Nowadays, there is only one person left, and that is Sugar. However, Sugar seems to be a child, but in fact he is not.

Ron looked at Granulated Sugar and walked over.

However, when Sugar saw Doflamingo and all his companions being killed, he was trembling with fear.

Ron asked him:”Gan Tang, now that all your companions are dead, what are you going to do?”

Gran Tang said tremblingly:”I, I don’t know.”

“Are you going to surrender or do you want to die like everyone else?”

Gangtang looked up. At this moment, Ron was like a god, descending into this world.

Although it may be a bit uncomfortable to say it, at least it is enough to show that the person in front of him is powerful.

“I, I, I surrender.”

Susang said pitifully.

At this time, Sutang didn’t have any chance to resist, otherwise, she wouldn’t surrender.

Seeing Sutang surrendering, Ron didn’t say anything.

Now, everything has been dealt with here.

Stay. The sugar was of no use at all.

Ron didn’t want to care about her anymore, so he stood up and wanted to leave.

The dust settled, and now almost no one in the Kingdom of Dres didn’t know him.

“There are so many toy people.”

Ron glanced over and saw a lot of toy people.

These toy people were all made of sugar. Ron looked down at Sugar and wanted her to turn all of these guys into human forms.

But. However, Sugar came over pitifully, seemingly weak and frightened, and wanted to pull Ron away.

Ron frowned, but he knew Sugar’s ability. As long as he was touched, he would definitely turn into a toy. Even if he was Even though he was even more powerful, it was of no use at all.

Sugar took a step forward and looked up at Ron

“Lord Ron, I, I am very scared, I, I have been threatened by them before, I, so I, I really don’t like him.”

Sanduang said and went one step further.

Ron narrowed his eyes, this Sangtang was really too much.

“Sun God Taiyi!”

I saw flames rolling in, instantly distorting the entire space.

Sugar was shocked. She looked in front of her and stopped.

“Lord Ron, what are you doing?”

Gangtang was frightened.

His whole body was trembling.

Ron snorted coldly:”Gangtang, what are you doing?”

“I, I just, just want……”

Everyone on the Moby Dick stepped off the ship. Since Doflamingo’s death, there has been no such threat.

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(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

So they are also safe, but they are a little surprised when they come over.

Ace jumped over quickly:”Captain, is there something wrong with this child?”

The crew members all know their captain very well. The captain will not use these easily. The only thing he wants to do is that the child is a threat.

Marco also quickly stopped the people who came.

Ron stared at Sugar and saw that with a slight movement of his hand, Sun God Taiyi turned into a terrifying flame demon. That ferocious image was very effective for this timid person. OK

You know, Usopp was just frightened and was able to scare Granu into unconsciousness, which shows how timid Granu is.

What he didn’t expect was that members of the Don Quixote family would actually ask him to come over.

This person controls all the toy people in the entire Dres Kingdom.

Sugar was shocked.

He originally wanted to kill Ron, but instead avenged the young master Doflamingo and other companions.

But unexpectedly, he was discovered.

Well, that Balrog is so scary. He has a ferocious mouth and a ferocious face. He looks like a demon from hell.


Susang’s screams sounded in this area in an instant.

The next moment, Sutang foamed at the mouth and fainted.

This scene frightened everyone.

The civilians not far away did not expect that it would happen. This kind of problem occurs.

Just now they were talking about Lord Ron and saying that Ron is the savior, but they didn’t expect that at this point, it would turn out like this.

Why, why is this happening?

Isn’t Ron the savior?

Why was he summoned ? A person like that comes out?

“No matter what, that child looks very small, but he is actually from the Don Quixote family, and maybe he is also very strong.”

“That’s right, the Don Quixote family wouldn’t want waste!”

And somewhere in a corner.

The navy held their breath and swallowed their saliva. This, this was simply too shocking, really too shocking.

“Why, why does it become like this?”

“That’s sugar, and its ability is to turn anyone it touches into a toy. Does that mean Ron knew about it from the beginning?”

If you really know, then why do you do this?

Not only the navy, but also the revolutionary army are thinking this way.

Ace was stunned.

Just frightened the ability user in front of him and fainted?

No. Right?

He didn’t expect that it would be like this.

Ace looked at Ron, wanting to see what Ron wanted to do.

Ron looked at the unconscious Sugar, and then looked at the other side. It was indeed very… Accident._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collection

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