Luffy, who was still unaware of the old lion's recovery, agreed immediately. In fact, even if he knew the situation of the golden lion, Luffy would still agree according to his personality. If he likes it, he likes it. If he hates it, he hates it. He doesn't have so many twists and turns in his heart.

"Hahaha, good job, you are worthy of being the pirate who defeated me."

Luffy's performance made the Golden Lion laugh even louder. He didn't dislike the other party's silly character. On the contrary, he felt that a pure heart would make it easier to reach the top.

Ace on the side could only cover his face and didn't want to see his brother being abused. The other four also took out their treasured snacks as if they were watching a show. There were really not many things to relieve boredom here.

Luffy took action in advance. He blew his fist with steam coming out, making his fist the size of a giant's fist

"Gear 2, Gear 3, Elephant Fist"

This is not over yet. Although the giant's fist is not fast, it still turns into a dark armed color. This makes Luffy, who is full of fighting spirit, more confident. He entrusts everything to this punch.

"Golden Lion......"

A strong wind blew before the fist arrived. Facing the powerful fist, the golden lion just smiled ferociously.

"Boy, you are still far behind." He raised his not-so-strong arm, but compared to Luffy's fist, it was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.


The golden lion caught Luffy's fist with one hand. The giant's fist couldn't shake the golden lion at all. In front of Luffy's unbelievable expression, the golden lion threw him away.

Just as Luffy rolled on the ground for a few rounds, several earthen lion heads suddenly appeared and surrounded Luffy in the middle. As the golden lion used the power of the devil fruit, the gravity of the entire island seemed to be affected.

"The land rolled and dust flew. All the monsters on the island were frightened by the sudden movement.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom"

10 seconds later, when the dense loud noises stopped, Luffy was seen lying on a huge pit like a dead body, unable to control even a finger, and he became dispirited. Even though he had become stronger, he could not hold on for a few seconds in the hands of the Golden Lion. The difference in strength between them was simply a world of difference.

The Golden Lion floated in front of Luffy, patted his face, and said meaningfully

"Straw Hat Boy Luffy, let me first shout out to Mr. Shiki. You should be prepared for the next month. Your future life will be hell.

Although Luffy had a bitter face, he still shouted out four words.

"Mr. Shi Ji"


Luffy's miserable condition made the other five people look gloating. Luffy deserved to suffer. However, the next words of the Golden Lion made them all look pale.

"And you five little guys, you will also have to accept my hellish training in the next few days, or if you can hold on to me for 30 minutes together, I can let you go."The five people exchanged glances and stood up quickly. If they couldn't change it, they also wanted to try the strength of the legendary pirate.

"Then let's learn about the strength of Senior Golden Lion."

"It's quite interesting. Soon you will be lying on the ground and calling me teacher."

Five people attacked from different directions in an instant. They all had no intention of holding back. If they didn't use all their strength in the face of a strong man comparable to the Four Emperors, they would be fools.

The two siblings Runti turned into half-beasts and rushed to the front. The two ancient dinosaurs, Pachycephalosaurus and Spinosaurus, were blocked by the rolling mud before they could get close to the target. Lions pressed them down one by one, and no matter how they struggled and roared, it was useless.

A pillar of fire broke through the mud and rocks, freeing the two siblings and drowning the golden lion at the same time. However, when the flames disappeared, the golden lion was wrapped in black armed color so that it did not suffer any damage. The golden lion grinned and taught them a lesson.

"You still rely too much on the Devil Fruit, Ace."

Without giving Ace more chances to attack, the Golden Lion rushed to him and kicked out the sharp sword. The violent sword energy forced Ace to have no chance to fight back, not to mention Bonnie and Black Maria, who were a few points weaker. They couldn't find a chance to get close.

A minute later, the five of them looked a little embarrassed. It was just a simple first round, and the Golden Lion had already suppressed them without any chance to fight back.

Seeing the four women and one man rushing over again, the Golden Lion just rolled up countless soil and howled

"You girls still want to act unruly in front of me"

""The Lion's Might, Heaven and Earth Roll Up"

Then the whole island was like the sky and earth turned upside down, and even thunderous thunder exploded on the way. In the face of such a natural disaster, only Ace among the five people could hold on for a few minutes, and the others were defeated within tens of seconds. The Golden Lion who recovered his strength was not much weaker than Kaido.

The soil buried the green vegetation, and even the mountain peaks were cut off a little.

When the natural disaster subsided, there would be five more defeated young people lying on the ground, and their lives would definitely not be much better in the future.

The Golden Lion floated above the crowd and laughed triumphantly.

"Hahahaha, all you little guys should shout"Golden Lion Teacher""

"Teacher" X5

No one dared to refute at this time, unless they wanted to follow in Luffy's footsteps and become the focus of attention........

In the North Sea, Sarr received another call from an intelligence officer, who claimed that he had found the target and that the ship should arrive soon, but he had one more thing to do before he left. In a few days, the news of the defeat of the two generals had spread across the sea, and it also brought him a lot of experience.

【SS-level characters have negative (positive) emotions towards the host, moderate hostility (surprise), reward experience 220,000】

【S、A-level characters have negative (positive) emotions towards the host, medium (primary) hostility (surprise), reward experience 1136700】

【B、C、D-class characters have negative (positive) emotions towards the host, moderate (primary) hostility (surprise), reward experience 5683239】

【Total experience: 7.13 million】

【Level Up: Level 98 (870,000/6,000,000)】

【Constitution: Peak (King) Set Blessing]

Although the level is increased by one level, the most important thing is that the constitution becomes King, which is a level that could not be achieved at level 100.

The improvement of level attributes is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to wait for two months and finally get the harvest.

【Moderately changes the fate of B-level characters, and rewards 200 fate points】

【Points: 1.02 million]

The points had exceeded 1 million a few days ago, but the importance of drawing golden items forced Sal to consider metaphysics once again, and deliberately waited until today, an auspicious day, to draw the lottery.

Looking at the points on the system, he couldn't help but get nervous. This was nearly two months of accumulation. If a useless thing appeared, it would be terrible.

Sal took a deep breath and clicked on the lottery with his mind. As 1 million points were consumed, a golden light ball stood out from many golden light balls.

When the golden light ball turned into a secret book, his heart trembled, because the name of the secret book made him excited.

【Supernatural power: Law of Heaven and Earth】

【A magical power that can change the size of the body, and during the change, the strength, stamina and defense are greatly enhanced. 】

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