Tang Yuan’s current behavior, if placed on the villain of the comic finale, it is really a proper death.

Disperse your weapons and lower your defenses just to see how powerful Shanks’ move is.

Alyssa watched from not far away, a little speechless.

Under Tang Yuan’s gaze, Shanks moved.

He held the sword in one hand, moved under his feet, and disappeared completely!

Tang Yuan’s eyes bloomed with green light, he used the spirit pressure madly on his eyes, he must capture Shanks’ figure!


Tang Yuan’s gaze narrowed, and he reached out to block it.

Changed to a normal person, the scene in front of him is that Shanks suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Tang Yuan’s arm also raised to affect the enemy who did not exist~

However, Tang Yuan did catch it!

Black claws, twisted domineering, – fiercely touched together!


Tang Yuan’s resistance only lasted for a moment, and the blade cut into it along his black claws—like cutting tofu.

Palm, forearm, big arm, all the way to the shoulder, Tang Yuan watched expressionlessly as one of his arms was cut open and pulled down to the sides.

“Good.” He was still in the mood to praise.

“Your speed is dozens of times stronger than that Adam, if I didn’t temporarily improve my eyesight, I would definitely be deceived by you, worthy of being the apex powerhouse of the new era.” He applauded.

Shanks stopped behind him and slowly put away the knife, his hand trembling slightly.

Turning his head, he looked at Tang Yuan, the split right arm was split into two pieces and hanging, blood flowing, but Tang Yuan himself looked indifferent.

“…… What the hell is going on with you, why are you blocking my knife with your hands? Shanks asked speechlessly.

If Tang Yuan had used that thunder gun to block it just now, he would definitely not have ended up like this, but he would have to use his hands!

This arm divided into two pieces, if not cut off quickly and disposed of, I am afraid that it will directly cause people to lose too much blood and die!

“Hmm… You said that. Tang Yuan looked down at his arm and wanted to try to lift it, but his arm moved slightly, but he didn’t get up.

“It’s so miserable, it’s scary to look at.” Tang Yuan said.

Shanks: “…”How should this TM complain?

He just wanted to speak, but his eyes widened and he held back.

Under his incredulous gaze, a stream of white stuff gushed out from Tang Yuan’s arm, completely enveloping the wound.

Then, two slices of the cut arm, just like that, stuck together and healed!

Tang Yuan raised his arm and clenched his fist, revealing a satisfied expression.

“Super speed regeneration, it’s quite useful.”

Shanks opened his mouth and dropped his jaw to the ground.

“This, what kind of fruit ability is this?!” He said with a look in his eyes.

“It’s not the fruit, it’s my talent, super speed regeneration, as long as it is not dirty and the head, other places are injured, basically can be repaired in an instant.” Tang Yuan said, and then Fu’s right hand raised and stretched out a finger to face Shanks.

“Next, try out new abilities.”

The corners of Shanks’ eyes twitched wildly, and what he tried his best was actually just a test product that he used to test his ability?!

A dark green ball of light, condensed in the fingertips of Ulquiorra, the surrounding energy continues to converge, making the ball of light slowly grow larger, and finally become the size of a ping-pong ball.

“Flash.” Tang Yuan said lightly.


The green ray, starting from Tang Yuan’s fingertips and Shanks’ body as the end, instantly generated and bloomed with brilliant brilliance!

“Hmm!!” Shanks crossed his arms in front of him, and the armed color domineering energy gathered with all his strength, resisting this terrifying force!

“Powerful melee capabilities… Unreasonable regeneration speed, even long-range attacks are so strong? Well, it was also strong before, and that Thunder Spear almost broke my defenses…” While blocking the virtual flash, Shanks still had the work to think about it.

When the void dissipated, his armed color was also a little overloaded.

Coupled with the physical strength used when he opened the big move just now, Shanks felt that his state was not very good.

Just when he thought it was Tang Yuan’s last big move, Tang Yuan changed his hand again.

Another ball of light condensed, the difference is that this time the ball of light is actually pure black!

Feeling the terrifying power in that ball of light, Shanks broke out in a cold sweat.

“Hey… No way? He showed a wry smile in disbelief, and then made a very humiliating motion, and the whole person snapped and fell to the ground.

In the next instant, black light, with green lightning, passed through the location where he was just now.

The air seemed to be still.

······· Ask for flowers · 0

The ray flew over Shanks’ head and landed into the distant sea.

After a short silence, a huge round fireball expanded! The sea was instantly turbulent, huge waves rose into the sky, the tallest, I am afraid sixty or seventy meters!

Even the residents of the island in the distance can see this sky-high wave!

Shanks didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, although he dodged this trick, it was useless! Such a terrifying attack, can he hide once, ten times?

Moreover, such a big wave comes, the island estimates the pill, what to do with the inhabitants of the island?

He frowned, not knowing what to do with it.

In the residential villages in the distance, people looked at this huge wave and showed horror.

“Are we going to die?!”


“The sea god is furious!”


The Great Waves are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is the liquefied spiritual pressure that has been flowing from the sky since the transformation of Ulquiorra, and the dark sky.

No matter how you look at it, it’s all an apocalyptic scene.

Renly’s expression was distorted, how the hell did Ulquiorra and Shanks fight? How did it even hit the tsunami?!

Okay, what else do you evacuate? You’re going to die anyway!

Shanks is a little anxious, such a big wave, even if he uses domineering and sword qi, he can’t suppress it, and he is not a natural one!

At this moment, he saw Tang Yuan take a few steps forward and walk next to him, facing the monstrous wave.

Tang Yuan glanced at Shanks: “It seems that accidentally playing a little big, such a big wave down, I’m afraid everyone on this island will have to die.” ”

“I wish you didn’t say it so lightly.” Shanks frowned, he didn’t like this kind of person who regarded life as grass, everyone became stronger little by little from a weak time, why should he forget his former self after becoming stronger?

Tang Yuan just smiled and did not refute.

Just when Shanks thought he was going to watch the excitement, Tang Yuan’s body suddenly erupted into a vast spiritual pressure like a landslide!

“The tsunami … Drop me!! ”

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Third, there are two more ten. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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