Seeing Sengoku leading Lieutenant General Tsuru into the conference room, all the whispers that existed in the room stopped, and everyone’s eyes were firmly fixed on Sengoku.

Sengoku walked to the round table, placed the materials in his hand on the table flatly, and said loudly:

“I gathered all of you this time because you should be roughly clear in your hearts, yes, it is because of the retaliation of the four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido against the navy.”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, everyone’s pupils tightened and their eyes froze.

I guessed that it may be that the matter of the Four Emperors Kaido and the feeling of the Warring States personally confirming it are completely different, originally I have been watching Kaido have no movement, and I thought that Kaido’s madman suddenly had a convulsion and did not want to fight with the navy, which made many people relax a little. And looking at the appearance of the Marshal of the Warring States today, Kaido must have done something.

Sengoku paused, his gaze looked around, swept over the faces of all the navies, and continued to say in a deep voice:

“We just got the news that the G6 naval branch standing in the New World was attacked by the Hundred Beast Kaido, and it is too late for us to support from here.”


Hearing the words of the Marshal of the Warring States, many navies gasped. Although the Warring States did not say what the G6 branch has become now, everyone present is very clear in their hearts. With the combat effectiveness of the naval branch of the new world, even if it fights with some sea pirates, it can insist on the support of the navy, but if the opponent is the four emperors pirate group that suddenly attacked, then they are impossible to resist, and now the G6 branch, the naval bridgehead nailed to the new world, may have been removed, and what will happen to the navy in it, everyone’s hearts are clear.


The red dog stretched out his hand and slapped it angrily on the conference table in front of him, his eyes flashed with angry flames, stood up and shouted angrily:

“This kind of villain is absolutely unforgivable! Marshal of the Warring States, please immediately send troops to annihilate the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment! ”

“It doesn’t seem to need to add fire.”

Dewey clasped his hands in front of his chest, lowered his head and glanced at the marble table top next to him that was slapped by the red dog with cracks, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Originally, Dewey planned to make the red dog fight Kaido in front, but now it seems that there is no need at all. Seeing Kaido in his current appearance, he must be the first to go up.

“Sakaski, the uprooting of the naval branch of the New World is a huge loss for us, of course we cannot tolerate it, and we will definitely send troops.” Sengoku paused, pondered slightly, and continued:

“The most important thing now is how to set up the formation, you must know that there are still 5 existing naval branches in the New World, we don’t know which naval branch Kaido is going to attack, and how to send troops!”

Hearing the words of the Warring States, many navies below began to talk about it.

In addition to the G6 branch, there are 5 naval branches in the New World, and although the 5 bases are not too far away, they are evenly distributed, and how to distribute the troops is a huge problem.

If the forces are scattered, it is easy to be broken by each other, and if the forces are concentrated but know the opponent’s target, this is a huge problem.

“All quiet!” Sengoku shouted loudly:

“Next, let Lieutenant General Tsuru arrange a response to the Four Emperors Kaido.”

When Tsuru heard this, she took out the projection phone worm in her hand, enlarged the document in her hand and projected it above the round table, and she pointed to an island evenly distributed like an oval on the projection and said:

“These six islands are the 6 branches of the Navy in the New World, of which there are 5 branches left except for the 6th branch. Of these five branches, G1 and G2 are at the very edge and most likely to be attacked, while G5 is the closest to all branches and can get the fastest support, so it is the safest. ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru paused, and after glancing at Kuzan and the others, he said:

“So I plan to distribute the combat power equally, the G1 and G2 branches will be guarded by the Marshal of the Warring States and General Sakaski, the G5 branch will be guarded by Major General Dewey, and Lieutenant General Karp will return to his G3 branch.”

When I heard that the G5 branch was actually guarded by Dewey, a newly promoted junior, there were a little waves underneath, although Dewey and his strength won the recognition of many people, but after all, the qualifications are still too shallow. Even though Dewey’s record was astonishing, and the G5 branch was the least vulnerable to attack, none of these people had seen Dewey’s battle, and they were skeptical of the sudden appointment of such an important person as him.

“But will the distribution of combat power be too evenly distributed like this, if the Hundred Beast Pirate Group hits and attacks in one place, it will be difficult to resist!” And the defense of the headquarters is empty. Dewey frowned and looked at Lieutenant General Crane suspiciously, knowing that Lieutenant General Crane’s wisdom could not leave flaws that even he could see at a glance.

He looked at Dewey’s doubtful eyes, nodded and said:

“The headquarters will transfer Vice Admiral Gion and Lieutenant General Kaji back to the headquarters, and between the branches, we will use the latest warships developed by the World Government that cannot be mass-produced to transport troops, even if they concentrate on attacking an island, as long as they can resist for a while, the generals can immediately come with the latest warships to support.”

“I actually transferred back the two generals of Gion and Gaji!”

“And there are the latest warships that cannot be mass-produced.”

“It seems that this time the war with Kaido, we have already been fully prepared.”

When the admiral of the navy heard Vice Admiral Tsuru’s explanation, his eyes were full of excitement and he began to talk.

“Staff Officer Crane has already said it, do you have any questions?” Sengoku saw that the discussion had been under and asked loudly.

“No more!”

The navy replied in unison.

“Good! That being the case, for the victory of the navy, may all princes return victorious! Sengoku gave a military salute to everyone below, then took out a huge piece of paper and shouted:

“In order to prevent Kaido from immediately turning fire and attacking the other branches, everyone immediately come to see the naval branch they are going to, and set off now!”


All the navies answered and immediately lined up to watch their destinations in order.

“Ahh It looks like there will be a vicious battle! Kuzan stood up, stretched and said.

“I’m a little nervous, it’s the first time I’ve been entrusted with such an important task.” Dewey said with a smile.

“Don’t worry!” When the red dog heard Dewey’s words, he stopped and said:

“It is almost impossible for Kaido to choose to attack the G5 branch this time, and the Marshal of the Warring States must have considered that you have been entrusted with a heavy task for the first time, and will send you some strong helpers.”

Dewey nodded at the red dog and walked out of the conference room together.

“I just said it casually, do you look like I’m nervous.” As he walked out of the conference room, Dewey said secretly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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