Hancock maintained this extremely aggressive posture, just silently looking at the other party. Suddenly, her smooth fingers like white jade brushed across the strong abdominal muscles, followed by the developed chest, and finally the angular chin. In this way, the empress looked down at her prey.

This made Sal know that Hancock was unhappy with Bai Tian Jiazhi's proposal, or did not want to see Reiju join the pirate group.

Hancock's aura was full at this time, which made Sal swallow nervously. This was the first time he had seen such an empress. He even slowed down the speed of speaking to her.

"Hancock, you should know my character, so please let me go......."

Without giving Thrall a chance to quibble, her plump red lips suddenly bit his neck, leaving a clear tooth mark on Thrall's deliberately relaxed muscles. Hancock licked the bloody taste, raised her head and looked into the eyes of the man under her with her bright eyes, and Thrall gave in and turned his eyes away before speaking.

"Who is Luju, who is Tina, and where did Bakara come from?"


Sal was speechless. He didn't expect the other party's intelligence network to be so strong. However, there were actually two people missing, Kalina and Charlie.

Sal looked at the delicate eyelashes trembling in front of him, and thought of the other party's wholehearted treatment of him. The thousands of words in his mind could only be expressed in one sentence:

"Boa Hancock, I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

The endless tenderness finally warmed the gradually cold heart. Hancock gritted her teeth and blocked Sal's mouth, leaving her own proof with a very rude action.

Sal himself was both engorged and speechless. A stunning beauty was doing whatever she wanted to him. Facing such a beauty, the man couldn't calm down. Unfortunately, he was once again taken the initiative by a woman, although this was a different kind of experience.

Suddenly, Sal's eyes widened because his important parts were attacked.

"Hey, Hancock, where can't it be so stimulating? Don't lick it, ah"

"Woman, you are playing with fire."

A man's dignity cannot be criticized. Sal turned around and pressed the beauty under him.

The sound of a man and a woman playing together rang out in the room, and the sound of the ensemble was heard by Reiju who wanted to come over and talk to Sal. The inexperienced lady blushed and left quickly.

When she left, she was still thinking that the two of them were indeed having an affair........

The next morning, Sal let go of the beautiful figure in his arms, kissed the sleeping princess on the forehead and left the room.

In the magnificent hall, Sal met Reiju with dark circles under her eyes. As for the other members of the Vinsmoke family, they did not see them. Perhaps they did not want to see the black merchants who forced sales?

Reiju's beautiful face was covered with a pair of panda eyes, which made Sal joke.

"My new crew member, what's wrong with you, Insomnia?"

"It's nothing, I just have some work to do."

Reiju rolled her eyes at Sal. Did she have to tell you that it was all your fault that made her think about it all last night?

Reiju felt that she shouldn't have reacted so strongly. Maybe the man in front of her was the one her father had asked her to build a good relationship with, and even to make him fall in love with her.

Sal didn't care about the strange attitude, and suddenly brought up an unexpected topic.

"You should know that your brother Sanji has joined the Straw Hat Pirates. Do you want to know about Sanji's current situation? He is in dire straits."

Sanji's name made Reiju stunned for a moment. She felt that she had let down her brother. She had not received any news from Sanji in the past two months.

"Do you know anything about Sanji? How is he now?"

"Well, I know a lot about Sanji. As for your Vinsmoke family, I also know a thing or two. In my opinion, Judge's decision is extremely stupid. Sanji's achievements will be the most promising among you five siblings, even far exceeding Judge."


Reiju didn't know why Sal thought so highly of Sanji, but his words really touched her heart. If Sanji surpassed the four siblings, it would prove that everything their father had done over the years was wrong. Thinking of this, Reiju's charming eyes shone brightly, and she quickly asked closely.

"Captain, it seems that you are very optimistic about Sanji. Where is my third brother now? I haven't seen his message for more than three months."

A pair of plump hands almost touched the man's body. Sal planned to continue to whet his appetite. It was actually quite interesting to tease a queen.

"Miss Reiju, if you want to know important information, you need an equivalent exchange."

Reiju instinctively acted, showing a shy expression and using the beauty trap

"Captain, this is just insignificant information for you, can't you give it to me, a new member?....No.....Okay?"

The coquettish tone gave Sal goosebumps. It was really hard to resist a woman pretending.

"No, no. Although Sanji's whereabouts are not important to me, it is different for Miss Reiju. So the value of intelligence is not to see whether it is important to me, but to see whether it is important to you."

Reiju smiled sweetly at the scene where Sal pretended to be calm. With her eyes flickering, she suddenly raised her head and moved closer, blocking Sal's mouth when he was stunned.

""Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

Sal's mind went blank. He only felt a foreign object sticking out of his teeth and sticking to his tongue, testing each other's weaknesses.

He was kissed forcefully, and it was a wet kiss.

As a man, of course he couldn't be passive. Sal stretched out his hands and held Miaoman's body in his arms, with a pair of plump breasts against his chest, turning passivity into active attack.

By the end of the war, Reiju was already panting and collapsed in Sal's arms. She bit her lips shyly, her eyes were hazy, as if mixed with a bit of shyness.

Sal didn't know why Reiju did this, but having read the original work, he admired the beauty in his arms. Since she dared to put it in front of his mouth, there was no reason not to eat it.

When Reiju recovered from lack of oxygen, her beautiful face was already flushed. When her slender hands tried to push away the other's chest, the other's masculine breath surrounded her again, and her lips were blocked again.

The two of them just remained silent.......

Two days later, Thrall left the Germa Kingdom alone in a boat, and he had to complete the rest of the journey alone. Hancock, as the person in charge, temporarily stayed in the Germa Kingdom to conduct transactions, and the new member Reiju became Hancock's secretary to bargain with her father.

As long as the base camp arranges people to come and hand over the 200 billion business, the two of them can return to the New World.

And Thrall's ultimate goal is to meet the man who was squeezed off the top of the list by him, the man who was once called the most evil man in the world, Roger's nephew, Garp's son Monkey D. Dragon.

Before that, he has to go to the East China Sea, where he has always wanted to go, starting from the Town of the End.

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