Where Thrall was standing was a wailing human face, with pale skin and no hair, and the wailing sound distorted his facial features.

Looking around, he saw egg-shaped Behelet standing within his sight, like small hills covering the entire space.

Faces of people who died in pain appeared on the surface of Behelet, and the low wailing sound was like jealousy of the living.

A trace of gray air surged from the ground and floated towards the sky. The vision in the space was blurred by the gray fog. At the end of the Behelet Hill was a dark void, and the only source of light was the sun above, which seemed to be in a total eclipse?

The entire feast venue seemed to be an inherent barrier, or a half-space like the Kingdom of God. The environment and atmosphere reminded people of hell, the abyss, and other evil places. It was worthy of being the feast of the evil god. There were gray-skinned humanoids standing in the space. These were monsters called apostles. In the outside world, they were all legendary monsters or nobles hidden among humans.

The reason for the gathering is to participate in the annual feast of 216 years. A God's Hand will be born in each promotion ceremony.

These apostles were once human beings. They received Behelet because of their extremely high negative emotions. In desperate situations, they slowly lost their human nature and finally sacrificed everything they valued to be sublimated into devil-like apostles.

Apostles are monsters formed by negative emotions, and they feed on human flesh and souls.

The most ridiculous thing is that those who received Behelet said that this was fate.......

In addition to the apostles, there were also hundreds of panicked armored soldiers in the space. They wore simple medieval armor and held ordinary iron weapons.

"Where is this?"

"Weren't we just on the plain?"

These people are the sacrifices of this promotion ceremony, the mercenary Eagle Group. The two leaders are a brown-skinned woman with short black hair who is in charge of the overall situation. Her name is Casca.

"Don't panic, form a defensive formation immediately and be ready to respond to emergencies at any time."

In addition to the commanding woman, there is another short-haired black man with a strong body and a spirit that reaches the extreme of human beings. He is a human warrior who has reached the pinnacle of mortal martial arts. He is also the"protagonist" of this world, Guts.

Because they were attracted by the sacrifice, the apostles did not notice Thrall standing high up. He stood on the top of the egg-shaped hill and watched everything.

The two male and female protagonists did not let him pay too much attention, but a very thin man wearing an eagle helmet caught his attention. The disabled former leader of the Eagle Corps is the protagonist of this promotion ceremony, Griffith. He will use his companions as a stepping stone to enter the dream castle he has dreamed of.

Griffith was once a peerless handsome man with silver hair and neutral looks. He was brave and kind. He is good at fighting and strategizing, and is the dream lover of many women. He led the mercenary group to fight for 4 years and became a new noble in the kingdom.

Finally, at the fateful moment, he made a big mistake because of Guts's departure. He had a relationship with the daughter of the nymphomaniac king. He was imprisoned and abused by the king and became a useless man today.

Guts and Casca led the Eagle Group to rescue him from prison with great difficulty, and resisted wave after wave of pursuit. It was such partners and friends who eventually became the sacrifice for his promotion to the Hand of God.

Thinking of such a person, Thrall pulled out half of the blade and flashed a trace of murderous intent, but finally suppressed his murderous intent. His purpose this time was not to save people, but the Hands of God.

If the protagonist is allowed to leave now, I am afraid that this feast will be temporarily terminated.......

The Eagles were suddenly in a terrifying environment, and they panicked. In the end, they stabilized with Casca's efforts and temporarily formed a tight military formation.

This made Thrall admire her. She had a high reputation and could stabilize the morale of the army. She could also command the troops calmly in times of crisis. This woman was a rare human general.

If Thrall hadn't intervened, she would eventually become a madman, and her companions would be devoured by the apostles.

At this time, the apostles standing around suddenly groaned.

"The time is coming"

"The time is coming"

"The great festival that has been awaited for 216 years is finally here"

"Here comes the solar eclipse"

"Those masters are coming, our apostle king, the great Hand of God."

The apostles' chaotic voices filled the entire space. Suddenly, the ground shook, and a huge naked female body was pulled up from the ground, causing many apostles standing in place to fall from the sky.

The apostles sang the name of the Hand of God.


The woman had a body that was a hundred meters tall, an exposed body, a delicate face, snake-like hair, and four pairs of black wings growing from her back, fanning out fierce winds.

The wind blew up the corners of Thrall's clothes, and Thrall's eyes became solemn, because he used the sound of the breathing of all things and could hear a voice shouting the name of the Hand of God, as if welcoming these minions of the God of the Abyss.

But at a deeper level, the world seemed to be wailing again, resisting the existence of the Hand of God.

Thrall did not understand much of the knowledge of the gods, and could only mutter to himself the information that was sent.

"Yucca, the prostitute of the Fetal Sea, is an existence that can give birth to countless monsters."

Before the Eagle Group could recover from the shock, a huge ugly head suddenly fell from the space above, and exploded directly when it was close to the ground, turning into a human-sized flying insect that kept flying around, making an unpleasant laugh, as if mocking this group of sacrifices who didn't know their fate.

This God's Hand had a big head, and a black armored body like a beetle under the head.

"Ubik, the master of the imaginary world, plays with all the emotions of mortals."

A sharp noise cut through the space, and a God's Hand several dozen meters in size appeared. This God's Hand was like a deformed fetus with a beetle back, and a sharp sound came out of its disgusting mouth.

"Conrad, the spreader of plague and disease."

Three God's Hands appeared, and Thrall looked at the empty space between the three. A cold wind suddenly blew across the space, and countless wailing souls surged in, forming a very creepy figure. Boyd, the leader of the God's Hand, had a head with an enlarged brain, no ears, and no lower face.���The skin, nose, gums, and chin are exposed, and the eyelids are sutured with thread.

"Boyd, also known as the"Archangel, is a God's Hand born a thousand years ago, and is the oldest of the four."

Thrall stared at the four God's Hands, observing them with his Observation Haki, and finally confirmed that they were all entities, not clones formed from certain corpses.

Thrall, who had read the original work, knew a lot of information. The promotion ceremony of this Boyd seemed to have sacrificed millions of people in the empire at that time to the God of the Abyss.

And except for Boyd, the other God's Hands a thousand years ago were not the current three, which means that the position of the God's Hand can be replaced.

The god that the God's Hand is loyal to is the God of the Abyss, a god created by the darkness in the collective subconscious of mankind.

At this time, Boyd, as the leader of the God's Hand, began to speak, which aroused the excitement of the apostles.

"Dear apostles of the gods, please enjoy this sacred festival tonight."

"The prince chosen by Enguolu, Eagle. At this moment, you are the one chosen by our great gods, and you will become a member of the great gods like us."

The words of the Hand of God made the crew of the Eagle Group panic. The leader they had rescued with all their efforts was actually in the same group with the monsters on the opposite side.

"How is that possible? Griffith is not a monster like you."

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