Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 292 Have you ever heard of the name of a trainer? ! (Seeking monthly votes)

Chapter 292 Have you ever heard of...the name of a trainer? ! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

After chatting briefly with a group of supernovas, Chi Hong went straight to the topic and focused his attention on the Tianlong man who was wrapped like a rice dumpling on the table.

At this time, Chihong and a group of supernovas gathered around the table, as if they were ready to share a delicious meal.

Although to some extent, they are indeed preparing to share a "big meal"!

Even though this meal might be a little ugly!

"Saint Charlos!?"

Chi Hong took a step forward and pulled away the tightly wrapped quilt. After seeing the appearance of the Celestial Dragon, a look of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect that the target Luo and the others were looking for would be this guy!"

No matter how you say it, he can be regarded as a ruthless person who has been in the book.

Although the name is very confusing, the special memory gives Chi Hong a unique impression of the fat-headed and big-eared Celestial Dragon in front of him, which is beyond the plot of the anime.

Of course, these are not the point!

The important thing is that Saint Charles is the eldest son of the head of the Rothwald family!

It can be said that even among the Tianlong people, they are still a group of people with high status!

This guy might just know the information Chi Hong wants.

"Ugh... damn bastard! Do you know who I am!?"

"How dare you treat me like this!"

"I'm going to let the Admiral kill you all!!!"

Saint Charles was completely confused about his situation. Even under such circumstances, his attitude was still extremely arrogant.

The long-term high position, power and pampering have made the Tianlong people really regard themselves as gods who can dominate the world.

And in fact...

In this world, only with power can you control everything!

"Usopp, I leave this guy to you!"

"Ask for the information we need to know."

"No problem~!"

Usopp grinned knowing why Red brought him here.

Under the curious eyes of all the supernovas, he stepped forward directly and came to the side of Saint Charlos.

Immediately, he licked his fingers and suddenly took out a strange seed with spikes from nowhere.

The light that breeds the power of life flashes slightly.

"Then...grow, Ecstasy Bloodvine!!!"


Usopp released his fingers, and the small seeds fell downwards under the influence of gravity, and the trajectory was clearly visible.

"Insect Swarm Usopp! The bounty is one billion and eighty million beli. Apart from that strange ship in the Straw Hats, the bounty is second only to the captain!!!"

Although Usopp, who came here with Red from beginning to end, never said a word, the supernovas did not dare to ignore this strong man who they needed to look up to!

Therefore, his every move was naturally watched deeply by the supernovas.

Their eyes followed the whereabouts of the seeds all the way to Charros Saint.

All of a sudden!

That little seed suddenly glowed with a dazzling bloody light.

Before the supernovas could react, a thick vine suddenly grew out of the seeds, directly piercing the valuable quilt and sticking towards the body of Saint Charlos!


The spiked rattan roots touched the body of St. Charros, instantly drawing several scars of scarlet blood on his body, which took root deeply and spread along the surface of his skin.

Weird, terrifying, but not the slightest hint of blood!

In the blink of an eye, Saint Charlos' body seemed to have merged with the plants and was suspended high.

But the strange thing is...

Saint Charlos, who was barking arrogantly and incompetently just a second ago, now suffered such a change in his body, but his condition became sluggish.

His eyes were still clear, but they felt like eggplants beaten by frost, losing their vitality.

Or rather...

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a plant without the ability to think independently.

The growth of the vines did not stop because of the silence of Saint Charlos, but instead grew faster and faster.

boom! ! !

Like a heavy hammer, the powerful vines directly pierced the long solid wood table that originally held the Saint of Charros, and pierced hard into the rocky ground of the castle.

"Hey, hey~ don't plant random things in other people's bodies!"

Capone, who felt the strong aura of danger, quickly issued a warning.

At this moment, looking at the vine hanging Saint Charles like a cross, he actually felt an unprecedented sense of crisis!

just like……

If the plant is allowed to grow, even if it is in his own domain, he will be controlled by that strange plant just like the Celestial Dragon.

