The two people, who were obviously not in such a relationship, pretended to look at each other affectionately. If you didn't tell them, you would really think they were lovers who really loved each other. They both had a deep understanding of each other. Whether they believed that the other party had other thoughts or not was a matter of opinion. Or it could be said that they were using each other on the basis of feelings.

Bakara held Sal's arm and asked

"What can I do for you?"

"You don't need to do anything else, just understand the details of all Tezolo's properties, and I will do the rest. But do you know where Tezolo's control key is?"

"I don't know either. He wouldn't let me know about such an important item. Maybe it's in his room."

"Is that so?....."

It seems that we still need to see if Kalina can succeed.

Suddenly, a loud explosion downstairs interrupted the conversation between the two. The huge explosion airflow even shattered the glass of the entire building.

Sal and Bakara looked at each other and clearly saw that something had happened.

At this time, a cold female voice came from outside. Sal could recognize that it was Taotu's voice.

"���Zoro arranged his subordinate Bakara to attack the Celestial Dragons. Those who have no relationship with Tezoro should leave Golden City immediately. The World Government will definitely make the sinners who attacked the Celestial Dragons pay the price."

Then a sword energy cut off a corner of the entire building, and at the same time, Tezoro's roar came.

"How dare you, Taotu? I never arranged for my men to attack the Celestial Dragons. Even if Bakara did so, it was her own decision. I have cooperation with the World Government."

"There is no point in talking more. I just need to capture you and hand you over to Marshal Zhan Guo for the decision."

"Taotu, this is my territory, Golden City, not your Navy Headquarters"


There was no sound of conversation, but the sound of fighting explosions, which even shook the entire building.

Looking through the windows, a large amount of gold began to flow in, and golden rain fell over the city. It seemed that Tesoro was serious about it.


Sal was speechless as he looked at the sexy beauty in front of him. How dare this girl attack the Celestial Dragons? Was she infected by the crazy behavior of his Sabaody Archipelago?

Bakara was also stimulated by Sal's strange eyes and quickly explained.

"I didn't attack the Celestial Dragons, don't you believe me?"

Sar shook his head. He didn't think this girl had the courage.

"Of course I know you don't have the courage to do it, otherwise you wouldn't have been so miserable in the Sabaody Archipelago, and you would have become a world-famous pirate long ago. Since they are fighting, you should make arrangements now."

Bakara hesitated for a moment, but still rushed to the control room as planned, at least to clean up the diehards who were loyal to Tezoro there.

When Tezoro fell out with the navy, Bakara knew that her former boss was finished. Even if he could deal with Taotu, the backup admiral, he could not resist the prying Sal.

The boss who was still high-spirited an hour ago has now become a loser, and she, Bakara, is still the winner, because that man had gone deep into her secret garden.

When Bakara just left, a strange sound caught Sal's attention. With the spread of his observation color, he found a panicked figure passing through the concrete wall and trying to leave. It was obvious that the other party had overheard his conversation with Bakara.

Seeing this, Sal did not set out to chase him, but just moved his fingers to let a chain pass through the space to automatically find prey. Then Sal grabbed the chain and pulled it hard, pulling down a big-headed monster who was tied up.

Seeing that he could not resist, the big-headed monster hurriedly spoke and tried to quibble.

"I don't know anything, please let me go"


Good fellow, if he was only 90% sure that the other party was eavesdropping just now, now it is confirmed that the other party is indeed eavesdropping.

After taking a look at the tied-up weirdo, Sal knew his origin. Mr. Tanaka, the guard of the Golden City, was a person with the ability to eat the Piercing Fruit. No wonder he could eavesdrop on their conversation without anyone noticing.

The ability of the Piercing Fruit is actually quite good, but according to Bakara's description, the other party is a diehard fan of Tezoro, and this freak is also a pervert who likes to torture ordinary people. This made Sal not intend to waste time, and he directly pulled out Ace and beheaded him with one sword.

As the sword flashed, a strange head rolled to Sal's feet, with a hideous expression and eyes open.

【S-level character Mr. Tanaka produces negative emotions to the host, high level of fear, reward experience 5000】

【Level Upgrade: Level 96 (113/5 million)]

After a few days, I have reached level 96 without realizing it. The experience I have gained in the past few days has reached more than 4 million, and the impact of the battle between the Three Emperors has been digested. This makes Thrall more confident in taking down the Golden City this time. After all, the three people who were thought to be enemies have already started fighting, and it is enough to only take down one of them.

When Thrall found a good audience seat to take in the battlefield, he indeed found an interesting scene.

There were several people fleeing outside the battlefield. They were several CP0s escorting two celestial dragons away. It seems that these are the ones that Taotu is protecting?

The two panicked and unmannerly celestial dragons made Thrall's eyes flash with a gleam of light, but he still suppressed his murderous intent. His main target was not these two pigs.

"Now is not the time to act, and they may not be able to escape anyway."

You should know that Sal also arranged a small fleet to be on standby at the nearest island. A full ten pirate ships are a powerful force, and the leader is the flower sword Vista who is at the level of Shichibukai. If they collide with them, they will never let the Celestial Dragons escape.

However, the fact that someone disguised as Bakara to attack the Celestial Dragons made Sal think of several possibilities. One is that it was Tesoro's enemy pretending to be him, but seeing that the navy launched the attack without asking any questions, he was more inclined to think that the World Government felt that the pigs were too fat to be slaughtered.

At this time, the battle became more and more intense. Countless gold turned into tentacles and attacked the beautiful swordsman. Unfortunately, in front of Taotu's powerful strength, it was just a flower sword.

In addition to the battle between Tesoro and Taotu, the backup general, Chatun, was also temporarily stopped by a muscular man in golden armor.

This was Tesoro's top subordinate Dais, a man with M attributes.

Unfortunately, this strong man who could cover his entire body with armed color and whose strength was close to Moria's level.

In the case of a huge disparity in strength, even if Chatun was stopped for a moment, he would be covered in wounds and it seemed that he could not hold on for long.

At the same time, countless gold suddenly wrapped around Tesoro and gathered into a giant. The metallic giant reminded Thrall of the legendary Titan.

The fruit abilities of Tesoro and Barrett made Thrall envious.

"I want to drive a Gundam, too."

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