[S-level character Runti has positive emotions towards the host, elementary friendliness, reward experience 1000】

【[The first change of the fate of S-class character Runti, increasing the fate points by 1000]

Returning to the cabin, Sal couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that the favorability of the iron head girl suddenly increased. Primary friendship can barely be considered a friend, right? What's going on?

Sal, who couldn't understand the woman's thoughts, put aside his doubts. Anyway, he knew that the other party probably wouldn't defect.

In addition, he was really satisfied with the harvest of this trip. Not only did he complete the goal set at the beginning, but he also abducted three of the five new generations of the Beast Pirates and forced away one of the strongest flying six. In the original work, four of the flying six disappeared two years later, which pitted Kaido badly.

26-year-old Yamato, 26-year-old Jack, 20-year-old Runti, 27-year-old Maria, 18-year-old Page One, these five people can be said to be the new generation of the Beast Pirates. If the Beast Pirates really develop for another 5 years as Kaido imagined.

The configuration of the Beasts Pirates in the future will be even more terrifying.

Yamato's strength is comparable to that of the Four Emperors.

Except for Maria, the other three will also be new big bosses.

Among the big bosses, Runti is qualified to become the new vice-emperor.

Overall, this will double the strength of the Beasts Pirates.

The former Whitebeard Pirates could not compare to them.

According to the new generation, the Beasts Pirates are much stronger than the other four emperors.

Unfortunately, the real situation is very different from what Kaido imagined. Yamato is a filial son who moved the heavens. Except for Jack, the other three have become members of Thrall's crew. It can be said that the new generation of the Beasts Pirates is only supported by Jack, and there is no future to speak of.

In fact, even the worst Black Maria is not impossible to become a big boss. You know, she is only 27 years old and has the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters. She still has time to continue to grow.......

In less than half a day, Sal and his men had returned to the Black Spear Elephant Fish Island. At this time, most of the pirate groups on the island had already set sail, preparing to go to the border area to recover lost territory. The two leaders were Diamond Joz and Ace.

In addition to the arrangements on the front line, the rear was also arranging for the islanders to move back to their hometowns. Sal even used his own money to help them rebuild their hometowns. This time Kaido compensated 12 billion berries, plus the compensation of 8 billion from the Big Mom Pirates, a total of about 20 billion, and reconstruction only required about 2 billion to 5 billion.

When Sal and others contacted the garrison troops to prepare to land on the island, a huge noise suddenly sounded on the other side of the island. From a distance, you can see huge rocks and sea water floating in the air. From time to time, sword energy soared into the sky, tearing the stone lion heads into pieces, and even the clouds in the sky were cracked by the domineering aura.

The battle of the Four Emperors is just like this. When Sal spread the observation aura, he finally noticed that the two familiar domineering auras collided, which made him stunned on the spot.

"Rayleigh arrived so quickly? He even fought with Shiki. What's going on between two guys who are 150 years old? But of course we have to go and see such an interesting thing."

After explaining to the people on the boat, Sal used the Moon Step to rush to the other side of the island, leaving the other three staring in amazement. How could a captain abandon the newly recruited crew without even introducing them? Wasn't he afraid that they would be attacked as spies?

The three were not weak, so of course they could sense the movement of the battle. This movement was comparable to the father-daughter game between Kaido and Yamato this year. Of course, Yamato was the one who got beaten.

"Let's go and take a look. This strong man should be well-known in the Sal Pirates, right?"

"Well, sister, I think one of them is Pluto Rayleigh, he is the right-hand man of big brother Sal."

Sal quickly rushed to the vicinity of the battlefield. From a distance, he could see Rayleigh and Golden Lion fighting Rayleigh with their dominance. The collision between the two made the ground devastated, with pits of all sizes everywhere. In the distance, Bonnie was watching intently.

Sal did not disturb the two of them immediately, and found a place to sit down and observe slowly.

The special effects of the two's battle were extraordinary. The ability of the Float-Float Fruit rolled up countless substances to form a lion head, roaring and killing continuously, as if it was going to overturn the island. From time to time, huge rocks fell from the sky, causing a lot of noise. The scene was full of feeling.

And Rayleigh, holding a weapon in the lion group, was like a stubborn stone in a torrent, not shaken at all. The long sword in his hand swung out sword energy wantonly.

Sal watched for a long time and his eyebrows moved. The two seemed to be fighting evenly, but in fact Rayleigh had a slight advantage , as time went by, although Rayleigh could not use brute force to knock off the Golden Lion's weapon like Kaido, his free-spirited swordsmanship was obviously more flexible than the Golden Lion's feet.

Even if the Golden Lion used the power of the fruit, he would slowly fall into a disadvantage. Unless he used the method of throwing stones from high altitude to avoid a head-on conflict, defeat would be a matter of time. Unfortunately, the proud lion would certainly not do that.

An hour later, when the two men broke the sky again, they finally stopped. Because they didn't have to fight anymore, Rayleigh's advantage was very obvious. As for the Golden Lion, although he had regained his youth, it would take some time for his physical strength to recover. His breathing became a little rapid now.

Another reason was the discovery of Sal, and there were three young men watching him.

When everyone reunited, Sal asked curiously.

"Why did you two start fighting?"

Golden Lion looked constipated and said nothing, while Rayleigh spread his hands helplessly.

"It was Shiki who asked for a fight. He wanted the position of vice captain."


It was indeed the same lion. Hearing this, Sal tried his best to hold back his laughter and looked at the golden lion with strange eyes.

"So it's you, Shiki, who loses. You should listen to the vice captain from now on. Haha."

"Roger, I don't dare to command Shiki, he is very strong."

The two people's teasing made the golden lion look dark, but he also accepted the teasing of the other party. Who told him to take the initiative to provoke a fight and lose again?

"Humph, Roger and Rayleigh, don't get complacent. When I regain my strength, I will definitely pick you two off. I'm going to find the user of the Operation Fruit named Law right now."

"Wait a minute, let me introduce the new crew members."

Saar pointed at Runti and the other two behind him and said, and the three of them were a little stiff in the face of the gaze. Even Runti, who was silly, was a little nervous facing two legendary pirates at the same time, not to mention the introverted Peggy Wan and Maria who kept a very low profile.

"They are Runti, who has the ability of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, the ancient species, the swollen-headed dragon form, Black Maria, who has the ability of the Spider Fruit, the ancient species, the Rose-Grey Wolf Spider form, and Page One, who has the ability of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, the ancient species, the Spinosaurus form."

"Except for Xiao Pei who is a trainee crew member, the other two are formal members."

Saar still regards those with the strength of a lieutenant general as formal members, and those below that as trainee crew members. Then he pointed to the other three and introduced them.

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