Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 289: Clear Rayleigh's name! (Monthly vote requested)

Chapter 289 Clear Rayleigh’s name! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

Xia Qi sighed in her heart.

In fact, the shock that the Straw Hats brought to her and Rayleigh was far beyond their imagination!

"Are these three young people really newcomers who just entered the Grand Line this year!?"

After the massive battle lasted for more than ten minutes, Rayleigh, who was still able to handle the situation with ease, looked at the three Luffys opposite who were just breathing a little fast, and couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart.

Not to mention Sanji's modified body, any injury can be fully recovered within a few seconds, plus his combat armor has no weaknesses...

Even though he has a well-proportioned figure, he is enough to be rated as the strongest human shield of the Straw Hat Pirates!

After acquiring the attributes of dragon-type Pokémon, his attacks became, like Zoro's, inexplicably fierce and full of destruction and destruction.

Not to mention Luffy, who possesses regenerative power, is a bug-level Destiny Child. After entering the ultimate fourth gear state, he can be said to be the only guy present who makes Rayleigh feel threatened.

Zoro's ghost-based swordsmanship also shows a power beyond the rules of the pirate world.

"No wonder he was able to become a blockbuster and be ahead of all the new pirates. It's just..."

While using various domineering techniques to fight Luffy and the other three, Rayleigh suddenly felt doubts in his heart.

"If it's only to this level, even if the three of them join forces, it's impossible to defeat Kizaru, right!?"

"In other words, these three people are still hiding their strength!!!"

Lei Li suddenly realized something, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


"In that case, let me see how far the young shoots of the new era have grown!"

Regarding the skills of Haki, he had just demonstrated it to Luffy and the other three.

With their strength, with a little follow-up practice and meditation, they will soon be able to master the external release and internal destruction of armed color Haki.

As for other advanced applications related to seeing and hearing color and overlord color and domineering energy, it is not something that can be achieved through hard work alone.

So next, Rayleigh can move his muscles without any worries.

boom! ! !

An unpretentious full-moon slash suddenly flew out from the scimitar in Rayleigh's hand. It was so powerful but seemed to cut off the entire island.


In an instant, both Luffy who was fighting Rayleigh and Chihong and others who were watching the battle from a distance immediately realized that something was wrong.

Only Xia Qi, who knew Lei Li best, saw this and shook her head with a chuckle.

"Hmph~" The lady who still retains her charm hummed softly: "Every day you talk about handing over the times to young people, but in the end, you still refuse to grow old?"


The fiery slashes came instantly in front of Luffy and the others.

And just before the two sides were about to collide, dark lightning suddenly burst out from the slashes.

Obviously, Rayleigh's attack not only demonstrated his powerful swordsmanship, but also further upgraded the skill of overlord's domineering winding, hiding it in the flying slash.

Rumble, rumble——

An earthquake-like buzz spread from the distant ruins to the edge of the entire island.

Even the originally calm sea began to roar because of Rayleigh's blow.

Fortunately, the location they chose for the sparring was a remote island outside the Shampoo Islands. Otherwise, just this attack would have caused countless residents on the island to lose their homes.

And this is the power of the world's top experts!

With just one strike, it was like the world was destroyed and the earth shook.

However, even so, Reilly still seemed to find it not satisfying enough.

Thousands of thunder surged around his body again, and a huge crack formed in the entire sky under his momentum.

Boom boom boom boom...

A series of slashes filled with overlord's domineering aura flew out like crazy and shot toward the dust curtain where Luffy and the other three were.

For a moment, this ruined open space seemed to have been baptized by the Demon-Slaying Order, and the war was raging.

"Hey, will something happen to Luffy and the others!?"

Under the protection of the red super barrier, everyone in the Straw Hats immediately showed worried expressions when they saw that they were enveloped and devoured by endless slashes.

Franky also frowned and asked Chihong:

"Chihong, do you really don't need to stop the battle!?"

"If this continues, this island will be scrapped, right?"

"Can Luffy and the others really withstand such an attack!?"