It's not just him.

Many supernovas present were shuddering when they saw such a scene in Usopp's casual attack.

This is the Straw Hat Pirates! ! !

Going to sea with them, they have the same power as the world's top forces!


At this moment, a crisp sound of snapping fingers suddenly sounded.

What followed was Usopp's mysterious smile and explanation.

He raised his head slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and said in a calm tone:

"Don't worry, my plants will not grow randomly without orders!"


It was obviously just an extremely simple sentence, but looking at Usopp's arrogant expression at this moment, the supernovas suddenly felt a unique aura suddenly erupting from Usopp's body.

It was like a strong wind passing through their inner world.

Of course, all the above is just the fantasy of the supernovas.

Although Usopp's strength is quite good, he does not have the qualifications to unleash the domineering haki.

But when it comes to strength...

Now Usopp, against guys other than Supernova Zhongluo and Bonny, does have the ability to kill them in an instant.

"Is this... is this the strongest member of the Straw Hats whose bounty is second only to the captain!?"

"With such a great reputation, he is worthy of being a man worthy of being so wary of the navy!"

"According to information from the Navy, other members of the Straw Hats were responsible for fighting Kizaru at that time."

"And this man single-handedly destroyed the entire Judiciary Island!!!"

"Gay~! I can't imagine how powerful he can be!"



Maybe the first impression is really important.

It was clear that Usopp only missed a small move, but he instantly won the admiration of all the supernovas.

Even Chi Hong couldn't help but chuckle and hold his forehead when he saw this scene.

It was just a snap of the fingers at the moment when the grass-type energy that supplied the growth of the plants disappeared, and I scared you like this! ?

Are these still the supernovae that caused turmoil in the first half of the Grand Line?

Look at how you have never seen the world!

Forget it, there’s no rush anyway.

It's rare to be able to show off in front of outsiders, so let Usopp be proud for a while.

In this way, Red listened to the supernovas' praise of Usopp for three minutes.

Looking at Usopp's voice that secretly turned on the recording, he could imagine that when he returned home later, he would definitely play this recording to Chopper, and then show off again.

"OK OK."

Finally, just before Supernova was about to run out of words, Red clapped her hands and walked out, interrupting the flattery feast.

Chihong smiled calmly: "From now on, we will all be partners in an alliance, and there will be many opportunities for in-depth exchanges."

"Let's get down to business first."

"Already done, Usopp?"

"Ah?" Usopp secretly turned off the soundboard, and then pretended to be graceful:

"Of course! Under my ecstasy poison, this Tianlong man has now become a machine that can only answer questions!"

"Chihong, if you want to know anything, just ask him."


Red gave Usopp a thumbs up.

Although his super power can also achieve the effect of making the Celestial Dragons obedient, after all, there are so many supernovas watching...

If they saw such a domineering ability, they would inevitably become suspicious of Chi Hong.

Just like when Lelouch's power of Geass was exposed...

Obviously he has never used it on his companions, but he still has to face doubts from his companions.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary barriers to the pirate alliance, Chihong specially chose Usopp, who loves scientific research.

The next time will be Chihong’s comprehensive interrogation of Saint Charlos!

From the architectural structure and regional distribution of Holy Land Marie Joa, to the holding areas of slaves and the storage locations of treasures.

Although it is unrealistic to expect Saint Charles to give him all the information they need in detail.

But the other party has lived in the Holy Land for decades after all, and some details that have never appeared in the anime can indeed help Chihong's actions.

after an hour.


Chihong suddenly closed the book that recorded Mary Joa's detailed information, and then turned around to face the supernovas with a meaningful smile.

"Very good! I'm very satisfied with this action!"

"Then according to the previous agreement, I will also fulfill my promise and give you the rewards you deserve."


All the supernovas stared at each other.

Speaking of which, Chihong did say that he would give them some reward this morning...

