Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 117: The Sun Pirates' Great Adventure in Wano Country (Please subscribe!!)

The fishmen pirates who came from afar did not have much information about Wano Country, and they had no idea about the existence of the submerged port, so they did not know how to enter Wano Country.

They thought of a stupid way.

The big ship of the Sun Pirates was constantly rising and falling in the turbulent currents near the coast of Wano Country. Fortunately, the fishmen were best at understanding the currents, and there was no better helmsman in the world than them. The helmsman on the ship easily stabilized the ship, so that it would not be pushed by the current and crashed into the cliffs of Wano Country and smashed to pieces.

At this time, led by Captain Fisher Tiger, a group of fishmen pirates jumped off the ship into the sea and disappeared directly in the turbulent currents.

When they emerged from the sea again, they were already on the edge of a cliff in the distance.

"Let's go! Climb up!"

Fisher Tiger gave an order.

Yes, after circling Wano Country for most of the time and not finding a place to land, Tiger felt that they could only climb up from the cliffs like he did before to Marijoa.

Under Tiger's leadership, the fishmen started climbing without any hesitation or delay.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the fishmen began to climb the cliffs of Wano Country, which were hundreds of meters high.

This was by no means an easy task. There were not many places to use for leverage on the bare cliffs that were washed by rain all year round. This terrifying height was also a huge test for physical strength.

But in fact, it was not bad for the fishmen. They had webbed hands, so they could even grab water and hold on to the mountain wall, which was of course not a difficult thing.

More importantly, the average strength of the fishmen was ten times that of humans, and the elite members of the Sun Pirates brought by Tiger at this time were all members, and their strength and physical strength were quite good, so climbing was not as difficult as imagined.

Even before the sunset completely sank into the horizon, Tiger had already climbed to the top of the cliff under the light of the sunset.

"Brother Tai, this country is very big. Where should we start looking?"

The speaker was Jinbei, the man who climbed up the cliff faster than Tiger, the strongest guy in Fishman Island in the true sense.

Tiger just looked forward in surprise.

He thought that behind the cliff was the mainland of Wano Country, but he also saw an ocean, an inland sea surrounding the land.

This country -

He frowned.

In terms of geographical environment, it is really as Otohime said, very suitable for the life of fishmen.

"First find someone to ask where our compatriots are."

Tiger said, "Land first, wait until dark before starting to act, and don't be exposed."

If the whereabouts are exposed, they will have to face the Beast Pirates who occupy this country.

Although Tiger had done unprecedented great things in Mary Geoise, he did not want to fight one of the strongest pirate groups in the world. That would be a disaster for his compatriots.


Jinbei nodded solemnly.

After everyone climbed up, they quietly sneaked into the inland sea and waited until dark before going ashore.

What surprised the fish people was that there were buildings under this inland sea!

It was as if this inland sea did not exist from the beginning, but later submerged a large number of buildings in Wano Country.

"Speaking of which,"

Jinbei recalled when he went ashore, "we seem to often see the remains of the past on the seabed around some islands? Could it be that there was a great flood in this world? Submerged a lot of land?"

"That kind of thing is fine,"

The third person of the Sun Pirates, Arlong, looked eagerly at Tiger, whom he admired the most, "Big brother, let's start!"

He couldn't wait, this time he was completely copying the great achievements of Big Brother!

Tiger nodded slightly, and he looked at the dense forest in front of him, which was still dim under the moonlight. "Let's go, find someone to ask for directions first!"

The group quietly sneaked into the dense forest and continued to move forward under the cover of night.

But this quiet forest always gave Tiger a weird feeling for some reason.

Jinbei said anxiously, "Brother Tai, I think someone is watching us."

Tiger also looked solemn. As soon as Jinbei said it, he realized that it was indeed like being watched.

"Spread out and search around."

So, the fish people spread out and carefully searched the dense forest around.

But they still found nothing.

"Is it my illusion?"

Jinbei frowned suspiciously, but the feeling of being spied on was still like a maggot on the tarsal bone, making him feel uneasy.

"Let's leave this forest quickly."

Fisher Tiger also felt uneasy in his heart, so he said.

The group sped up and soon passed through the forest. What appeared before them was a vast farmland, which seemed to have no end under the moonlight.

Tiger was silent.

This is the land.

This is a scene that can never be seen on Fishman Island. On the underwater Fishman Island, agriculture cannot be carried out at all. The only things that fishmen and mermaids can grow are some seafood.

"Brother Tai! What is that!"

Jinbei suddenly cried out.

Tiger looked in the direction of his sight.

Then he saw a mountain range shrouded in the night.

