The cabin door opened, and a stunning beauty wearing a sexy red top, a cheongsam skirt, and a white cape behind her appeared in front of everyone. This is the Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock.

When she was first wanted, the bounty reached 80 million berries, which is very rare among pirates.

Hancock has a tall figure of 191cm and a graceful figure with a protruding front and a curved back. She has long black hair and a princess hairstyle. Her slightly wide forehead is smooth and flat, her deep blue eyes are slender and delicate, and her almond eyes reveal a little coldness. She has a high nose bridge, a small nose, soft lips without a wrinkle, and a pair of snake-shaped gold earrings on her ears.

There was a cute kitten playing in front, and Hancock kicked the kitten away with a cold foot, then stood on the head of the sea snake and signaled the sea snake to swim towards the warship.

The Shichibukai Hancock, who was called the Banshee Leader by the world, made the ordinary navy soldiers nervous. When they saw the woman's stunning beauty, all the navy soldiers looked like pigs with hearts in their eyes.

Hancock saw the reaction of the navy on the opposite side, smiled contemptuously, and said coldly:

"Are you finally here to pick me up? The answer I gave you a few days ago was just a lie. I don't want to go to the war, nor do I want to lose my power as a Shichibukai, and I also want to rob you of your supplies."

After hearing the other party's answer, the flying squirrel couldn't help but roared in anger.

""Don't be so petty. Portgas D. Ace is being executed. The Navy will have three admirals and the Navy's elites fight against the Whitebeard Pirates. You have no choice but to accept the call or give up the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Hancock just sat down, her long white legs showing her charm.

"I really like the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea. How about this? All of you sailors who came to greet me will turn into stones when you encounter a shipwreck and be buried at the bottom of the sea."The obvious malice made the flying squirrel look very ugly.

"I told you not to be petty."

Hancock ignored the other party's anger, stood up, tilted her head back, and said something very narcissistic.

"No matter what I do, whether it's kicking a kitten or killing someone, the world will forgive me in the end. If you want to know why, it's because I'm so beautiful."

With the high-profile declaration of the world's most beautiful woman, both sides of the scene screamed, their eyes were already heart-shaped, and to those who still had reason, it was really an exaggerated scene.

Hancock slowly put his hands in a heart shape and said slowly.

"Sweet Sweet Wind"

Heart-shaped rays of light emanated from his hands, turning all the sailors who were still obsessed with beauty into stone statues. Only the flying squirrel stabbed his leg with a knife, so he didn't turn into a stone statue.

Sweet Sweet Wind has the ability to turn all beings who have lustful thoughts about the Sweet Sweet Fruit ability user into stone statues.

Hancock was surprised to see that the flying squirrel was spared.

"Are you using pain to resist my charm?......"The little guys, take action."

The Nine Snakes Pirates members took away the navy's supplies without hesitation, leaving Flying Squirrel with a very ugly face.

The entire ship was full of subordinates who turned into stone statues, and there were pirate ships moving away. Flying Squirrel knew that the other party was still afraid, so he issued a final notice.

"Boa Hancock, I will wait here for two days. If you still don't accept, the World Government will cancel your Shichibukai qualification.".......

In the Amazon Lily, Thrall had already watched several female warriors fight, when he was suddenly attracted by the commotion in the distance. He saw a man in very neutral clothes, jumping on the house to avoid the rain of arrows, holding a woman hostage.

"As expected, the Straw Hat Boy has finally arrived at the Nine Snake Island."

Saar watched Straw Hat Luffy disappear from his sight, followed closely by the country warriors here. These women are considered the elite troops of the Amazon Lily, and they are all good players with good strength.

After observing for a long time, what made Sal curious was that all the qualified warriors among the Amazon Lily could use Armament Haki, which was incredible.

Although most of the women's Armament Haki were at the elementary level. But they have the advantage of having more people. If a rain of arrows is fired at the same time, the power generated may not be able to be caught by ordinary supernovas.

It is worthy of being a country that has survived in the Calm Belt for hundreds of years. Everyone is martial arts, and they really have their own strengths.

You must know that the so-called Calm Belt is the sea area that separates the Grand Line and the Four Seas. There are no winds and waves here for many years, and it is also the sea. The nest of the sea kings, the large sea kings that are very rare in ordinary seas are very common in the Calm Belt.

Even the super-large sea kings that are extinct in ordinary seas will appear in the Calm Belt from time to time. Each super-large sea king is a monster that can destroy small islands. There are rumors that these sea kings, which can be called fossils, have an IQ that is not much worse than that of humans.

Just when Sal was about to ignore Straw Hat Luffy and continue to enjoy the competition. The bell rang at the port in the distance, and countless female warriors rushed to the port happily.

From their mouths, I learned that this is their king, the Queen Snake Princess, who has returned, and the pirates on the ship, only the top warriors among the Nine Snakes are qualified to follow the Snake Princess to sea.

Is the Queen back? This also aroused Sal's curiosity.

"The most beautiful woman in the world? I'm really curious."

Saar followed the crowd to the port. At this time, the entire Nine Snake Island, even the guards, gathered together to welcome their favorite leader.

The crowd was noisy, and countless girls and women screamed, making Sal feel like he was chasing stars in his previous life. He touched his chin and thought, everyone in the crowd is so excited, it seems inappropriate for him to be so indifferent.

Seeing this, Sal wanted to join in the fun and shouted in the crowd

"I love you so much, Liu Yifei"


The girl next to him looked at Sal in confusion, she didn't know who he was calling?

On the red carpet, accompanied by flying flowers, Hancock led the team through the crowd, which made Sal, who had regained his composure, brighten up.

She is worthy of being the Pirate Queen, the woman known as the most beautiful woman in the world. Compared with her, Bonnie and Nami are still a little immature, only Robin can barely be compared. Of course, the dark-skinned Robin still does not meet his highest aesthetic standards.

Sal pondered in his heart. After his rebirth, he admitted for the first time that this woman can indeed make men want her body.

The team entered the palace, and just as Sal was about to leave, a short old woman noticed his figure and followed him with a slightly changed expression.

Not long after, Sal was walking slowly, and suddenly turned to look to the side and said slowly

""Aren't you going to come out? I've already spotted you."

An old woman with a cane and long white wavy hair, less than one meter tall, appeared in front of him. When the two sides saw each other clearly, the old woman was surprised.

"you.....Who are you?"

Sal interrupted the other party and said directly

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with Roger, I am just an ordinary pirate, Augustus D. Sal. You should be the former former queen of Nine Snake Island, Ms. Guroliosa."

It's not surprising that the other party can recognize his appearance, after all, this old woman is the intelligence director of Nine Snake Island.

"You actually know me?"

On the contrary, Granny Guroliosa showed a surprised expression. Although she was the former queen of Nine Snake Island, she abandoned Amazon Lily and eloped because of love.

In the end, she returned to Nine Snake Island because she was hurt by a scumbag. From then on, she assisted the two queens as an ordinary old woman. Only the three Hancock sisters knew her identity here.

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