The Straw Hats, who still didn't know the true strength of Luffy and the others, looked worried.

But facing everyone's questioning gazes, Chihong just grinned and chuckled:

"Don't worry, it's just a slightly stronger attack than the Admiral."

"Luffy and the others have long passed the time to worry about attacks of this magnitude!"

As if to prove Chihong's point, the moment he finished speaking, three shocking auras suddenly erupted on the battlefield.

"Pokémonization·Gear 4·Dark Valkyrie·Rubber Bazooka!!!"

"Pokémon Transformation·Dragon Sword Style·Beautiful Demon·Demon Slayer!!!"

"Pokémon transformation·Erma Knife·Teppanyaki·STRIKE!!!"

boom! ! !

Three terrifying attacks suddenly flew out from the dust curtain caused by the slash.

It was seen that Luffy and the other three had completely entered their respective Pokémon states at this moment, using their respective moves to face the sky-wide slashes.


As a thunderous sound resounded in the sky over the sea area, the huge energy impact instantly turned into a crazy storm, sweeping away in all directions.

Under the reminder of Crimson's telepathy ability, Luffy and the three of them, who had already taken their strongest stances, easily destroyed the slash that was second only to the Yonko level.

Immediately, the three of them took advantage of the victory and pursued it, directly attacking Rayleigh not far away with their strongest posture.


Lei Li, who originally just wanted to teach his juniors, suddenly changed his expression.

He didn't understand why Luffy and the other three suddenly became so strong just by exerting a little force.

But before the exclamation in his heart could completely subside, a fiery figure suddenly appeared on the side of his body.

"Be careful, Senior Rayleigh!"

Without giving Rayleigh any chance to react, Sanji directly maximized the effectiveness of the Speedy Fruit with the help of his Pokémon's stronger body.

In an instant, it seemed as if not even the space could keep up with his speed. Instead, he pulled out a flame beam in the void and marked Sanji's movement trajectory.

However, at this moment, although Haki had sensed Sanji's aura, he didn't know whether it was because he hadn't fought for too long, his body was rusty, or because Sanji's extreme speed had exceeded Rayleigh's reaction range...

bake! ! !

The scorching kick seemed to absorb all the flames in the world, and then bombarded Rayleigh's arm, which only had time to defend himself.

Rayleigh, who was hit, instantly turned into a swift stream of light and hit hard towards the back.

But what he didn't expect was...

The moment he was about to land, a giant dragon waving ghostly wings suddenly appeared where he landed, and then a dazzling light bloomed instantly.

"Dragon Sword Style·Fang Blade·Destruction of Reincarnation!!!"

boom! ! !

The destructive death light trick that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time was instantly shot out from the holy double blades on his cheeks in the form of a slash as Sauron flicked his dragon head.

The two slashes rotated around each other, like two reincarnated planets, and finally hit Rayleigh's back accurately.


The powerful destructive death light, coupled with the destructive and destructive characteristics that are already greatly enhanced in the dragon form...

Zoro and Sanji's combined attack actually caused the unprepared Rayleigh to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be silent.

Even in the high altitude, strengthened by Pokémon transformation, Luffy, who had condensed the domineering haki into his fists for the first time, couldn't help but put away his aura, and then showed a sudden look on his face.


The three of them fell back to the ground one after another and took back their Pokémon.

Immediately they began to stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Just now they...

Did you go a little too far~

It was obvious that Uncle Leili was teaching them with good intentions one second, but the next moment they beat him until he vomited blood.


Luffy and Sanji suddenly looked at Zoro.

Sanji frowned:

"With Senior Rayleigh's strength, even if he loses to the combined attack of the three of us, he won't be able to break through the defense so easily."


An inexplicable light flashed in Sanji's eyes.

"Did you add an external display of weapon color to the attack just now!? Or was it an internal sabotage technique!?"

"Hehe~" Zoro grinned, "Why can't we have both!?"

"Sexy Chef, you're one step behind me this time!"

"How can we repair it!" Sanji was furious and helpless.

It's a pity that God does not put all the good things in one person.

