The restoration of the Golden Lion to youth once again shocked everyone. Although many people have seen Rayleigh's restoration of youth, that was Pluto Rayleigh, the deputy of the Pirate King. Now that the Golden Lion can also restore his youth, it means that......

Their leader may have a longevity pill in his hand. If they can get one when they are old, how happy it will be.

Everyone's speculation has increased the average loyalty of the Sal Pirates, and even gave birth to a strange character. In the distance, the eyes of the Ice Witch Whitebe are shining, and there is greed in her eyes. She will be 50 years old in a few years. How can a woman easily accept the reality of aging?

【S-level character Waidibei has negative emotions towards the host, high greed, reward experience 5000]

The sudden news made Sal look at the greedy Waidibei. The sudden sight made the other party quickly retract his thoughts and pretend to be serious and worried about the battle situation.


I never thought that Whiteybe’s obsession with the longevity pill would become so strong. This is the first time that the system has prompted high-level greed. It turns out that a woman’s eternal enemy is time.

If the woman present doesn’t care for the time being, it’s Lu Jiu, the resurrected one. Her current physical age is only 30 years old, and even if she is old and ugly, she believes that"Roger" will be prepared for her.

At this time, a dragon roar came from the distant sky, interrupting the infinite reverie of many people. Faintly, the roar of the word Roger could be heard from the horizon. Kaido’s blue dragon slowly grew larger in everyone’s sight, and the momentum was still strong. Seeing

Kaido appear again, the Golden Lion was eager to try. The top-level domineering color that had just been restored slowly rose. He wanted to avenge today’s disastrous defeat.

"Roger, are you going to go or am I?"

"Shiki, are you sure you can take down Kaido? The current situation cannot be dragged on any longer. A protracted war will only destroy this place.

Seeing this, Golden Lion suppressed his will to fight and shook his head. Although he was full of confidence now, he had observed Kaido for a long time, and he was not sure he could defeat the Four Emperors with his newly recovered strength. Perhaps it would be best to let Sal fight, but the opponent's plan was obviously different from what he imagined.

"Shiki, let's go together. The most important thing is to take down Kaido as soon as possible."


The two looked at each other, and seeing that Sal was extremely serious, the Golden Lion turned his head to look at the overwhelmed island, and could only nod. Although he used to disdain the siege of many people, now as a member of the Sal Pirates, of course he had to think from Sal's perspective.

"Yes, Black Spear Elephant Fish Island is very important to you, it is worth our joint efforts. It is an honor for Kaido to let us join forces to take it down."

"Haha, that's right, it's Kaido's honor."

The gang fight was so justified that Ace, who had been acting as a transparent man, didn't know how to complain.

Sal and Golden Lion walked towards the direction of Azure Dragon. The two legendary strong men joined forces to make everyone excited. Joz sat with a relaxed look on his face, bandaged. Even if he was in his complete diamond state, he would be injured when facing Kaido's Thunder Bagua.

"Are the two legendary pirates really going to join forces to fight the enemy? This is a rare scene. Dad, it seems that the times have changed. Roger has pulled Golden Lion on board. Roger, Rayleigh, Golden Lion, these remnants of the old era in your mouth, it seems that they are going to make a big fuss."The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. It seems that the storm will become more violent. The dense rain curtain carrying lightning is beating the blue dragon scales.

Kaido soon noticed the figures of the two. His snake-like pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help showing a solemn expression. It was incredible that the arrogant old guy Golden Lion actually joined forces with Roger. However, the disabled Golden Lion can only act as a harassment. He is still not to be feared, but a little annoying.

Kaido, who has changed back to orc form, stood on the edge of the cliff. The surging sea water beat up high waves. His sturdy arms raised the mace and pointed at the Golden Lion and taunted.

"Old lion, it seems you are still unwilling to give up. If you continue to wade into this muddy water, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"


Domineering, really domineering, Sal turned his head and covered his mouth, trying not to let the golden lion notice that he was laughing silently, but his shaking shoulders also let the golden lion guess that he was laughing. The proud face of the golden lion instantly darkened. He just said something very arrogant, but now he was despised by the other party. Who can bear to be slapped in the face on the spot?

"Kaido, you kid, give it a try, and Roger, you bastard, stop laughing, believe it or not, I will teach you two a lesson"

""Lion Power: Goshoji Scroll"

The ground was rolled up again to form more than ten lions that pounced on Kaido. The roaring lions were just toys to Kaido, and he immediately waved his hand to defeat all the lions. However, when the mace touched the lions, his face changed, and the resistance to the attack became much greater. This time, the strength of the lions was very different in all aspects, and it was obvious that they contained the blessing of armed color.

Kaido's mind was instantly filled with doubts.

"The old lion still has domineering power? How is that possible? If he still has domineering power, why didn't he use it earlier?"

Because Kaido was careless and didn't defeat all the lions, the remaining two lions immediately knocked him back repeatedly. The stones and soil buried the tall figure, and a bulge appeared on the ground that had just calmed down.


When Kaido jumped out of the stream of rocks, the prepared golden lion had already flown over his head, and a sharp sword wrapped in the color of the Overlord was slashing at his head. The sharpness of the sword made Kaido feel a sense of crisis, and he didn't even have time to swing the mace to block it. He could only reach out his hand to temporarily wrap the color of the Overlord to block in front of him.


The hastily wrapped Domineering Haki was not strong enough to resist, and was defeated by the sharp blade and had a deep wound on the arm of the Armament Haki. Due to carelessness, he was injured by the Golden Lion. The wound of Domineering Haki must be uncomfortable. With the other hand, he waved the mace to force back the Golden Lion who was trying to pursue the victory. The two retreated to a safe distance.

Kaido took a look at the wound that had stopped bleeding and began to heal itself, and then looked at the Golden Lion in front of him with a little disbelief. After careful observation, he found that the other party looked very different from when they first met. At least the Golden Lion, who was 20 years younger, was like the sun in the sky, and his wanton Domineering Haki seemed to be swearing something.

Kaido finally focused most of his attention on the Golden Lion. Domineering, the swordsmanship of the great swordsman, and the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, it seems that the guy who was annoying back then is back

"Golden Lion, you have become younger, which means that the intelligence about Roger having a drug that can increase his lifespan is true?"

Kaido was filled with mixed feelings. He thought that the intelligence about Rayleigh becoming younger was false, or it was just a miracle that could not be replicated. He never thought that there really was such a rare thing in the world, and the person who owned it was Roger. This was something that could make the whole world greedy.

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