Karina whispered in reproach

"Hey, hey, are you crazy? You actually want to rob this golden city. If you want to die, don't drag me with you."

Kalina struggled to break free from this madman, but there was no way Thrall would let him leave. He continued to hold Kalina's slender waist tightly.

"Don't worry, if you think there is no chance of success, you can leave by yourself. I won't stop you, but now you have to wait patiently."

At this point, Kalina felt the arm like steel around her waist, and knew that she had no room to refuse for the time being, so she agreed. She originally thought that the other party just knocked her out and might be a person who could cooperate, but she didn't expect it to be a lunatic.


The crisp sound of high heels and a figure in a black evening dress interrupted the conversation between the two. Under Sal's strange eyes, a woman with orange hair appeared in front of him.

The woman has a delicate face, a sexy and plump figure, a strand of long orange hair and a noble black dress. In the casino, it makes people feel that this is the VIP hospitality.

Sal is very familiar with the woman in front of him. He even knows how many moles she has on her body. After all, they slept in the same bed for a period of time two months ago. The person who came was Bakara, who separated from Sal in the Sabaody Archipelago. With the power of the Lucky Fruit, the other party has now become a senior executive in Golden City.

Bakara looked at the two people who seemed to be flirting in front of him, and introduced them with a very friendly smile.

"Hello, my name is Bakara and I am the person in charge of this casino. You two can play in our VIP room if you agree. I guarantee you will not be disappointed."I don't believe you, you stinky woman. When we were in the Sabaody Archipelago, Sal knew that she was very scheming. If he didn't know her, he might have been deceived by her. And he, the man who took her virginity, was obviously very familiar with her. He immediately hugged Karina and refused.

"Sorry, we've had enough fun and are going back to sleep. As for the VIP room, we can go there later."

Seeing that Sal and the other two were really going to leave, Bakara did not stop them like a tour guide. Instead, she smiled sweetly and handed Sal a few Golden City coupons, and sent them to the casino entrance.

"Then I won't disturb you two to rest. I hope to receive distinguished guests like you in the next few days."

I have to say that Bakara's reception is refreshing. This woman's ability to deceive people has improved. Obviously, she has gained more experience in the hodgepodge of the Golden City. She is no longer the fledgling who was deceived by Sal in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Sal immediately showed a meaningful smile and said in a changed voice

"Of course, Miss Baccarat is so beautiful, I definitely hope to have a deeper exchange with you next time"


Bakara did not answer this. Even though she hated the frivolous words in her heart, she only smiled warmly. When she saw that Sal and the other man had disappeared, she pouted to herself.

"Bah, I don't like ugly people like you. You still want to have in-depth communication with me? You might as well stay where you are. After all, the only man who can be my wife is that damned Thrall who deceived me."

Thinking of Thrall, Bakara suddenly felt that the playboy just now was a bit like that man. This idea scared her immediately, but she thought it was impossible. After all, that stinky man Thrall should be hugging girls left and right in his own territory, so happy.

In her understanding, that man was lustful, and he would ascend the throne again without being romantic.

Of course, she still remembered what the other party had said to her in her heart, I will go to the Golden City

"Was that bastard telling the truth?"......

Sal and Kalina finally separated and walked on the street. From time to time, they saw some children selling roses. Kalina wanted to buy one, but she was scared off by the price after learning about the high price of roses. So Sal bought a rose from a little girl with green hair and gave it to her.

Beauty and roses are really suitable.

Kalina stared at the flowers blankly, and then noticed that the little girl in tattered clothes handed the money to a man in black. This was obviously a staff member in the Golden City.

"What's going on?"

The other party had just boarded the ship today and didn't know the situation of the Golden City, so Thrall explained.

"Don't waste your energy. These children and their families owe money to Tezoro, so the whole family has to work hard to make money to repay the debt. However, Tezoro's interest can never be paid off, so these people have to work all their lives until they die. There is a saying here that there is no freedom without money."


Kalina looked at the five or six-year-old children in the distance in silence. These children reminded her of herself as an orphan. Her childhood was not much better than theirs, but at least she was still free. So Kalina turned to Sal and asked

"If I help you capture the Golden City, will you let these people go?"

"Of course, after all, the creditor is Tezoro, and I am not interested in keeping a large number of people in my Golden City.

Seeing this, Kalina had already made up her mind and asked Sal again.

"You actually know that Bakara woman, right?"

This woman's observation is really amazing. She even noticed this. Sal explained indifferently.

"Well, I barely know her, after all, I am her first man."

This fierce and treacherous words made Kalina stop and look at Sal in confusion. After circling him, she said firmly

"She didn't act like she knew you just now. If you are her man, then you must be wearing makeup. Who are you? If you plan to seize the Golden City, you can't be an unknown person. If you really want to join forces with me, at least let me know who you are. I won't cooperate with guys who come from unknown sources."

After saying this, Kalina was about to step forward and tear off the mask of the man in front of her. She began to be interested in Sal's identity.

Sal dodged Kalina's hand that was reaching out to him, hugged her again and whispered

"Stop it, the whole Golden City is under surveillance, it will be very troublesome if I reveal my identity now." In Kalina's opinion, the other party looked serious and did not seem to be lying or taking advantage of her.


Her delicate face was pressed against Sal's chest, and the two looked like a sweet couple. When she knew that the other party was in disguise, she believed in the plan to seize the Golden City. At least the other party might not be an unknown person.

The scene of the two hugging each other was indeed monitored, which made the people who were sprinkled with dog food instantly unhappy.

"Damn you bastards, I also want to find a beautiful girl as my date."

During the hug, Sal used his Observation Haki to search and indeed found two video recorders facing him. It was conceivable that he had become one of the key targets. Obviously, in Tesoro's eyes, unknown guys were either prey or suspicious people. After all, there were too few powerful and unknown guys on the sea.

"Tezoro, Taotu, Chatun, we need to do something to separate them."

In fact, up to now, Thrall still couldn't figure out why the two backup generals were in the Golden City. They said they were on vacation and it was impossible for them to come together. If they were protecting important people, they wouldn't need two backup generals. It was too wasteful.

Thinking of the object of protection, Thrall thought of a creature, although this creature was not worth using two people.

"Are they Celestial Dragons?"......

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