“You… What crazy things are you talking about! Hearing Sasuke’s words, a five-old star roared in shock.

“It’s all said that it’s okay for you, take it with you…” With that, Sasuke turned and turned in their direction, and with a kaleidoscope, a pitch-black wall of fire suddenly rose, stopping everyone on the other side.

Sengoku looked at this scene with a surprised expression.

Sasuke turned back and looked at Sengoku.

“You have also seen that now these people in power are useless except for first-class pot throwing technology and first-class spraying technology, a group of people occupying the peak of world power every day, acting as a blessing in power, and eating vegetarian meals in corpses, and pressing you really powerful guys can’t raise your heads, is it interesting?”

“The strength of our Dusk Brigade, you have also seen, as long as we want, let alone all the personnel, even if it is just a corps commander, it is enough to compete with the world.”

“As long as you want, we will handle the world government, and after that, your navy will sit, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

Sengoku broke out in a cold sweat: “I’m a marshal of the navy!” The army that belongs to the world government! How is it possible to cooperate with your Dusk Brigade! ”

Sasuke shook his head: “This is bad, the navy and the world government are originally in harmony, and turning over their faces is also a matter of early days, you think, with the character of Draco, maybe when will it rise, grab a few navies to have fun, by then, can you endure?” It’s better to clean them up as soon as possible ~ ”

Sengoku’s whole person is not good, Sasuke’s words are too direct and too unacceptable – he is a little blinded.

On the other side of the Amaterasu flames, someone tried to force their way over, but as soon as they touched the flames, they turned into ashes.

“This, this temperature is terrible!” Someone exclaimed.

One of the five old stars gave a look behind his back.

A strong man nodded and walked out to the flames.

He has one hand, phew! The armed color domineering covered it, and it was dark and shiny.

His gaze was cold, and he stretched out his hand to Amaterasu, but as soon as he touched it, his face changed directly, and the Amaterasu fire actually burned directly on the armed color domineering, he quickly withdrew his hand, pressed it to the ground, wanted to extinguish the fire, but found that there was no way to extinguish the fire!

This person was a little anxious, frantically looking for a way to extinguish the fire, one moment put his hand in the ground, the other would take the water on the conference table and pour it on his hand, the result was useless, the fire burned more and more in, and after a while it reached the torso, in the scream, this little master who has mastered the domineering color of armed color, directly became the second pile of ashes.

Seeing this scene, finally no one dared to die again.

A five-old star had to shout through the fire: “Warring States! Can’t take their word for it! That’s the devil’s word! ”

The top officials of the world government also hurriedly shouted: “Yes, yes, yes! You must not collude with the underworld forces! ”

“Kill him! We give the Navy a military budget! ”

“Get us out! Anything is good

“The world can’t live without us! Without us, the world order would collapse! ”

Hear the sound behind the flames, Sengoku Black Line.

These people are really shameless, and they say that if the world is less, they will collapse …

One by one, it’s just some ministers, and the king, even if they are all kings, for the five old stars, they are actually not so valuable…

He shook his head, chasing away the boring thought and looked at Sasuke.

“Thank you for being willing to talk about this, but forgive me for seriously refusing, or that sentence, I am a naval marshal, it is impossible to cooperate with pirates.”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, “Compare us to pirates… It’s really arrogant. ”

“So, since you rejected this proposal, it means that you intend to let the Navy and the Dusk Brigade smash to the death?” Fortunately, it just so happened that the commander of the Third Army also wanted to come to this world to see, so I called him as well. ”

Saying that, he showed a weird smile: “However, if that person makes a move, I’m afraid it will be a little more ruthless than the captain of the Archimonde Legion…”

Hearing this, several people in the navy were shocked in unison.

Sasuke’s kind words came to talk to them, making them subconsciously ignore a little.

The Navy is now fighting the Dusk Brigade! And the people only sent one legion leader, and the other strong people did not shoot at all!

Strong people like Red A. Ulquiorra, there is intelligence that they are all on Yan Demon Island, but as a result, people don’t even plan to make a move, relying only on one Archimonde, they collapsed the first attack of the navy!

0···· Ask for flowers·· 0

Thinking of this, several people were in a cold sweat.

Just one Archimonde makes them anxious, if you add another legion leader, the effect is probably not as simple as one plus one!

The green pheasant wiped his sweat: “Can you ask how many legion leaders you have…?” ”

Sasuke laughed, “Just five… In a world, it is rare for two legion leaders to come forward together, and this time I can make an exception for you, because your strength is also good and there are many people. ”

He couldn’t help sighing, for these old navies, they all had a sense of pride in their hearts, thinking that the navy represented the world’s top combat power, and there could be no single force that could fight with the navy.


As a result, in the opinion of the Dusk Brigade Regiment, their navy is only at a “good” level …

It’s really frustrating.

Moreover, the Dusk Brigade now clearly shows the identity of a cadre, it seems that he is the only one who is Sasuke Uchiha?

There are five regiment commanders alone, and the number of cadres will certainly not be less, and if you think about it, it is not surprising that there are dozens of them.

With such a level of organization, what does the Navy rely on to fight?

The yellow ape thinks in a different direction than they do.

In the eyes of this old monkey who always likes to save his life, the biggest problem they face now is not how dangerous it is to fight with the Dusk Brigade, but the impact of this conversation.

The world government’s careful eye is well understood by him, a naval admiral.

Even if Sengoku Yoshimasa rejects Sasuke, this matter will become a nail, deeply inserted in the heart of the world government, as long as there is a slight opportunity, they will definitely attack the Warring States, and this uncertainty will definitely become their henchman!

If things really get to that point, what are you going to do?

He squinted, his face as heavy as water.

The green pheasant was silent, he was actually more inclined to Sasuke’s side in his heart, but the marshal didn’t speak, and he couldn’t say anything…

Under everyone’s gaze, Sengoku’s face changed one after another… Force…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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