It's just that they were forced by Chihong's "obscene power" and only thought about completing the task of kidnapping the Tianlong people, and how they should respond if Chihong killed the donkey.

So much so that they completely forgot about rewards.

Now that I think about it, I am actually looking forward to it one by one.

A powerful pirate group that suddenly emerged within a year...

What exactly will be their reward?

At this moment, the supernovas are extremely looking forward to it.

And the next second, their expectations were immediately responded to.

"Have you ever heard of... the name of the trainer?!"

At night.

Even the darkness that can swallow everything is ultimately defeated by the bright lights of humans.

The moonlight is thin and gently shines on the land of the Chambord Islands.

Under the refraction of the soap bubbles, the lights from the bustling areas also illuminate other lonely corners of the Shampoo Islands, making there no real darkness here...

Yet it produces darkness all the time.

"This should be right here, right?"


As the space flickered, the two stones in front of the rip-off bar suddenly turned into two figures: a man and a woman.

The man wears a white spotted hat, and the woman wears overalls and has long pink hair.

These two people, after receiving Dao Chihong's telepathic transmission, separated from Supernova to find Luo and Bonny who were ripping off the bar!

By this time the lights in the bar had been turned off.

The Straw Hats also stayed in the backyard of the bar under Xia Qi's arrangement.

Under the dim light, Luo tentatively took a look at the environment around the tavern, preparing to see if Chihong had left any note for them.

But Boni beside him obviously didn't have that much patience, so he took a deep breath:


A mysterious force suddenly blocked Bonnie's mouth and slapped her twice hard to ensure that she could not make any sound.


At this moment, a figure crossed the space barrier and suddenly appeared in front of Luo and Boni.

"Really, you can act like this on other people's territory."

"Your personality is really the same as Luffy's."

Chi Hong chuckled and looked at the two of them.

The next moment, he just snapped his fingers.

There was a snap.

Under the power of Chihong's super power, the three of them instantly arrived at a vacant warehouse of the rip-off bar.

And here, Chihong had already prepared three large beds.

He himself directly picked one and lay down on it.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"If you don't want to get up from the ground covered in dust, just lie down quickly."

"Wait... wait a minute!"

With their experiences a few hours ago, Luo and Bonny instantly guessed what Chihong was going to do.

The two of them quickly chose a bed and lay down on it obediently.

The next second, their eyes were suddenly shrouded in a gentle white light.

And when they opened their eyes again, they had arrived in a vast wilderness.

"The world of Pokémon!"

Although they had already been here once before when Red gave skills to the supernovas.

But after arriving in this wonderful world again, Luo and Pony still inevitably showed an expression of surprise.

"Chihong, my father's matter..."

Because his identity had been leaked, Poni stopped hiding it and wanted to question Chihong again.

But Chihong stretched out her palm and stopped her next words:

"I will find a way to use the Navy's contacts to help you find his contact information regarding Big Bear."

"Don't worry, I don't want him to get hurt any more than you do."

"After all, to a certain extent, Big Bear is on our side."

"But before that..."

"Instead of worrying about Big Bear, you should focus more on yourself!!!"

His red eyes flashed, but he looked at the virtual light in front of him that no one else could see.

At the top of the screen are the attribute panels of Luo and Boni.

[Pokémon: Trafalgar D. Vatir Law]

【Level: 53】

[Gender: convex]

[Character: Calm (+Special Attack-Speed)]

[Attributes: super power, poison]

[Characteristics: Eyes of the Mind (Use your mind to feel the world, greatly increase your perception, and be able to observe things that ordinary people cannot observe.)]

[Total: 889]

[Pokémon: Joelle Bonny]

[Level: 42 (current)]

[Gender: Concave]

[Character: Irritability (+Speed-Defense)]

[Attributes: Super, Fairy]

[Characteristic: Mischievous heart (can use changing moves faster)]

[Total: 710]

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