The female emperor looked at Qinli in surprise.

“This is … Fruit ability? ”

Tang Yuan shook his head: “It’s just that I will transition my strong resilience to you a part, you know, I am an undead elf, Wuhe Qinli.” ”

“Undead… Genie? The female emperor frowned, trying to recall this title, but after thinking about it for a long time, she found that she didn’t seem to have really heard this name…

“You’re a pirate?” She asked.

“Haha, look what you said, how can I do such a vulgar profession.” Tang Yuan laughed and stretched out his little hand to pat the female emperor’s shoulder.

The female emperor was displeased and wanted to dodge, but found that as soon as she moved, the little hands in the Wuhe Qin also followed like shadows! It’s as if you’re positioned on yourself!

This feeling of being suppressed by the other party’s strength made the female emperor very dissatisfied, and she accelerated her speed and retreated, forcibly avoiding this shoulder pat in Wuhe Qin.

After doing all this, he also showed a defiant smile.

Tang Yuan was funny, the female emperor in front of him, who was less than twenty years old, was really interesting, with a child’s temper.

“Hmph, rude people, casually move their hands and feet, the concubine looks at you is vulgar.” The female emperor raised her head and said.

“Huh? How do I remember that it was you who moved first? Tang Yuan referred to the leg that the female emperor swept over at the beginning.

In a word, it directly made the female emperor blush.

After a few seconds, the girl forced out a sentence: “What the concubine does is right!” No one else is allowed to question it! Because…… The concubine body is so beautiful! ”


Tang Yuan was stunned, did this classic quote that made a face actually appear so early!

And it seems that it was forced out by itself!

“This kind of operation is a loss.” Tang Yuan arched his hand to the female emperor and said.

Although she couldn’t understand what he meant, the female emperor nodded with satisfaction.

She lowered her head back and looked at Tang Yuan for a while.

“Although it is not comparable to a concubine, it is still beautiful~.”

Tang Yuan: “…”

If this is heard by the majority of lolicon, it will be amazing.

Not to mention the unfairness of the female emperor’s opinion of Lori, probably the two had chatted for too long, and the two sisters, who had reminded her that it was time to rest, came to the front deck again.

Seeing Tang Yuan standing beside the female emperor, the two were stunned in unison.

“What man?!”

Tang Yuan looked at the female emperor.

“They asked me who I was, and I answered?”

The female emperor wanted to roll her eyes to show that she was speechless, but this one was not very ladylike, and finally gave up.

She looked at her two sisters, and after a while, she said in a deep voice: “Those who know concubines, don’t worry.” ”

The two sisters looked at each other.

They have lived with the female emperor since they were children, and it is the first time they know that this sister has friends they do not know.

Could it be…

The two suddenly showed a sudden look.

If they were separated when they were slaves in Mary Joa, was this a slave friend that my sister knew at that time?

Thinking of this, the two were relieved, if they were friends at that time, it was indeed an old friendship, as long as this very beautiful little girl did not expose their former slavery, everything was good to say!

The female emperor guessed a little of their thoughts, and couldn’t help but be even more helpless.

Tang Yuan didn’t guess it, but he would climb again and again, patting himself without any weakness: “That’s right!” I am a friend of this young lady, hurry up and serve good wine and food! ”

The female emperor almost jerked her legs again.

In this way, it didn’t take long for the whole ship to know that the captain had a friend named Gohe Kotori.

In this regard, although the female emperor is a little unhappy, it is more of a sense of relaxation.

At the banquet, Tang Yuan sat in a group of Yingying Yanyan, quite a bit of the feeling that Tang monks had entered his daughter’s country, and he had no contact with other sisters, which was also a beauty.

The island of Amazon Lily is full of women, and the Nine Snakes Pirates are naturally no exception, these female warriors are thieves’ rods, slender waists and long legs, but it’s a pity that Tang Yuan can only live through the eyes, he doesn’t have that job now.

Then again, if he had that job, I am afraid that the first second he got on the ship, he would directly enter the life and death battle.

A blonde female warrior wearing leopardskin shorts and carrying two long swords on her back walked over and toasted Tang Yuan, her words and manners were full of respect.

Of course, this is not to give face to Tang Yuan, but to the face of the female emperor.

Tang Yuan smiled at the female emperor with interest, “Your people’s expectations are really high.” ”

“Hmph.” The female emperor turned her head.

For this guy who is self-cooked and cheat to eat and drink, she doesn’t want to give a good face.

As a result, in the eyes of other Nine Snake warriors, this is even more a manifestation of the good relationship between the two, and if others talk to the female emperor like this, they have long been kicked over.

After drinking, Tang Yuan was suddenly stunned and asked the female warrior: “Do you know a girl named Margaret?” ”

The blonde warrior was stunned: “It’s the name of my youngest sister.” ”

“No wonder.” Tang Yuan nodded, “It looks quite similar.” ”

The female emperor suddenly frowned: “How do you know about our people!?” ”

The Nine Snake warriors were stunned in unison, looking at this scene in surprise.

Your Majesty the Emperor This is… What’s wrong?

Under everyone’s gaze, Wuhe Qin took a sip of wine, laughed and blew a breath, and the wine cut a flame roll in the air, dissipating invisible.

He shook the wine glass in his hand, revealing a beautiful smile that even the female emperor could not help but admire.

But the words he said in the next second made the female emperor’s whole person cold from head to toe.

“Because… The intelligence network of the Dusk Brigade has long covered the entire great shipping route, and the daughter country cannot stop us at all. ”

Bang! (Zhao’s)!

The female emperor stood up at once, because of the strong shock, her feet exerted force, and directly stepped on the deck!

Most of the Nine Snake warriors also stood up in horror and took several steps back.

In just one sentence, this powerful pirate group all retreated, forming a blank area!

The female emperor looked at Qinli in disbelief: “Dusk Brigade?!” ”

There were fighters who went to sea for the first time, and looked at the people next to them strangely: “What is the Dusk Brigade Regiment?” ”

This question, they were surprised to find that the seniors who were always confident and not afraid of the sky were now all in a cold sweat!

“The Dusk Brigade … It is the most terrifying force in the new world now, they have defeated countless strong people, we nine snakes, today is difficult! ”

Someone gritted his teeth and said it, and suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire ship condensed.

Then, Kotori stood up. _

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