When Sal handed the food to the two girls, the Den Den Mushi rang again. After the call was connected, it was not Charlotte Linlin who had just been hung up by him, but Rayleigh's tired voice.

"Roger, where are you? There is something on Dinghai Island that needs your attention."

"What do you want me to do? Is it Garp who is coming with some navy officers?"

At this moment, Sal couldn't think of such a thing that Rayleigh couldn't decide, unless the world government mobilized to attack.

"Hey, Barrett just showed up and challenged you, and even said that he would destroy the pirate group if you weren't there. He's really too extreme now."

Saar frowned when he heard that Barrett was coming. He had planned to look for Barrett later. In his mind, Barrett was a target to fight for. However, if the other party caused heavy casualties on Dinghai Island, he couldn't let Barrett go easily even for the sake of explaining to his subordinates.

"Rayleigh, you failed to stop Barrett?"

Rayleigh's answer was obviously smiling again.

"Haha, that's not it. With the cooperation of me and Shiki, we have already caught Barrett. Now he is a prisoner."

With the cooperation of two legendary pirates, it is really difficult for Barrett to escape with his strength.

Sal can still hear Barrett's roar of dissatisfaction through the Den Den Mushi, and Shiki's teasing voice is mixed in.

"I was just defeated by two shameless old guys. I will never admit that you are better than me. Let me go and fight me one on one."

"Are you crazy, Barrett? I won't tolerate you."

"Damn Golden Lion, take your stinky hands off your face."

Just by listening to the voice, I know that Barrett is being teased by Golden Lion Shiki. However, if you dare to attack his lair, you should let the problem child suffer. Wasn't it enough for him to reflect on himself when he was defeated and captured by the Warring States?

"Oh, so, I'll talk to him when I get back."

"You have to hurry up, Barrett is a tough guy.

Den Den Mushi suddenly changed into the voice of Golden Lion, and he asked in a carefree manner:

"Roger, when will you come back? It will be your turn to teach those six little ones."

"Got it, Shiki, I'm on my way back."

Just when Sal thought everything was alright, the Den Den Mushi switched back to Rayleigh's voice.

"There is one more thing for you to decide. Cat Viper, Inuarashi and Oden's daughter Hiyori came here. Cat Viper and Inuarashi didn't say anything else, but Hiyori came here to ask us for help in liberating Wano Country. However, I didn't agree to her request, after all, it would ruin the plan."


There are three more unexpected guests. As the king of the Fur Tribe, Cat Viper and Dog Arashi, Thrall thinks they will not force it, but it is hard to say about Kozuki Hiyori.

Thrall thought about it and said

"As for Oden's daughter, Hiyori Kozuki, I'll reject her when I get back. Rayleigh, you want me to be the bad guy."

"It was you who decided on the plan, so you must bear the responsibility as well. I am already an old man and I don't want to refuse my juniors and be a bad guy."

Sar was very upset when he heard this. She dared to call herself an old man after taking two of his longevity pills. But as for Oden's daughter, Sal remembered the two-year-old girl in his mind. Roger once lifted her up high to play with her, and she also liked to pull Roger's beard. Of course, Momonosuke had been kicked out of his memory.

Wano Country will be occupied sooner or later. The rare seastone mine alone is attractive enough. But even if Wano Country is conquered, he will not return it to the Kozuki family. After all, he has no good feelings for the three living people of the Kozuki family.

Not to mention that Kozuki Sukiyaki, the coward, is hiding in the dark, and Kozuki Momonosuke is powerful enough if he doesn't die when he meets him, even if Kozuki Hiyori, this woman, has been dyed into an unknown color by life and is no longer the junior in Roger's memory.

According to Sal's memory, Kozuki Hiyori is a scheming and black-bellied woman who should never be underestimated.

Sal replied with a curse.

"I understand. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Oh, wait, I almost forgot one more thing. Hancock was diagnosed with pregnancy a few days ago, and Lu Jiu's hair has remained red these days. Tina also seems to be in a very bad mood. It's not good for a pregnant woman to be like this, so you can decide for yourself. A man who is promiscuous will not have a good ending."

The news that Hancock is pregnant made Sal freeze in place. It turned out that the moderate anger he saw in the past few days was not an illusion at all. A violent storm caused by a woman was hovering over Dinghai Island.

Thinking of what he would encounter when he returned to Dinghai Island, Sal suddenly felt his scalp tingling.

There are already 5 gunpowder barrels in the entire pirate territory. Sal secretly glanced at Robin and Charlie who were chatting, and felt that it was not impossible to be blown to ashes the moment he landed on the island.

Without any hesitation, Sal stopped Rayleigh from hanging up the Den Den Mushi and said

"Rayleigh, I remembered that Lingling invited me to attend her daughter's wedding tea party, so I can't get away and not go back for the time being. And the last historian Robin and Charlie are coming to book the island, please arrange it for them."

The other party's Den Den Mushi looked ugly in an instant.

"Hey, you're going to be a coward now. Shiqi is waiting for you to take over the teacher's position."

"Rayleigh, please hold on for a few more days. I will be back soon.

Den Den Mushi changed into Shiki's arrogant face and said sweetly.

"Roger, you coward, come back quickly. A beating on a woman will make her behave. If one beating doesn't work, give her two beatings. And I won't continue to teach those six little guys for you."

"Shi Ji, if you help me, I will give you a bottle of wine that can extend your life by three years. If you don't want it, I will give it to someone else."


The temptation of the longevity wine made the opponent hesitate. Thrall could hear the sound of the golden lion spitting. After a moment, Shiji finally gave a very satisfactory answer.

"Okay, I'll help you for half a month."

"make a deal"

"I only have half a month to tell you that if you don't come back by then, you will have to face the consequences of my joining forces with Rayleigh."

"That's right Roger, irresponsibility has terrible consequences"

"Got it, and you arrange for them not to meet for the time being"


Finally hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Sal felt that it was more tiring than a fierce battle, but Rayleigh and Golden Lion might not be his opponents together, even the Four Emperors should not be able to match the two of them together.

Sal and Robin and Shirley soon explained the situation. Robin will check the historical data on the island after arriving at Dinghai Island. Don't underestimate Sal's inventory, which includes Whitebeard and his collection.

As for Shirley, she will visit the New World first. This time she left Fishman Island with the intention of seeing the New World.

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