Marco destroyed one pirate ship and then rammed into another one. The might of the phoenix frightened many pirates so much that they jumped into the sea.

Charlotte dos Marche, the 14th son of Big Mom, who was the next target of the attack, quickly jumped up and tried to stop Marco with a slash. Unfortunately, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big. His attempts to stop him were in vain. He was defeated by a blow from the blue wings and fell into the sea unconscious.

A sword energy cut through the sky and chased after Marco in mid-air, but was easily avoided by the blue phoenix.

Seeing that he could not do anything to the enemy in the sky, Smoothie bent his exaggerated long legs as a member of the long-legged tribe, accumulating strength.

"Damn it, Marco, don't be so arrogant."

As the strongest person on the scene except her mother, Smoothie had the responsibility to stop the strong enemy. Unfortunately, before she could move, Flower Sword Bista blocked her again, and the two long swords almost cut the enemy's skin.

Smoothie raised his eyebrows and roared

"Vista, please step back. I don't have time to waste with you."

"Sorry, I just have time to play with you."

The two of them danced with swords and sabers around them, and Smoothie, who was in a wild and aggressive style, couldn't get rid of his opponent for a while. Marco, who was unrestrained in the sky, destroyed another pirate ship.

Faced with Marco's disregard, Charlotte Linlin instantly became furious and chased after him, but it was a pity that Zeus's speed could not catch up with Marco, which made the Four Emperors look very unhappy.

Charlotte Linlin did not chase after him, and directly took off the hat on her head and turned into a broadsword.

"You dare to ignore me, then let me destroy you remnants"


Charlotte Linlin raised her great sword, the power of thunder and fire wrapped around the blade, intending to leave Marco alone and directly eliminate all the minions.

Before she could launch a terrible attack, a sword energy that made her feel a sense of crisis came straight at her.


Charlotte Lingling waved the Emperor Sword to block the sword energy, but unfortunately Zeus below was not so lucky and was directly split in two by the sword energy, leaving Charlotte Lingling with no place to stand and falling downwards. The feeling of weightlessness made her howl in anger.

"Zeus, hurry up!......"

"Here comes mom."

Zeus' body quickly recovered and caught his master, while Charlotte Lingling quickly stood up and glared at the attacker. The man was dressed in a familiar way, with golden hair, and his cynical look made her pupils shrink slightly.

A middle-aged man looked at her seriously.

"Lingling, I haven't seen you for a long time, maybe 4 years."

"It turned out to be you, old man, Rayleigh."

The two top masters faced each other with different expressions, and the domineering aura of the king slowly rose from their bodies, pressing directly towards each other.

""Crack, crack, sizzle"

The domineering confrontation made the air distorted, and many dark red thunders exploded where they were pulled.

Many pirates around were affected by the domineering aura and foamed at the mouth and fell unconscious. The survivors didn't even care about the battle and hurried to the periphery, leaving this place to the two people who would decide the outcome of the war.

More than ten seconds passed, and neither of the two people's domineering aura could suppress the other, which made Charlotte Linlin grit her teeth and said coldly

"Zeus descended.

Zeus slowly descended according to his master's instructions, and Lingling took the initiative to speak to Rayleigh.

"Rayleigh, is it you who gave Marco the courage to be so bold?"

Rayleigh raised his long sword and refuted seriously, maintaining his full strength without any slackness.

"Lingling, don't underestimate Marco. Whitebeard's death may make him go one step further. By then, he won't be much weaker than us. Don't you think so?"

Hearing Rayleigh's praise for Marco, Charlotte Lingling felt even more unhappy. Although Marco was younger and a little stronger than her own Katakuri, she didn't think Marco would grow to their level.

"Humph, then let's wait and see. Rayleigh, now that you are here, what about that old guy Roger?"

Charlotte Linling looked around, and her top-level observation Haki kept searching the surroundings, trying to find the unlikely appearance of Sal.

Speaking of his own captain, Rayleigh shook his head helplessly. If Roger hadn't stayed in Fishman Island for two more days, their situation would have been much better.

"Don't worry, Lingling. Roger is not here. I am your opponent this time."

"Rayleigh, you old man, do you really think you can defeat me?"

"We need to fight to know."

Charlotte Lingling was eager to fight, and her eyes were always focused on Rayleigh's golden hair. He was 10 years older than her, but now he was younger than her.

Rayleigh's change made her unable to hold back her thoughts and ask

"Rayleigh, it was Roger who made you younger. I heard that he has a pill that can extend people's lifespan. Does he still have it now?"

"I don't know either. Lingling, if you want to know, you have to ask him in person."

Rayleigh smiled. He felt that there shouldn't be much change in this war. No old strong man can resist the temptation of regaining youth.

Charlotte Lingling is already 66 years old, and her strength has entered the final peak period. I'm afraid that in a few years, her strength will slowly decline. If there is no longevity pill, it would be fine. Now that the longevity pill has appeared, it is obvious that she wants it very much.

Charlotte Lingling realized that Rayleigh had guessed her thoughts, and immediately retorted stubbornly:

"Humph, I know Roger doesn't have it even if you don't tell me. How many treasures like this can there be? There's no point in saying more. Die, Rayleigh."

The two of them burst out with amazing momentum in an instant. The entanglement of the domineering color of the king made the weapons turn dark red, flashing with terrible domineering thunder.

Charlotte Lingling drove Zeus towards Rayleigh, and with a swing of the sword, the two weapons of huge size touched each other in the air, and a collision that made the world pale in comparison occurred.


A sudden storm of domineering power swept across the entire Reina Island, blowing over tree trunks, causing several meters of waves on the sea surface, and even the few clouds in the sky were blown away.

Many strong men focused their attention on the center of the storm, because they knew that the generals of both sides were fighting. This was the top battle and the battle that determined the outcome of the war.

Even Bondi, who had fought against the two men before, couldn't help but frown. He once envied the power of the domineering man, but unfortunately he had not been able to awaken the domineering color domineering power after decades of traveling across the sea.

""Ba Chan, these two old monsters. And the remaining pills in Sal's hand, I must get one."

Thinking of the goal, Bondy's fists became more violent, making the suppressed Cracker wonder if the old man had taken medicine.......

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