Next, the remaining countries raised the topic one after another, and after speaking, today’s meeting will end, and the remaining member countries will save it for the next day.

At this rate, it will take at least a week to complete the 170 member country issues.

“Very good, this is the end of today’s meeting, the rest of tomorrow we will continue to discuss in detail, representatives of various countries, please go back to the room to rest.”

As representatives of the Navy, the Warring States officially ended today’s discussion, and prepared a rich dinner party to entertain the distinguished guests of various countries in the evening.

Although the navy is strapped for funding, it is still necessary to show the dignity of the world government, right? Of course, this time, the fee is still Draco’s refusal to pay half a point.

“This kind of meeting makes me feel like I have instantly returned to my past life and listened to the principal’s lecture.”

After several hours of meetings, Kazeji walked out of the council chamber tired and greeted Kaji to blow the wind alone on the sea.

Suddenly looked up, saw King Liku appear in front of him hauntedly, and almost jumped.

“This is not the one from Dressrosa, what’s the matter with yourself?”

Feng Zhi raised his eyebrows, but he had already guessed the other party’s intentions in his heart.

Sure enough, King Riku asked him to make a move to drive the former defeated Ming Ge out of the kingdom, and he should be thanked afterwards.

“That guy has comprehended the fruit awakening ability, how do you know that I can beat him now?”

Fengzhi felt embarrassed and a little helpless about King Riku’s request.

Thinking of the fate of the other party can be regarded as indirectly caused by himself, and it is not appropriate for Fengzhi to stand by even if he wants to stand idly by.

“Your country’s affairs can’t be solved by defeating Brother Ming, so be it… I will provide resources to help you develop your forces in secret, and the rest will wait for the day when the time is ripe. ”

King Riku nodded, expressed his gratitude repeatedly, and then returned to the room with his daughter.

“I don’t care! Such a meeting is really boring, and it takes a week… I won’t go for the next few days. ”

Fengzhi held his head and wailed, anyway, his proposal has already been said, and how the world government responds depends on their own decision.

It is clear that there is no fund to support such a large army, and it will be hard to endure, and when the time comes, the whole collapse, don’t blame yourself for not raising an opinion.

After saying hello to Kaji in advance, Kazeji planned to wander around casually next, find the Draco nobles who were left behind, and kill a few at will.

However, the reality is that Fengji squatted all day the next day and found the Holy Land of Mary Joa heavily guarded, with patrol kings hovering nearby.

In this case, even if you succeed in making a rash move, you will be discovered by the Navy soldiers, and you must be prepared to bear the wrath of the world government.

Patrolling 24 hours a day, Fengzhi was also subdued by these dedicated naval soldiers.

Near the Holy Land of Mariacho, the fishman leader Fischer Teg appears.

“Damn the world government, actually cruelly abused the fish people as slaves, taste the anger of Fisher Teger!”

Although the fish-people are not as good at domineering and swordsmanship, even the devil fruit cannot be eaten by them who live in the sea all year round.

But they also have their own fish-man karate, plus ten times the innate divine power of human limits, and they are even more domineering and unstoppable when fighting.

“Enemy attack!”

The patrolling naval soldiers discovered Fisher Teger’s whereabouts, and as soon as he shouted, he was twisted by the other party and snatched the torch in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Fisher Teg ran around the Holy Land of Mary Joa, setting fires everywhere, making the chickens and dogs restless here.

After forcing the Navy soldiers to find out where all the slaves were held, Fisher Tiger knocked the soldiers unconscious and single-handedly smashed the prison gates.

“Kill! Fireproof! Hurry up and come out to meet the enemy…”

As soon as Fengzhi was about to fall asleep, he heard countless shouts outside, it seemed that something had happened here?

“Set fire to kill? Could it be that Fisher Tiger is here… Mary Joya’s attack is about to begin? ”

Thinking of this, Fengzhi catapulted and jumped, bringing the Tianli Divine Sword with him, taking advantage of this boring time, how could he be worthy of himself without killing a few Draco.

Right now, a back pot was sent to the door, and Fengzhi rushed directly out of the room and began to look for the footprints of Draco.


Fisher Tiger broke into the prison, and any naval soldier encountered along the way, all of them were blown away by his punch, and the horror of the force was terrifying.

Even the generals at the level of major generals did not stop him.

It is also said that without some amazing strength, how dare to blatantly break into the Holy Land of Mary Joa to save people?

“The fellow fishmen and humans inside listen to me, instead of being slaughtered here, it is better to rush out with me and fight these people to the end!”

These words woke up many Fish-Terran slaves, and even many humans stood up with them.

The most important thing at the moment is to escape, and as for why Fisher Tiger came to the rescue, it no longer matters to them.


Many fish and humans with combat power were aroused by the ferocity in their bones, and they smashed the cell door and rushed towards the naval soldiers who rushed up.

They have long had enough, and it is precisely because of the existence of these people that they let themselves live that life is worse than death.

In the midst of anger and despair, it is amazing for human beings to see the potential for hope to burst out.

On the contrary, many navies, seeing the bloodthirsty and crazy eyes of the other party, lost their souls, let alone fighting, were knocked to the ground at once.

“Where are the Draco?”

When Kazeji saw the chaos on the navy’s side, he didn’t want to help, and occasionally encountered captured slaves, and would help them escape.

Anyway, he also looked at this slavery system unpleasantly.

“Ah! spare your life…”

Fengji was wandering around and accidentally bumped into the three Boyahan Cook sisters who were desperately fleeing.

I have to say that as the number one beauty in the pirate world, Boyahan Cook is only about ten years old, and he has already shown heart-warming amazement.


After staring at each other for a long time, Fengzhi suddenly showed a kind smile and said, “Hurry up and escape, I promise you will leave here safely.” ”

“Much… Thank you, my lord! ”

Boyahan Cook bowed his head to thank him, and then hurried away with his sisters.

When you encounter a chasing naval soldier on the road, you will be stunned by the overlord color domineering released by Fengzhi, and even in the face of a rain of bullets, they will be resisted by the armed color released by Fengzhi.

So, under this escort, Boyahan Cook magically escaped from here.

However, if you want to escape completely, you must also avoid the pursuit of the navy, and after the wind rule does this, the rest depends on their luck.

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