No, it doesn't seem to be a mountain, but a towering building.

"That's a factory?"

Tiger said hesitantly.

A factory of this size?

The lights were even on, and it looked like they were still working.

Next to that factory, there is a town, and the lights are shining at this time, as if the nightlife has just begun.

"It seems we are very lucky, Brother Tai,"

Jinbei smiled and said, "In this case, I can find someone to ask for directions."

Tiger nodded in agreement, "Then go and ask someone. Be careful and don't get discovered."

So, taking advantage of the cover of night, the group of people quietly sneaked towards that town.

But what they didn't know was that earlier, when they had just landed.

On Ghost Island, Ian called Derek and Jack over.


Jack was stunned for a moment, and then became furious, "You are really looking for death! You are so bold that you dare to invade the country of Wano! Brother Ian, I will kill them now!"

"Don't worry,"

Ian waved his hand, "I was discovered by the Dongtata clan as soon as I landed. Now they are traveling through the forest in Jiuli. Judging from the route of action, they should be heading towards the factory in Jiuli. There are wild beasts waiting for them there, so there shouldn't be any trouble. ”


He grinned, "Now is a good time to test your team."

"Leave it to us, Lord Ian!"

Derek said solemnly.

Finally, it was time for him to show off his skills!

In the Jiuli area, Tiger and his party, who were still completely unaware that their whereabouts had been exposed, were gradually approaching that town.

But suddenly.


A bright light came over, and the originally dark corner of the plain was instantly illuminated, and the figures of Tiger and others were immediately exposed.


Tiger was shocked.


But why?

I didn’t meet anyone along the way!

But in the darkness, a mighty voice came, "You desperate intruders, where do you think you are acting so recklessly?"

"Brother Tai!"

Jinbe exclaimed.


The worst has happened!

Now we really have to face the Beast Pirates!

Tiger didn't speak, he just looked forward against the strong light projected from a distance.

In the darkness, a group of people were approaching.

And behind this group of people, there is something huge following them.

"Big brother!"

Aaron pulled out his serrated sword and said in a very passionate tone, "As long as we kill these guys, we can know the whereabouts of our compatriots from their mouths!"

Tiger gritted his teeth slightly.

There is no other way now.

"Ready to fight!"

he chanted.


Not far away, approaching were the pirates of the Beasts Pirates stationed here.

They looked at the fish-man pirates who were ready for battle and couldn't help but sneered, "I don't know whether to live or die."

The pirates turned back and looked at the huge creature behind them.

"It's time for you to show up! Let these idiots see the power of the Beasts Pirates!"


The behemoth let out an earth-shattering roar and immediately pounced forward, rushing towards the Sun Pirates not far away like cannonballs.

The earth was shaking and the wind was howling.

"what is that!"

Jinbei's pupils narrowed.


What was rushing over at this moment was a lion!

But it is a big and exaggerated lion! The body length is at least over thirty meters!

Just by running, such a giant creature made the entire ground tremble slightly.

"It's just a beast!"

Aaron laughed and rushed forward, "The body is much smaller than the sea beasts in the sea!"


Tiger exclaimed, "Come back!"

He could feel that this lion was not just big in size!

"Don't worry, big brother! Watch me split its head open with one knife!"

Aaron jumped up and slashed the lion's head with his ferocious serrated sword, trying to split the lion's head in half from the middle.

"What an idiot."

Behind the lion, the pirates of the beasts sneered.

He didn't know what kind of monster he was facing at this time.

"Scared hahahaha!"

Aaron laughed and slashed his head with a knife.

The hard and sharp sword struck the giant on the head.


"How can it be!"

Aaron's expression suddenly changed.

its stuck!

His broadsword indeed broke through the skin of the giant beast, but it was directly blocked by the muscles! It's impossible to go any deeper.

What’s weird about this——


Feeling that he had been provoked, the King of Beasts roared furiously, flicked his head, and threw Aaron away. Then, he raised his huge claws and swatted him like a fly.

boom! !

The earth shook violently, and a huge hole was created in the ground by this giant beast.

At the bottom of the cave, Aaron was no longer human.


Jinbe exclaimed.

Tiger's pupils also tightened.

What kind of monster is this?

Neptune type?

"Retreat! Retreat toward the forest just now!"

Tiger shouted.

The cadres did not appear at all, but such a beast has such power.

Tiger knew that forcing a war would only lead to death.

retreat! Only retreat first!

He shouted to retreat, but Tiger himself took the initiative and rushed towards the giant beast, "Jinbei! Let's go and rescue Aaron!"

"I'll attract its attention!"

