On the fourth day after the war at the top, the Red Hair Pirates had already left and returned to their own territory. The turbulent period of the New World is coming, and they cannot leave the territory for too long, otherwise the territory may be attacked.

The expansion route taken by the Red Hair Pirates is very different, and it can be said to be an elite route. Although there are affiliated pirate groups in the entire territory, the strength of these affiliated pirate groups is very weak, which is too different from the other affiliated groups of the Four Emperors.

All this is related to the Red Hair's acceptance and protection of the weak. Most of the other affiliated pirate groups are people who failed to challenge the New World, and can be described as"old, weak, sick and disabled."

Therefore, this also caused the stability of the strength of the Red Hair's territory. The only pirate group that can protect the territory is the Red Hair Pirates flagship.

As for the Giant Soldier Pirates that may join the Red Hair Pirates in the future and become its affiliated, their two giant captains, Dory and Broki, have just returned to the giant country Elbaf. The current Red Hair Pirates' power has just extended to Elbaf.

At the port, Sal and Rayleigh walked to a robbed warship. Not far away was Bondi World, who was also sailing. As one of the"benefactors" of the Whitebeard Pirates, he could get a long-distance ship for free.

This time, Sal and Rayleigh planned to sail again, with the purpose of inspecting the existing territory to stabilize the territory where people were in a state of panic.

Rayleigh looked at the busy sailors and said that there were only two people sailing, but in fact there was a group of young sailors used to control the ship, but their fighting power was negligible.

The arrival of the two legendary pirates caused the sailors to talk a lot and even became very excited.

"Are we considered members of the Pirate King's ship?"

"Stupid, we are just temporary sailors, even if we are temporary apprentices."

"Even if it's a temporary internship, it's not bad. At least I can tell people that I've been on the Pirate King's ship."

"......That makes sense. I am speechless."

Rayleigh listened to the discussion of the sailors around him and just shook his head. The young man is really full of energy. Thinking of the young man in the past, Rayleigh asked Sal:

"Roger, do you think that kid Bucky can do it?"

Sal took down the rope, lowered the sail, and said calmly without looking back.

"Rayleigh, don't underestimate Buggy. Although he is not strong, he has a strong appeal, not much worse than Shanks. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a group of crew members who are so devoted to him and chase him from the Grand Line to the New World."

"Yeah, Bucky has some great company......."

At noon yesterday, a tattered pirate ship floated in the sea outside the port. Even the mast was broken and it could only drift with the current.

The pirates on the ship were none other than Buggy’s pirate group that had been to Impel Down. According to their description, they had to go through life and death to reach the New World and almost became food for the Sea Kings.

It was because of the arrival of his companions that Buggy made up his mind to give up becoming a member of Thrall’s crew and even refused to join the affiliated pirate group. He led the prisoners of Impel Down and the pirate group away early this morning.

According to him

"Captain Roger, Captain Rayleigh, I want to find my own wealth, and I want to set up a company that spans the world."

Both sides said so, and Sal and Rayleigh would not stop a man from pursuing his dream.

The red-nosed future made Sal feel a little bit of anticipation. He wondered if Buggy would continue to develop according to the original work.

But one thing should change. He said that he wanted to become a Shichibukai first, so that he could develop his career openly and act as a spy to infiltrate the World Government secretly. Sal felt that this idea should be a failure.

He, the"Pirate King Roger", has reappeared. Would the World Government be stupid enough to accept the former crew members of the Pirate King? What also surprised Sal was that Alrita, the former fat woman on Buggy's ship, the user of the Slippery Fruit, was actually Roger's little fan girl.

The female pirate who became a beautiful woman came up and hugged him very enthusiastically. To stop him, she was just one step away from offering herself to her idol, but Thrall was not the kind of idol that would have X fans, so he immediately distanced himself from them.

Of course, Thrall was not Liu Xiahui, and he was not willing to even put on a show. The most important reason was that he was afraid that Hancock, who was not far away, would destroy this little fan girl and kick her into the adult industry.

After spending some time together, Thrall began to believe a statement on the Internet in his previous life, that Alrita actually had a good foundation, and the ability of the Slippery Fruit only removed the fat and pimples on her face, but the skeleton and facial features did not actually change.

If she was willing to spend most of her time losing weight and doing beauty treatments when she was a fat woman, she might have become what she is now.

Of course, for most people, removing fat and wiping off pimples is already a very large degree of plastic surgery.......

Just as Sal and his crew were about to set sail, Bondi on another ship suddenly called out to Sal. Looking at his tangled expression, it seemed that he had hesitated for a long time before making a decision.

The loud voice spread throughout the port.

"Sal, what is your purpose in going out to sea again?......"

Hearing this question, Thrall and Rayleigh looked at each other. They both had some guesses in their minds. Rayleigh smiled and nodded. This ally who made great contributions in the war on the top is also a rare strong man.

Of course, Bundy's performance as the MVP of the prison break group in the war on the top is also largely due to his hatred for the World Government.

Thrall did not beat around the bush and answered directly.

"My purpose of going out to sea again is to overthrow the world government......"

This time, he used a powerful technique to answer, and only the other party could hear it. Now is not the time to announce the overthrow of the World Government, otherwise it will attract the real power of the World Government to attack.

Bondy was silent for a moment, and finally said the answer that Sal expected.

"Thrall, I want to fly your flag and become a member of your great fleet. I want to see if you can achieve your goals."

"Welcome to join us, Bondi Wald, but let me be frank. If you join us, you must abide by the rules and not harm your companions or innocent people."

"......No problem."

With Bondi's agreement, the two ships temporarily stopped sailing. Sal and Bondi drank the sworn brotherhood wine under Rayleigh's witness. From today on, the other party officially became a member of the Sal Pirates' fleet.

Soon after, Bondi's ship left the port, with the flag of the Sal Pirates hanging on the flagpole. Bondi's voyage was to find his two former partners and his short and cowardly brother first.

After that, they would truly return to the New World and contribute to Sal's goal.

After the episode, the ship under Sal's feet slowly started moving. He leaned on the railing and looked at the calm sea. This voyage should be Stirring up huge waves in the new world.

As for the reason why Bondi joined the Grand Fleet, he probably knew it.

First, the two have roughly the same goal, which is to overthrow (retaliate against) the World Government. Otherwise, relying on his old body alone, it is obviously a bit beyond his ability.

Second, Bondi also wants the longevity pill. Don't underestimate the power of the longevity pill. It has unimaginable attraction to those strong people who are old and unwilling to give up. If Bondi can really help in the future, Thrall will not refuse this request.

Third, it was during the war at the top that Thrall formed a sense of trust in Bondi's heart. As long as their interests do not conflict, they may not become friends, but they will definitely not become enemies........

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