Kaido's embarrassed appearance made the onlookers beam with joy, and even discussed whether the opponent had already lost.

Without stopping, the flame cloud lifted Kaido and rushed towards the enemy again. As a man who started to participate in wars at the age of 10, his value is that the strong survive and the weak die. If he wants others to look at him differently, he must prove everything with practical actions.


Weapons clashed, and the two sides were once again engaged in battle. Every collision would produce many dark red thunders. The terrible aftermath shook the land, and the bottom layer of the island began to collapse and flooded with seawater. The entire port has been completely destroyed by the battle, and it will cost a lot of money to rebuild it afterwards.

Sal raised his knife with one hand to catch the smashed mace. Although his back was bent by the powerful force, he still punched the enemy in the chest with his backhand, and the domineering fist knocked Kaido away again.

Kaido slid on the ground and left a mark. There was a fist mark on his chest that was several centimeters in depth. Unfortunately, this injury was just a skin injury that Kaido didn't need to care about, and he would recover quickly even if he didn't care.

The battle continued for several minutes again, and finally, under the influence of a loud collision, the ground under the feet of the two men finally couldn't bear the pressure.


The ground began to collapse and fell into the sea. Soon, a piece of land hundreds of meters long was swallowed by the sea. This change made Sal frown suddenly. Because he found that the fight between the two was a burden beyond the ability of Black Spear Elephant Island to bear. Continuing the fight might destroy this precious land.

Not sure if the opponent found the problem, Kaido suddenly jumped into the air and rotated the iron rod. Thunders were drawn from the sky to the mace. At the same time, the domineering aura was wrapped around the iron rod, ready to launch a more powerful attack.

""The Third World: Inducing Naraku"

Thrall realized that the enemy's move was unusual and he could not continue to take it on the island, otherwise even if he could defeat Kaido, it would only destroy the port. Losing the port terrain would make half of the Black Spear Elephant Island useless, causing indelible damage to this golden egg. After all, there is only one place on the entire island that is suitable for building a deep-water dock.

"The Sky Chain, which had not yet fully recovered, passed through space with cracks and tied up Kaido's feet, preventing him from falling to the ground for a while.

"Is this a trick again?"

Kaido was very unhappy with the feeling of his feet being bound, but he also knew that this chain that could travel through space was hard to defend against. If the chain was stronger, it would definitely be a nightmare for the enemy.


Kadou easily broke free of the chains, but this also gave Thrall time to take the initiative. Thrall held the knife with both hands and gathered red energy, then swung it at Kaidou in mid-air.

"Sea Domination......"

The air wave blew away the debris, and a powerful shock wave swept towards Kaido in the air, and the opponent was also shocked by this familiar move. He was very clear about the power of the Tyrant Sea.

"How is it possible that Roger can actually dominate the sea? This is a skill that is not passed down by the giants.

Lingling spent a lot of effort to get it.

"Kaido did not have much time to sort out his thoughts, because the terrible shock wave had already arrived in front of him.

The future foresight of the observation Haki had already shown the power of the domination of the sea.

If he was hit by this move, he would also be seriously injured.

Kaido decisively used the move that was temporarily interrupted again.

""The Third World: Introducing Naraku""


The dark thunder stopped the shockwave temporarily, but the thunder on the mace was gradually extinguished. After a stalemate, Kaido was still blasted away by Tyrant and temporarily disappeared from everyone's sight.

This seemed to be an absolute advantage, and everyone on Thrall's side was delighted. Sure enough, their new leader was stronger than the Four Emperors. Red Hair admitted that he was not as good as the leader, and now he was suppressing Kaido. Isn't this a way to secure his position as the leader of the Four Emperors?

"Wow......Great, Chief Thrall wins."

"As expected of One Piece, Roger is the strongest"

"Why do you call one of you Captain Sal and the other Roger?

This question made the overjoyed people pause, as if the new captain was indeed called by both names, just like Marco called Sal, and Vista and Ace called Roger.

"Who cares? Roger is Sal, and Sal is Roger. They are just new and old names."

Of course, this can only be barely explained. After all, Sal always calls himself Sal in front of others, and never calls himself Roger. But the name Roger is very prestigious, and most people will only think of Roger first, so this embarrassing situation has been caused.

The heavy rain continued to fall, and the ordinary pirates who became drowned chickens thought they had won. The captains of the affiliated pirate groups had a certain vision, and most of them could guess that the battle was not over yet. The Four Emperors were monster-level in both strength and physique.

Sal took advantage of his free time to come to the Golden Lion, attracting the attention of many people. The reunion of these two legendary pirates is worth looking forward to. What will happen to them? For the first time, Sal took a close look at Roger's former"enemy", the once arrogant overlord of the sea, now full of twilight, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Shiki, it seems that your condition is worse than Newgate's. You won't be able to hold on for long. But you shouldn't lose to Straw Hat Luffy in this state. It's really strange."

Hearing that the other party knew that he was defeated by the Straw Hat Boy, the Golden Lion was rarely ashamed and angry.

"That's just a matter of luck. Roger, are you here just to mock me? Humph, if you can restore your youth, I will definitely find a way to restore my strength. When the time comes, I will make those who refuse my cooperation regret it."

"It's been so many years, and you're still holding a grudge against him."

Sal looked at the stubborn look on the Golden Lion's face. He had become bald and looked much shabbier, but he still had the same personality as he remembered. He was still the man who was so persistent that he broke into the Navy Headquarters alone. At this moment, Sal couldn't help but think of the word"tsundere" in his mind. The adjective that made people desperate appeared, and Sal was so scared that he quickly shook his head to dispel the terrible thought.

"Shiki, I just came here to thank you. If you hadn't shown up to hold Kaido back for a while, perhaps my friends would have been wiped out. And Luju is here too. She's my wife. Aren't you jealous?"

"Haha, it's strange that I would envy a mere woman. And I didn't mean to help you. I just couldn't stand Kaido's arrogance, so I planned to teach him a lesson."The

Golden Lion tried to maintain his pride, so that Thrall didn't know how to complain. You were almost beaten to death by Kaido, and you still wanted to teach him a lesson.

Of course, Thrall would not say these words to hurt people, and directly pointed out his intentions.

"Shi Ji, if I give you a pill that will extend your life by 30 years, how will you repay me? I am not kidding, I am serious."

The words of rejuvenation shocked everyone around, even Shi Ji was extremely surprised, and his pupils shrank instantly.

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