“Who came out there, I couldn’t move.” The five old stars of the great knife were shocked in their hearts, and when Ulquiorra stepped on his chest, he felt that his whole body could not move, as if there was a force restraining him.

“Die.” Ulquiorra’s eyes did not carry the slightest emotion, his facial expression was indifferent, and his words did not carry any emotion, as if he had inadvertently pinched an ant to death.

When the words fell, the virtual flash at the fingertips suddenly erupted.

I saw that the place where Ulquiorra and the others were suddenly produced a violent explosion, the surrounding ground was broken layer by layer, and the buildings collapsed with it, and in an instant, the place where Ulquiorra was located was reduced to ruins within a radius of one kilometer, full of desolation.

“Escaped.” Ulquiora’s indifferent eyes flashed a hint of color, and a trace of emotion appeared.

Just when the virtual flash hit the Great Dao Five Old Star, an energy that he was extremely familiar with appeared, and then the Great Dao Five Old Star disappeared in front of him.

“There are two strokes.” Ulquiorra raised her head, her gaze seeming through the layers of buildings and landing on the highest top of the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

On the roof, the space rippled, followed by the five old stars of the big knife fell from the space, lying on the ground and panting weakly.

“Are you okay?” The blond-haired five old stars walked over and helped the big knife five old stars up and said with concern.

The five old stars have been getting along for decades, and their feelings are still a little.

“I’m okay. The Great Dao Five Old Star slowly opened his eyes and coughed a few times: “That person is definitely the level of the Four Emperors, absolutely…”

Before he finished speaking, the five old stars of the big knife coughed violently again.

“Hasn’t the Navy come yet?” The blond five old stars raised their heads and asked several five old stars.

“Still on the way.” A five-old star replied.



In mid-air, Ulquiorra’s figure suddenly appeared, and appeared in front of Ye Chen in an instant.

“How does it feel.” Ye Chen asked, he saw the battle just now, it was completely suppressed by the big knife and the five old stars, which was completely suppressed.

It’s like a general hitting a lieutenant general, a kind of hierarchical suppression.

“The strength is not bad, not much different from Esders.” Ulquiola paused: “But he just felt the energy of space. ”

“Space?” A trace of color flashed in Ye Chen’s eyes.

Ulquiorra nodded, “Although the fluctuation is very weak, I can clearly feel it.” ”

If Ulquiorra said so, then there is a person among the five old stars who has the ability to control space, that is, the ability to space, to put it bluntly, the ability to eat the fruit of space.

“It’s quite deep, and there are even those who have the ability to have spatial fruits.” Ye Chen smiled, but he didn’t care.

Esders can freeze time space, while Ulquiorra itself can break the spatial barrier, and Ye Chen can mobilize space at will.

Therefore, all the personnel of Dilin, even if they face unknown abilities, those with strange spatial abilities are not very afraid.

However, Ye Chen also understood that this estimate should be the hole card of the five old stars.

“Master Ye Chen, then what are you doing now.” Estes asked.

As a militant, Esders had long wanted to go down and finish a big job, but Nai Yu Yechen didn’t speak, so she endured it, and now that Ulquiorra is back, she suddenly can’t bear it.

Ye Chen glanced at Estes with a smile: “Don’t worry, we are waiting for our old friend, we are waiting.” ”

“Old friends?” A trace of doubt flashed in Esders’s eyes, but soon she remembered the battle not long ago, and suddenly lacked interest: “Lord Ye Chen, you won’t say those navies, their strength is not strong.” ”

“The one who fought with you before was relatively weak, and the navy had several good strengths, just like the last time, after fighting with Osiris, he didn’t get hurt much.

When Estes heard this, he immediately remembered the old man with flat head and white hair last time, it seemed to be called Karp, and he was not injured among the three.

And the strength of Osiris she tried, completely suppressed.


“Why aren’t they moving.”

“Will there be a conspiracy.”

“Damn fellow, you dare to hover in the air, this is provoking me and waiting.”

“Do you want to invite a national treasure and kill them.”

One of the five old stars spoke, and the other five old stars fell silent when they heard this.

The current situation is very severe for them, although their five combat power is not low, but the lowest in the emperor are the peak ~ peak of the general, and the most important thing is that the Draco below has not completely spread, so they dare not make a move.

They had already tried the price of the shot, and hundreds of Draco died in the aftermath of the battle.

“The national treasure can’t be invited for the time being, and now please come out of the Holy Land Mary Joa can’t bear it at all.”

“I agree.”

“So what do we do now, can we only watch where they are?”

“What about the Navy.”

“Almost there.”

Facing the emperor people hanging high in the air, although the five old stars and others are angry, they are also very weak, the Draco below has not completely retreated, if they fight, I don’t know how many Draco people have died.

And most importantly, if there is a battle, the Holy Land Mary Joa will collapse and become a legend.


Ye Chen didn’t make a move, and the five old stars didn’t dare.

Under such a strange atmosphere, time flows slowly, like fine sand in your hand.

And at this time, dozens of naval warships appeared at the Justice Gate in San Diego.

“Lord Five Old Star, the navy is coming.” A middle-aged man ran up to report.

“It’s good to open the door of the Holy Land and let them in.” The blond five old stars immediately ordered.

Not long after, the door of justice slowly opened, and dozens of warships drove into the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

On the deck of the main control warship, Zefa Crane, Sengoku Kapu, and the current three generals all stood in it.

“It’s really amazing, you really dare to attack the Holy Land.” The yellow ape pouted and said softly.

“Such lawless people must be punished.” Akainu clenched his fists and spoke.

The yellow ape glanced at the red dog and said, “Then you go on.” ”

The implication is that I don’t get it.

It’s just that this is just a joke from the yellow ape, and he won’t follow if he really doesn’t come up.

All of them had already prepared the result of the death battle with Ye Chen this time.

Warring States looked at the behemoth in the sky and said, “I hope we can all come back alive this time.” ”

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