Although Sanji has an outrageous body second only to Luffy among the Straw Hats, there is indeed a clear gap between him and Zoro in terms of comprehension.

At this moment, a group of figures suddenly fell from the sky and landed behind Luffy and others.

It was Chi Hong and others who saw something strange in the battle.

"You guys are really unexpected."

After landing, Chihong immediately expressed emotion to Luffy and the other three.

Judging from the attack that Luffy just canceled, he has obviously mastered the technique of overlord's domineering winding. Although he may not be very skilled yet, for Luffy...

As long as he can get started, it won't be long before he develops this ability to the world's top level.

As for the outward display and internal destruction of the armed color, which is slightly weaker than the Overlord's Haki, it is naturally not difficult for Luffy.

He had already learned it in the previous battle.

Coupled with Zoro who has also learned the advanced skills of armed domineering...

From this battle, their three Straw Hats gained a lot!

Who was worried that Senior Rayleigh would mislead his disciples? ?

Senior Leili worked so hard and tirelessly for the sake of a future full of students and plums all over the world...

There are actually people who arrange for others to be unfavorable in their guidance...

It's too much!

Completely forgetting that Chi Hong was worried about Lei Li's education level before, there was only one sentence in her heart at this moment:

"I want to clear Teacher Rayleigh's name!!!"

the other side.

Shaki and Chopper, who was signaled by Chihong, did not stay by Luffy and the other two.

The two of them ran quickly towards the direction where Rayleigh fell. While running, Shaki shouted with a look of shock on her face:

"Rayleigh!? Rayleigh!?"

"Are you okay!?"

Perhaps she was shocked by the powerful fighting power suddenly displayed by Luffy and the other two. She, who was obviously a veteran, shouted at a ruin in panic.

"I'm here."

At this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from the ruins, followed by a slightly depressed voice.

Rayleigh suddenly emerged from a pile of rubble, with a trace of dirty blood and dust at the corner of his mouth.


Seeing that Rayleigh seemed to be fine, Shaki breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she suddenly laughed at herself.

What are you thinking about.

Even if this old bastard's strength declines, he won't be so unbearable.

It seems that I haven't stepped into the sea for a long time, and even my mentality has changed.

Xia Qi stepped forward to help Rayleigh up, and the two sat on a broken stone wall.

Rayleigh shook his head a little tiredly.

"I'm old, really old!"

"Young people nowadays are so scary."

Recalling the moment when he was knocked away, Luffy's fist shadow that had condensed the domineering color domineering, Rayleigh also said that he was a legendary guy, and for the first time felt the horror of the change of the times.

But at this moment, Chopper, who went in the opposite direction from Xia Qi to search for Rayleigh, also came over hopping.

"Rayleigh senior!"

Chopper came to Rayleigh and Xia Qi in a soft voice.

Still a little shy, he carefully took out a bottle of good medicine from the backpack behind him and handed it to Rayleigh.

"This... this is what Red asked me to give you."

"It's an apology to Zoro for hurting you!"

"What is this?"

Rayleigh took the good medicine from Chopper's hand curiously and asked subconsciously.

He was not ashamed of being injured by his juniors. After all, this was exactly what he and Roger wanted to see.

He just didn't expect that this moment would come so quickly and suddenly.

"This is a potion that can heal physical injuries. It is a unique specialty of our pirate group."

Hearing Rayleigh asking about the good medicine, the originally shy Chopper immediately straightened his chest with relief.

Although he had studied for a long time and had not found the principle of the good medicine to heal the body, this is also a unique specialty of their Straw Hat Group!

Especially after Red and Luffy won the title of the league champion, they even achieved the freedom of good medicine!

Holding such a magical potion, Chopper, as a doctor, couldn't help but let the arrogance flow on his face.

"Healing potion?"

Rayleigh opened the lid of the good medicine with a bang. After smelling it curiously, he did not doubt Chopper at all and directly raised his head to take the potion in his hand.

And the next moment...

His old eyes suddenly widened, revealing a flash of surprise!

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