After playing for a while, Sal and Robin went to a century-old restaurant for lunch. Even though it was past the lunch hour, the restaurant was almost full. It was indeed one of the top restaurants in Rogue Town.

This reminded Sal of the words of a young man in his memory.

"Roger, wait, I will make my father's store flourish."

"That's a shame, I wanted to get you on my ship."

A man in his forties who looked familiar to Sal presented the dishes. He should be the owner of this restaurant and the son of Roger's childhood friend.

Sal ate his hometown food while asking him about the news of the town. He and Robin didn't know how Roger Town became after Smoker's promotion.

"Boss, are there many pirates passing through Rogue Town now? Can the navy stationed there protect the townspeople?"This is a question usually only asked by pirates. The restaurant owner looked at Sal and said meaningfully.

"Since the war at the top, there have been more pirates passing through Rogue Town. After all, the reappearance of the Pirate King Roger has brought some glory to the town, and ordinary pirates dare not cause trouble. As for the garrisoned naval commander, he is a rare beauty in the navy. It is said that he is the granddaughter of the naval staff. You must be careful not to run into him."

"Ahem, boss, do I look so weak that I can't even beat a woman?"

"Young people, don't underestimate Commodore Peacock. I heard from the Marines that Commodore Peacock has the potential to become a general in the future.

Seeing the other party's look of ignorance, Sal did not argue with him.

Robin saw Sal's humiliation and asked happily:

"What are the battle records of Brigadier General Peacock?"

"Of course there are many. The newly emerged Red Bull Pirates in the East China Sea fell into her hands. Red Bull Vegeta, who had a bounty of 40 million berries, was subdued in one move. Several pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million berries were also killed in seconds."

"That's really amazing."

Tsuru's granddaughter?" Thrall couldn't help but think of the flower of the navy when she was young. Until now, he still didn't know who her husband was. As for the great pirate who could kill 40 million shells in one blow, it seems that Tsuru's granddaughter inherited her talent.

With such a strong man guarding the gate of the Grand Line, Thrall could only mourn for the younger generation of the East China Sea for 3 seconds. With Smoker in front and Peacock in the back, these very potential younger generations will come to serve as goalkeepers, and Garp should have contributed to this.

When Thrall and Robin finished their meal and left, the owner of the store was still advising loudly.

"Young people must not be aggressive and challenge those who look tough."

Others had good intentions, and amid Robin's snickering, Sal walked towards the central square of Rogue Town with a dark face. Here was the place Sal wanted to go the most, Roger's execution platform.

As the most popular attraction in Rogue Town, almost every outsider would take a look.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, there were also many people walking in the execution platform square, and there were many shops with good business around.

Sal looked up and saw that the wooden execution platform was not as shabby as he had imagined. It seemed that the navy had been maintaining it. But this was as it should be. How could the symbol of the death of Pirate King Roger not be protected? Unfortunately, the appearance of Sal made the legendary execution platform no longer important.

Just as Sal was stroking the execution platform by intuition, the hoarse voice of an old man interrupted his action.

"You, you, your back looks so familiar."

Sal turned around and saw a very old man leaning on a cane, trying to adjust his reading glasses to see who the person was. The old man's appearance made Sal's face change slightly, and he blurted out the other person's name.

"Uncle Bonte, you are still here. I thought you were dead a long time ago.

The old man, who had not been called Uncle Bonte for a long time, froze. The familiar figure and special name of the other party made the old man named Bonte continue to look at him carefully. After a few seconds, he shouted in shock.

"Roger, you dare to come back."

Roger's voice instantly attracted the crowd around him like a switch was turned on. Many people pointed and watched the interaction between the old man and the young man.

Sar wanted to stop the other party from shouting, but the old man grabbed his hand and complained.

"You made me unable to find a wife, how are you going to compensate me?"

A bachelor who was single by his own strength wanted to throw dirty water on him, and Sal quickly retorted:

"What do you mean I'm going to make you unable to find a wife? You couldn't find a wife when you were 40, so it's normal that you can't find one later."

The old man in front of him was Roger's last relative in Roger Town, his uncle Bonte. His grandfather was the brother of Roger's great grandfather, which means Bonte is also called Gol.·D·Bont, it's a pity that this old bachelor has no descendants.

Bont himself once ventured into the Grand Line when he was young, but unfortunately he was defeated and fled back to Rogue Town. He was so devastated that he never left the East China Sea since then, just like Moria and other stray dogs. The only difference is that Bont is very open-minded and has no obsession with the Grand Line.

When Roger was a child, he would often hear his uncle bragging about how great he was. Although there was a lot of water in it, it has to be said that Roger was more or less influenced by him when he went out to sea. Seeing that

Sal broke the news, Bont almost fainted from anger, but fortunately, Sal, who respected the elderly and loved the young, patted him to breathe smoothly.

Bont's face looked a little better and he immediately retorted

"Huhu, what do you mean I will always be single? I made a lot of money after you left. If you hadn't become a legendary pirate and even the Pirate King, no woman would dare to date a cousin named Gol D. I would still be single at the age of 96."

That makes sense. Perhaps the other party's singleness may have been influenced by Roger. After all, if an ordinary woman dared to marry a man from the Gol D family, wouldn't she be afraid of the navy's reckoning in the future?

The navy may not care about a loser cousin in his 70s, but a young man with the surname Gol D becoming a pirate means something special.

Seeing Sal's speechless rebuttal, Bont raised his old head like a rooster that won a fight, and then asked meaningfully

"Roger, did you come back today for something? You didn't just want to see an old man like me, did you? What's there to worry about as an old man like me? And I didn't expect to see a stinky boy like you before I die. It's really unlucky."


Sal didn't want to say that he had completely forgotten about his existence. After all, he never thought that Bonte could live to 96 years old, which is very old in the pirate world.

I won't talk about the cruel truth, but the purpose can still be told to the other party. Although the old man in front of him seemed to have trouble walking, he held a broom as if he wanted to clean the execution platform, which still moved Sal a little. Maybe this is the way Bonte commemorates the younger generation of the family, because even Sal didn't know where Roger's grave was.

Who knows where the navy buried Roger's body after the execution, burial, water burial or direct cremation?

Sal said seriously.

"Uncle Bonte, I came back this time to destroy this execution platform"


When he heard that the execution platform he had cleaned for more than 20 years was going to be destroyed, Bonte was silent for a moment and sighed.

"That's right. If you survived, there would be no need for this execution platform. Even if you are executed again in the future, there will be another execution platform."


Sal's face turned dark instantly. How could it be said that he was being executed again?

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