The appearance of the second enemy in his heart made Akainu furious. His whole face turned red and his hair turned into magma and flowed down his forehead.

Although Akainu's reaction was very extreme, he still used reason to suppress his anger and did not act rashly. She was no longer the woman who lost her mind when she just transformed.

Unlike Akainu's reaction, Buggy, who was stepped on, was already grateful, and tears flowed from his eyes and nose. The scene that he thought was going to die turned into a new one. It seems that he doesn't need to go to Impel Down again.

"Captain Roger, this woman Akainu wants to use me to threaten you."

Akainu lifted up the hair that fell on his eyelashes, stared at Sal with his beautiful phoenix eyes, and said in a very cold voice

"Roger, I will never let Buggy go. If you dare to come to save him, I will kill him immediately."


When Buggy heard that Akainu wanted to kill him, he immediately changed his words.

"Captain Roger, you don't have to worry about me. It's okay for me to go to Impel Down with her. I believe the captain can do it again."

"......Buggy, I think you will be executed directly after being taken away, and you should not enter Impel Down. You are an escaped prisoner."

Baki's idea was very loud, and he even wanted him to break into Impel Down again.

The three people present had different expressions, thinking about their own plans. What surprised Sal the most in this encounter was Akainu's change. The unfamiliar Akainu in front of him really surprised him.

In just one month, the other party has become full of feminine charm in every move.

What kind of inner changes has she experienced? He has received some information about Akainu, but he didn't expect that the actual situation is even more exaggerated.

He originally thought that Akainu would be in a state of disarray for a while, and eventually let Aokiji take over the position of admiral, but he didn't expect to meet again.

Akainu's changes made him remember that the ownership of the position of the Navy Admiral is really uncertain.

In the end, Akainu broke the deadlock and stated a condition first

""Roger, as long as you hand over your weapons, I will let Buggy go. As the Pirate King, do you not care about the life and death of your former crew members? I have become like this. Even without weapons, I am no match for you."

This is a very simple provocation. I don't know if others will accept it. If it's Oden, that idiot, maybe he will accept it, but he is Sal, of course he will refuse.

"Don't talk nonsense, Akainu. Without weapons, I really am no match for you. So I refuse. Just kill Buggy. Anyway, this is his own request."

Buggy's existence is not enough to make him act irrationally. It is not difficult for him to defeat Akainu who has turned into a woman at level 92. Having the Fire Dragon Suit can increase the intermediate fire resistance.

However, in a situation where the gap between the two sides is not big, it will be difficult to determine the winner without a few days. Without using weapons, he may not be Akainu's opponent.

When Buggy heard such a decisive refusal, his eyes widened in disbelief. This was not his request. If it were not for the last bit of dignity in his heart, he really wanted to cry and shout to Captain Roger.

Captain Roger, I think I can still save him.

"Do you really not care about Buggy the Clown?"

Akainu hesitated for a moment. Killing Buggy would return to square one. But after thinking carefully, he realized that this option was not impossible.

Sal would pass by here, and it was obvious that he wanted to go north to deal with Kaido, the King of Beasts. If he was held back here, killing Buggy might not matter, and he could even use killing Roger's crew as a propaganda slogan.

Just as Akainu was thinking for a moment, Sal suddenly shouted

"Rayleigh, take action."

Rayleigh's name made Akainu's expression change, and he quickly spread his observation Haki to guard against it. At this moment, a chain shot out from space, tied up Buggy and quickly pulled him towards Sal.

Seeing that he had fallen into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain, Akainu quickly attacked Buggy who was leaving. The hot magma fist could definitely kill him with one blow.

"Don't even think about running away, he's my prey, Hell Dog"


Just a few steps away, Thrall, who was well prepared, blocked the fist in time. Ace's blade firmly blocked Akainu's lava, and as he exerted force, he slowly pushed Akainu back. It can be seen that the difference in strength between the two sides is a bit obvious.

Thrall smiled at Akainu's gloomy face, and without hesitation, he turned his knife and chopped the lava arm with the blade, splashing a lot of lava. Akainu retracted his left hand, and saw that the arm that released the elemental state was scratched with a shallow wound, and the other hand had already turned into a lava dog head.

"Dog bites red lotus"

""God of War"

The nearly 10-meter-long lava dog head rushed directly towards Thrall, but was split in two by a dark red sword energy, and even the lava was directly exploded. Even Akainu behind the lava was pushed back by the impact.

Miaoman's figure retreated ten meters with the force, and Akainu's eyes flashed a gleam of light, and he waved his arms


The blasted magma of the" Fiery Dragon" suddenly reorganized in mid-air, and lava dragon heads surrounded the enemy, launching a fatal attack from all directions. This change made Sal swing his sword and retreat repeatedly, and then he safely avoided the siege of the lava dragon heads.

Sal's face became solemn. He originally thought that Akainu's strength was weakened, and even if his ability control became stronger, he would not be able to recover to his peak strength. Now it seems that he underestimated Akainu.

The power has not recovered, but the ability of the fruit has not only become stronger, but also the temperature and control have been significantly enhanced.

Akainu did not hesitate at all and continued to attack. His two arms turned into erupting lava.

"The"Hell Dog" stretched out his magma fist and kept swinging at Thrall. Each punch could penetrate steel, and Thrall swung Ace to accurately take each blow. The battle between the two sides was very fierce, and it can be said that they were evenly matched.......

10 minutes later, most of the dock and nearby buildings melted, leaving behind a devastated land with large lava pits all over the place.

Both of the two people in the battle had some skin injuries, but these minor injuries did not affect the battle, and even relied on their abnormal physiques to heal in just a few minutes.

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