(This chapter is also counted as the 17th, and the second is not counted today.) )


Feeling the energy fluctuations coming from Mary Joya’s center, Tang Yuan narrowed his eyes and revealed an interested expression.

The transformation of the Blade Queen, from the StarCraft world, is extremely rare, and humans who have mastered ghost energy since birth, so his perception of energy is extremely sensitive1.

The Draco’s self-righteous operation was like a big bulb in the dark in Tang Yuan’s eyes, conspicuous to the extent that it could not be ignored.

The Tyrell doppelganger also flew into the sky.

One is a radiant archangel, the other is a Zerg queen with a light fan of bone wings, two people fly in the sky at the same time, the picture is thief beautiful, the whole day angel and the demon.

The Tyrell avatar has now fully acted as a narrator.

“The resistance of the world government is gradually waning, and normal people must have thought that they were afraid to retreat… 18 But the opposite is true. ”

Hearing Tyrell’s words, people were stunned.

Their thoughts are like what Tyrell said, they all thought that the world government was going to escape, and now they still have hole cards?

Even Sengoku, Whitebeard, Kaido, they didn’t understand much at this time, they had never touched Mary Joa’s core secrets, and they didn’t know what kind of moths the world government and Draco were doing.

The Queen of Blades sneered: “The energy there is climbing, and if nothing else, it is really a big killing weapon.” ”

Following the direction of her finger, the live camera also cut through.

Seeing there, the navy showed a sudden expression.

“The Draco Senate… Is the hole card over there? ”

At this time, the Senate went underground.

Several people with big bubbles on their heads were angry and corrupted.

“What are you doing?! Incompetent fellow, let me stop the Dusk Brigade! ”

A five-old star glanced at him.

“Washsadors Saint, this kind of meaningless order, why do you need to say it, you and I know that with normal means, it is no longer possible to stop the Dusk Brigade.”

“That’s not the reason why you broke into the Holy Land is managed by us Draco! Get out! Washsor roared.

The curly-bearded five old stars snorted coldly: The government regards you as the nobles of the world and gives you supreme rights, isn’t it for such a day, but don’t tell me, the long aristocratic years, let you all forget this. ”

Washshads’s face flushed.

Looking at the altar of the Holy Land that slowly started, he clenched his bite.

Anyway, only this thing, can’t start!

Looking at the appearance of the five old stars who did not intend to be reasonable at all, his eyes sank, and he suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at one of the five old stars.

“Stop it all! Otherwise, I’ll take him…”

Halfway through his words, his voice suddenly stopped.

The last thing he saw was the scene of a thin five old stars, slowly retracting the long sword in his hand into its sheath.

The speed of the sword can actually be so fast?

Living in a greenhouse, Draco, who had never seen the cruelty of the world, fell straight forward.

Before he could fall to the ground, a five-old star stepped forward quickly, caught his body, and then threw it directly onto the altar.

“Don’t waste blood.” He said.

Under the horrified gazes of other Draco, the body of the Washsa Saint fell on the altar, blood slowly flowed out, and in a short time, the whole corpse was completely sucked dry by the altar and became shriveled!

Several Draco let out ear-piercing screams, more choosing to escape.

The curly-haired five old stars roared: “Stop them all!” ”

Brush brush brush brush!!

Seven figures suddenly appeared from all directions, capturing all the fleeing Draco at a lightning speed, and these poor Draco, who had been pampered for a lifetime, ended up with the same fate as pigs.

As the blood of the Washsor Saint melted into the altar, a red light suddenly shot from the corner of the altar to the ceiling and shone into a gemstone.

Then, the second, the third.

All the way to the eight lights!

The eight rays of light converged into one point, and the gemstone also changed from colorless to bloody red!

Seeing this scene, a middle-aged Tian313 dragon man sweated profusely: “You can’t do this… This is…”

Five Old Stars with a knife interrupted him: “This is the secret treasure of the Draco, the killing machine that can be summoned by using the flesh and blood of the Draco, we all know this, Rozwald Saint, there is no need for you to make a fuss and emphasize.” ”

As the gem was filled with Washisards, the earth of Mary Joa began to tremble violently.

Residents hiding in their homes exclaimed.

People all over the world have seen the drastic changes in Mary Joa through live broadcasting.

The golden lion flew in the distance, looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and then fell back to the ground and said to Whitebeard: “My God, the world government wants to use earthquakes to deal with the insect swarm?” This is your old job, Edward, go and compare with them, who has a more powerful earthquake! ”

Whitebeard pouted and rolled his eyes.

“Earthquake? If it were something that simple, the world government wouldn’t come up with it. ”

Saying that, he grinned: “This time, there is really a good show to watch.” “_

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