Jinbei was even faster than Tiger. He jumped up and said, "The Secret of Fishman Karate: Takese Tsuki!!"

The water condensed in his palm, and as he punched, all the water was broken into water vapor, and finally turned into a majestic shock wave that directly hit the lion's head.

The giant beast that had been hit by Aaron just now was like being bitten by a mosquito. It finally felt painful and staggered back with a scream.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiger rushed forward and picked up the bloody Aaron from the pit.


Tiger's eyes were full of pain.

They were all alive and kicking just now.

But now is not the time to be sad.


Tiger turned around and shouted, "Retreat!"

Jinbei looked solemn, "I understand, Brother Tai."


The giant beast that had just been repulsed shook its head, as if it was dizzy from being beaten.

However, it seemed like I was just dizzy.

He didn't hold back on the blow just now.

An ordinary sea beast must have been killed by one punch.


As Brother Tai said, the only option now is to retreat.

Without hesitation, Jinbei ran away.

The fish people began to run away in the direction they came from.

As long as they can return to the sea, no one can catch them.


The giant beast had already recovered from the blow Jinbe had just dealt, and in its fury, it roared and chased after him.

The beast pirates in the rear have already contacted the above.

"Lord Ian! They have returned to the original route, but they don't seem to be ordinary pirates. The guy in the lead seems to be the fishman Fisher Tiger!"

"You mean, Fisher Tiger?"

"Yes! I can never mistake the red-skinned fish-man pirate!"

The Sun Pirates' escape was not smooth, as the furious lion was always chasing behind them.

"Get out of my way!"

Jinbei and Tiger could only turn around. They attacked reasonably and finally knocked the giant beast away.

The forest from where we came was already in front of us.

But at this time, a sharp explosion suddenly came from the sky.

Tiger raised his head in surprise.

Under the soft moonlight, several huge pitch-black birds broke through the sky from a distance.

What is that?

In the sky, among the iron birds headed by it.

"Yes, Sir Ian, their whereabouts have been discovered!"

Drake was talking to someone on the phone, "It seems to be the Sun Pirates."

"Drive them to the beach, where Jack is waiting for them."


Derek hung up the phone here, and then connected the communication with others.

"Listen to my orders and prepare to drop bombs! Be careful not to target the pirates and drive them towards the coast."

"Yes! Boss Drake!!"

The uniform response from the subordinates came from the communication channel.

As the number one pilot of Onigashima who accompanied Quinn on the experimental aircraft during Ian's absence, after the first batch of trial aircraft were manufactured, Drake became the captain of this flying team without hesitation.

Tiger and others did not understand what was passing above their heads at this time, but they soon realized that it was a more terrifying existence than the beast just now.

Whoosh whoosh!

A sharp sound broke through the air.

Jinbei saw with his eyes the "eggs" pulled down towards them by these iron birds?

Boom boom boom boom!

The next moment, not far behind them, there was a violent explosion, and brilliant fireworks directly illuminated the dim wilderness.

Because of the strong shock wave from the explosion, all the fish people were blown away.

The disgraced Tiger raised his head. The iron bird was still hovering in the sky. At this time, his eyes were splitting. "It's the weapon of the Beast Pirates! Run! Run into the forest!"

Only the forest is safe!

The fishmen also noticed this, and without any hesitation, the group rushed into the dark forest, and then headed towards the coast without stopping.

As long as they can enter the sea, there is nothing the Beast Pirates can do against them!

The whistling sound of the iron bird still sounded overhead, making all the fishmen feel uneasy.

"Is this the Beast Pirates?"

Jinbei couldn't help but feel depressed.

Those cadres whose reputations are known all over the world have not yet taken action. Just dispatching a beast and a few weapons have already put them in a desperate situation.

"Leave here first and then think about the long term!"

Tiger said.

This action was too reckless.

Fortunately, after entering the forest, those weapons stopped bombing.

Probably because they don’t want to destroy the forest.

This was a good thing, and it made the nervous fish people feel a little relieved.

Soon, they had arrived at the edge of the forest.

And beyond the forest is the sea!

Now all they have to do is jump into the sea. No matter how powerful the aircraft in the sky are, they can't do anything to them.

However, when the pirate in the front rushed to the shore and was about to jump down, he was stunned.

Then he screamed, "Brother Tiger!!"

Tiger's heart tightened and he quickly approached.

Then he was also stunned.

The empty sea surface was now very lively.

The first thing that caught Tiger's eyes was a few huge sea beasts, floating on the water and staring at them.

And around the sea beasts, there were familiar figures.

On the top of one of the sea beasts, a tall boy looked down at them.

"I've been waiting for a long time, the Sun Pirates!"

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