone would still be able to recognize my identity at a glance!"

"It's so...exciting!"

There was a flash of inspiration in the eyes of Khanna who intercepted Franky, and paired with his sharp face, he looked unusually cunning and fierce.

Although he knew that Franky was just a small figure in the Straw Hats, and the bounty was only 60 million Baileys.

Not even a fraction of his own.

But being wary by nature, he secretly observed Franky for a while, watching him knock away and scare away a large number of pirates.

Only now did he dare to step out of the shadows and perform his duties as a high-ranking official of the Black Lion Alliance.

After all, judging from how much Blackbeard hates the Straw Hat Pirates, once he is able to kill a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Blackbeard will definitely reward him greatly with his meritocratic character.

After hearing Kanna's words, Franky also showed an expectant look.


"Who says it isn't?"

He didn't perform well in the battle on Judiciary Island before, nor did he receive a high reward. Now he really needs a strong person to prove...

He is not just a member of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Thoughts flashed by.

The two people with the same goal reached a high degree of unity in their thoughts and actions at this moment.

"Transform! Werewolf form!"

"Transform! Franky fighting form!"

Under the surprised gazes of the two people, Franky and Cana's bodies changed at the same time.

Franky's eyes suddenly flashed a red light like an alarm.

The next moment, his right arm suddenly opened, and a strange device appeared from it.

Following a series of combinations of devices, a pitch-black muzzle about the same size as his wrist appeared on Franky's arm in the blink of an eye.

Behind the muzzle, there are three brightly colored gems hanging.

The stone of blazing fire, the stone of brilliant thunder, the stone of cold ice.

If a member of the Straw Hat Pirates sees these three attribute evolution stones, they will instantly understand the role of these energy stones.

Because these are the three attributes that are about to become the three original "colors" of the Straw Hat Pirates in the triple attack!

And Franky's other hand also suddenly changed!

The originally thick fingers became extremely sharp at this moment.

The skin on his fingers began to disappear, revealing five transparent glass containers.

Among these containers are five different colors of liquid.

These liquids are the special venom that Usopp and Chopper worked together to create for Franky some time ago.

With the expansion and contraction of Franky's fingers, the implanted mechanical structure, and the six-style finger gun moves he just learned...

He can now release the venom into the enemy's body while attacking, causing varying degrees and effects of damage to the enemy.

In addition, his chest suddenly opened like a metal gate, revealing a crystal containing majestic energy.

Like Iron Man's nuclear reactor, it blooms with a strange and shining light.

Franky's battle form·Unit-00...

See! ! !

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